endocrine lab

Name: ____________________________________________________
Period: _________
Date Due: _______
Lab #13: The Endocrine System
Objectives: list the major endocrine organs and describe functions; describe how hormones are classified; describe mechanism of
hormones; list major hormones produced by major glands and the effects
Materials: textbook pages 605-638; handout; computer with internet access
1. Write the name of the endocrine producing organ or area on the line after the letter including the ones not
illustrated (J,K,L) Color each organ a different color
2. Both the endocrine and nervous system are regulating and communication systems. Explain the differences between
them, including speed. (p605) (p1 orange folder)__________________________________________________________
3. Define hormone: (p606) ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Chemically, hormones belong to two molecular groups, ______________________________________ and
________________________________________________(p606) (p1 orange folder)
4. Whether steroids or amino acid based, hormones effect body tissue and cells by __________________
5. Define target cells or organs: ________________________________________________________________________
6. Hormones travel in the blood stream yet all tissues do not respond to all hormones. Explain: _________________
Hormones affect target cells by two main signaling mechanisms. To understand these
mechanisms and to get an overview of the endocrine system use the web activities below:
Use the Endocrine tab on School wires
go to www.masteringbiology.com
Click on Sign In
 Username: howardbiology2014
 Password: george14
go to study area tab on right
scroll down to Chapter 26 and hit go
Under "The Nature of Chemical Regulation"
do the three Activities on cell signaling and hormone action
Use the page "Nature of Chemical Regulation" as you do the activities
click on the book and read page 518-519 for clarification
Under "Extend your Knowledge"
Watch the two BLAST animations: Signaling: Endocrine and Signaling via Steroid Hormones
Under "The Vertebrate Endocrine System"
click on the book and read pages 520-529
answer questions in the lab as you read.
Under "Hormones and Homeostasis"
click on and do the Activity: Human Endocrine Glands and Hormones" IMPORTANT!!!
Use Table 26.3 (page 521) to help you complete this activity
Watch the Bioflix video "Regulating Blood Sugar" for a good review of insulin and glucagon
Take the three post tests
GO to these sites to view videos to help you understand; also try youtube videos
Cells communicate with one another by means of a variety of chemical signals, such
as ______________________________________and ___________________________________
For the receiving cell, there are three stages in the signaling process: _____________________________,
________________________________________, _____________________________________________
The cell targeted by a particular signal has a ________________molecule complementary to the signal
molecule. The signal molecule fits the receptor like a ___________ in a lock and triggers a change in the
receptor molecule.
Signal transduction converts the change in the receptor to a form that can bring about a cellular response. This
might involve a series of steps-- a ____________________________________________________________- that alters and amplifies the change.
In the third stage of cell signaling, the transduction process brings about a cellular response, such as activation
of a certain ______________ or activation of a specific __________ that results in the synthesis of a particular
Hormones act as chemical signals, but how do they trigger changes in particular target cells? Nonsteroid
hormones-- hormones derived from amino acids (oxytocin and epinephrine, for example)-- work
via _______________________________________________________ to activate or inhibit proteins within
cells. These hormones can trigger an ________________ response in target cells by turning cell components
on or off.
A nonsteroid hormone binds to a receptor protein in the plasma membrane. The receptor activates a signaltransduction pathway in the cell. A series of relay molecules transmits the signal to a protein that carries out
the cell's response. In this case, an enzyme is activated. A different nonsteroid hormone might trigger a
different response, perhaps turning on specific genes that result in the synthesis of a particular protein.
A steroid hormone, such as testosterone or an estrogen, acts by entering a target cell and
turning __________________on or off. Steroids usually act rather _________________________, because it
takes time for gene products to build up or become depleted
This steroid hormone passes through the plasma membrane and binds to a receptor protein in the cytoplasm.
The hormone-receptor complex enters the nucleus and attaches to specific regulatory sites on the target cell's
DNA. There it acts as a transcription factor-- a gene activator. A messenger RNA molecule is transcribed,
which is then translated into a protein (an enzyme, for example). This new protein alters the function of the
target cell.
Read pages 611-612 in your textbook.
Explain the difference between humoral, neural, and hormonal stimuli. Be brief
Hypothalamus and the pituitary: Use your textbook pages 612-620 or the masteringbiology.com book
pages 522-523 to answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the relationship of the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland? _____________________________
2. What are the differences between the posterior pituitary and the anterior pituitary? ________________
3. What is the difference between releasing hormones and inhibiting hormones? _____________________
4. Growth hormone is secreted by the ____________________lobe of the _____________________gland.
GW has a broad effect on all parts of the body.
What is the difference between gigantism and acromegaly? ________________________________________
Pituitary dwarfism can now be prevented by administering _________________________________________
What does abuse of HGH lead to? ____________________________________________________________
5. What are endorphins? ___________________________________________________________________
Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: Use your textbook pages 620-625 or the my biology place book pages
524-525 to answer the questions that follow.
1. List some of the important functions of the thyroid hormones:
2. What is the difference between T3 and T4 ? ___________________________________________________
3. What is goiter? _________________________________________________________________________
4. What is Graves' disease? _________________________________________________________________
Why are PTH (parathyroid hormone) and calcitonin said to be antagonistic hormones? ________________
The Adrenal Glands and Stress: Use your textbook pages 626-632 or the my biology place book pages
528-529 or the chart about stress to answer the questions that follow.
Where are the adrenal glands located? _______________________________________________
2. Functionally, the adrenal glands are two glands; the inner part is the ________________________
and the outer part is the ______________________________________
3. The adrenal cortex releases corticosteroids (steroids from the cortex). Describe or draw the basic
steroid structure.
4. The adrenal Medulla releases the “fight or flight” hormones. What are they? ___________________
5. What are the short term responses to stress? (be brief) ____________________________________
6. Humans were not meant to have prolonged stress like many of us experience in today’s world. What
are some of the consequences of prolonged stress? _________________________________________
Match hormones to glands Use chart in orange folder or textbook to match the organ or part of organ to
the appropriate hormone; some hormones are produced by more than one gland, choose the gland that
produced the majority of the hormone
a. adrenal gland cortex
b. adrenal gland medulla
d. hypothalamus (posterior lobe of pituitary gland)
f. pancreas
g. parathyroid glands
i. testes
k. Thyroid gland
c. anterior lobe of pituitary gland
e. ovaries
h. pineal gland
_____ 1. ADH and oxytocin
______ 2. Thyroxin and Calcitonin
______ 3. Epinephrine and norepinephrine
______ 4. Insulin and glucagon
______ 5. Estrogen and progesterone
______ 6. Growth hormone, FSH, and TSH
______ 7. Melatonin
______ 8. Testosterone and other androgens
______ 9. PTH (parathyroid hormone)
_____ 10. Aldosterone and cortisone (mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids)
Diseases / disorders of the Endocrine System Write the hormone associated with these disorders
_______________________ 1. goiter
_______________________ 2. acromegaly in adults
_______________________ 3. abnormally large stature with relatively normal body proportions
_______________________ 4. Cushing's syndrome: moon face, hypertension, edema
_______________________ 5. abnormally small stature with relatively normal body proportions
_______________________ 6. Graves' disease: bulging eyeballs, nervousness, increased pulse
_______________________ 7. cretinism: dwarfism with mental retardation
_______________________ 8. myxedema: low metabolic rate, always cold, lethargy
_______________________ 9. diabetes mellitus: polyuria, and excessive thirst