Senior Class of 2012 Below are important links. Be sure you check back for more information as the year progresses. Click on each item to get information: ALL NIGHT PARTY RESERVATION FORM AND INFORMATION IMPORTANT DATES SENIOR REMINDERS CONTACTS Senior Pictures By the time you read this, most of you will have had your senior portraits taken by the official school studio, Prestige Portraits. All seniors photographed by Prestige will automatically have their picture in the yearbook and on the class composite. If you choose another studio, you will need to submit a yearbook photo to the Seaholm Publications department by the production deadline of January 12, 2012. The requirements are 1 inch by 1.5 inches (top of head to bottom of chin), Medium Blue background, traditional pose, JPEG or TIFF format, 150 DPI or larger file size. You may submit on disk or by email ( Photos taken at registration may also be used for the yearbook but you must notify Mr. Harwood of this choice. Senior Yearbook Ads This is a great opportunity for parents to salute their graduating senior. Parents will be able to fully control, create and design their senior ads for the first time this year. This will be done online with payment by credit card. Detailed information will be available at the Open House in September. All ads are subject to final approval by the publications advisor, Mr. Harwood. Graduation Announcements and Class Rings Josten’s is the official supplier of these items for graduating seniors. Announcements are a nice way to inform family and friends of this special occasion. Packets will go out to all seniors at the end of January. Josten’s will be in the school right before Midwinter break to take orders. Orders can also be placed online using the information on the packet. Cap and Gown Cap and gown will be ordered at registration. Josten’s sends a representative to take weight/height measurements for your order at registration. Seaholm’s Josten’s contact is Mr. Tim Hollandsworth (734-652-6501). The items will arrive in the spring and be distributed at Graduation Practice on Friday, June 1st. The cost for your cap and gown is already included in your senior class dues paid during online registration. Graduation The Class of 2012 will hold Graduation on Sunday, June 3, 2012 at 4:00pm in the Seaholm Gymnasium. Seniors have the opportunity to actively participate in this day by auditioning for student speeches. Watch for information about this in the spring. There are no tickets required for graduation and seating is plentiful. Good luck and have a great year!! Senior Class of 2012 Parents Reps Alonna Almeranti Terri Eick Kris Ortale Nancy Shiner Catherine Turnbull 248-646-2317 248-646-1323 248-646-3303 248-433-1659 248-644-7920 Ann DeBoer –Faculty Class Advisor Senior All Night Party 2012 Seaholm High School The annual “All Night Party” for Seaholm Seniors will be held on the night of graduation, June 3, 2012 at 10pm at Derby Middle School. The night ends at 4am. Previous parties have been tremendously successful with almost 100% participation. The night includes music, food, entertainment, games and prizes. The party allows the Class of 2012 to celebrate their graduation together in an enjoyable, safe and memorable way. The parents of the senior class are responsible for the planning and organization of the party. The ticket price is $60.00 per student. We appreciate any additional donations towards the cost of the evening. After ordering a ticket each student will receive a mailed invitation with all the pertinent details in the spring. We will need many senior parent volunteers to make the event run smoothly. Please reserve your student’s ticket now by completing this form and attaching your check. Your student should bring this completed form and check to Senior registration on August 25th in the auditorium. Alternatively please mail the completed form and check to either of the Reservations Chairs Martha Quay Julie Parsons 841 N. Glengarry or Bloomfield Hills, Mi 48301 3286 Wendover Troy, Mi 48084 Student’ Name___________________________________ Parent’s Name___________________________________ Home Phone Number _____________________________ Parent Email address______________________________ Ticket Price: $60.00 ______________ Parent Donation ($75.00 after May 1, 2012) $______________ TOTAL ==================== Please make your check out to “Seaholm All Night Party” and attach to this completed form. We look forward to an unforgettable evening for our well deserving seniors. 2012 All Night Party Co-Chairs Terri Eick Missy Hess Betsy Laboe Important Dates for Students August 25th 12:30-3:30pm: Senior Class registration in the auditorium. Bring all the forms your parents should have completed on the school’s website for both school and PTSA. You’ll be measured for your cap and gown, have your picture taken, get a locker etc. Be sure to bring the Completed Form and Check for your reservation for the All Night Party. The form is here. This fun party organized by the senior parents is a not to be missed event held the evening of graduation. September 9th: New Family Welcome at the Seaholm Home Football Game. If your family is new to the school please join us. September 13th 7pm Auditorium: Senior/Senior Parent Night. Come and learn everything about the college application specifically for seniors. Now’s the time to get started. Get all your questions answered. This is hosted by the Counseling Department. Weekend of September 30th-October 1st: Homecoming football game Friday night and Dance on Saturday night. Hosted by Student Congress. October 14th: Field Day in the gym. Please listen for announcements and watch for signs as this great day gets planned. Remember you must attend both the March AND the Song rehearsal to participate on the 14th. March practice Sept 27th 7:15am in the gym- Song practice Oct 4th 7:15am in the auditorium. We always need new students to help design, build and plan things. This is your year to win it all!! October 26th: Powderpuff Football game. Senior girls vs. Junior girls. November 15th: National Honor Society Induction of new members. Current Senior members are to attend. December 10th: Snowflake Ball Dance. New theme. Same great dance for all students to attend. Hosted by the Sophomore Class. February 11th: Sadies Dance. Hosted by the Junior Class. February 16th: SOS talent show. Support your friends or perform yourselves. A great cause. March 21st: Dodgefest. Get a team together and support a great cause. April 27th: Prom. May 17th: Awards Assembly. Invitations will be mailed. May 22nd: Senior Breakfast. Class group picture taken, vote for mock class awards. May 25th: Senior Dinner. Senior video shown and announcement of mock awards May 29th-31st: Senior final exams. June 1st: Graduation practice. 9:00am- Rehearsal and pick up cap and gown. June 3rd: Graduation. 4pm- Gym. No tickets are required. June 3rd: Senior All Night Party. 10pm-4am at Derby Middle School. Reservation Form Here. Seaholm student congress is being led by co-presidents Kirstyn Shiner and Kellie Howe The Senior Class president is Seth Kreitman. VP is Camille Sanborn and Secretary is Cartier Zori. Important Dates for Parents All of the above plus: PTSA Meetings (all in the media center): Sept 12th 9am, Oct 3rd 7pm, Nov 7th 7pm, Dec 5th 9am, Jan 9th 7pm, Feb 6th 9am, Mar 5th 7pm, Apr 9th 7pm, May 7th 9am. Counselor Coffees (all in the staff lounge at 9am):Sept 28th, Nov 9th, Jan 11th, Apr 18th October 12-13th : Drop off of donations for the Annual Field Day Charity Food Drive for Gleaners. Bring items Wed after school or Thurs before/after school to the gym doors. Fall Conferences: October 19th 4-7pm Winter Curriculum Night: December 6th 7pm Winter Conferences: January 26th 4-7pm Spring Conferences: May 3rd 4-7pm