



The following is an outline of the Grade 9 Geography June 2014 examinations and the topics which must be revised.


1. Plate Tectonics

Continental Drift Theory and the evidence to support this theory

Plate Tectonics Theory- how and why plates move, types of plates and their characteristics

Types of plate boundaries and brief description of each boundary (with the aid of diagrams)

The activities and the features formed at each boundary

Named examples of each type of plate boundary

Locate the major and Caribbean plate on a map of the world

The direction of movement of the Caribbean Plate and the landforms/features formed as a result of this plate’s interaction with others

2. Earthquakes and Volcanoes

Definition of the terms earthquake and volcano

The location of earthquakes and volcanoes in relation to plate boundaries

Use a labelled diagram to show how earthquakes occur

The instruments used to detect, measure and record earthquakes

Differentiate between the two scales used to measure the magnitude/intensity of an earthquake

Tsunami formation

Effects of earthquakes on the human and physical environment and ways to reduce the damages caused

Use a diagram to identify the main features of a volcano

The different types of material ejected from volcanoes

The ways in which a volcano may be formed

The life cycle of volcanoes

The methods & instruments used to detect volcanic eruptions

The positive & negative effects of earthquakes on the human and physical environment and

 ways in which damage from volcanoes can be reduced

Methods of predicting volcanoes and earthquakes

Explain why countries respond differently to earthquake and volcanic events

3. World Development

Define the term development

Classification of levels of development

United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Types of development Measures- GDP,GNI, HDI

The Human Development Index- including who developed it and why it was developed & its components

Types of Aid

Advantages and Disadvantages of Aid

Features of Sustainable Development.

4. Geographical Enquiry

Constructing the research question.

Types of research sources

Finding reputable research sources

Methods of Data Collection.

Graphical methods of data representation

Elements of Analysis.

Constructing a Bibliography

5. Map Skills

Essential map features

Using the map key (conventional symbols and colours

Locate places using four and six figure grid references.

Give the direction (sixteen point compass) of places on maps.

Use the ration and linear scale on maps

Measure distances on a map along a straight and curved path

Draw inferences from map information.

Interpreting contour lines.

Drawing cross-sections from contour lines

Identify topographic features from cross-sections

Relationship between topographic and manmade features on a map


This examination will have three sections. All sections must be attempted.

SECTION A –will consist of multiple choice questions, fill-in-the blanks and true/false questions covering the entire syllabus.

SECTION B- Short answer questions will be given. This section will also be focusing on application map skills and geographical enquiry skills.

SECTION C- The focus of this section will be application of knowledge and thinking skills from topics 1-3.

Students will be given three questions of which they are to answer any two questions.


Students should consult the following in preparation for the exams:


Notebooks, Handouts and Worksheets


New Key Geography Interactions text:

Plate Tectonics – pages: 30-31

Volcanoes & Earthquakes – pages: 29, 32-33, 28-35, 36-39, 40-43

Development – pages: 134, 128-129, 130-133, 136-138, chapter on sustainable development


Basic Mapwork Skills text – pages: 7-9


Internet Website – Map Zone
