Parent meeting Jan. 6th

Minutes for c/o 2015 Parent meeting – January 6, 2015
Passed out cap and gown order forms. The deadline for cap and gown order forms is January
23rd. After that, the price will increase $10, with another $10 added on in March. The website
to order cap and gowns is
ACT Prep – There is tutoring after school for students studying for the ACT. If your student
needs any information about or help studying for the ACT, please see Ms. Rogerson or Ms.
Please make sure you are keeping track of your student’s credits for graduation. The required
GPA for graduation is 2.0. Report cards will be issued at the end of the month and the GPA is
listed on the report card.
February 25th will be a College and Career Day for all seniors at LHS. Within the next several
weeks, your student will bring home a pre-arranged absence form for you to sign. All lower
class students will be taking the SAT on campus and we need to have all seniors off campus that
day. This gives seniors the opportunity to visit colleges on a school day or job shadow a career
in which they are interested.
April 11th is Prom. It will be held at Harbor Hills Country Club in Lady Lake. Tickets will go on
sale the last week of March. The theme is “A Night in Paris”. The ticket prices will range from
$35 - $55.
April 24th is Grad Bash at Universal Studios. Tickets will be $85. This includes the price of the
ticket to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure plus the cost of renting a charter bus for
transportation. The tickets will go on sale February 2nd and will continue through the month of
February. The last day to buy a Grad Bash ticket will be February 27th.
April 17th is the Senior BBQ. In the past, the seniors would meet in the auditorium to eat and
hang out until the end of school. It has been suggested that the seniors could go to Venetian
Gardens to have their BBQ there. Then questions came up about transportation and how to
keep all the students out of trouble at a park as big as Venetian Gardens. One parent had the
suggestion to hold the eating BBQ in the auditorium and then move to the practice football field
for the bouncy house and other games. This suggestion seemed the best and will be put to Mr.
Miller for approval.
Project Graduation is scheduled for 12 am – 6 am the night of Graduation (May 29th). We have a
list of parents who are willing to coordinate this party for the seniors. A parent also brought in a
folder of past contacts that can be used for this year’s project graduation. Our budget for
Project Graduation is $1900, but this money cannot be used for prizes.
Baccalaureate services are scheduled for Tuesday, May 26th, at night. The parents would rather
have the service on a Sunday afternoon, so the date has tentatively been changed to May 17 th.
We have 3 churches to choose from: Leesburg First Baptist, Morrison Methodist Church, and
Life Church. I will get in touch with each church to find out the capacity and other details.
Graduation is May 29th at 7 pm on the football field. Each senior will get 10 tickets. All seniors
must clear any debt with the school bookkeeper by the day of graduation or they will not be
able to practice graduation or walk in the graduation ceremony.
The next senior class parent meeting will be on February 3rd at 7pm in the auditorium.