Title of the Unit The Animal Kingdom Course / Level 4 th Primary

Coordinación bilingüe
Isabel Pérez Torres
Template to design a CLIL didactic unit
Subject: SCIENCE
Title of the Unit
Teacher: Miryam Ordiérez Moro
The Animal Kingdom
1. Learning outcomes
/ Evaluation criteria
2. Subject Content
Course / Level
4th Primary Education
To remember the concept of vertebrates and invertebrates.
To know the types of vertebrates: mammals, reptiles, fish,
amphibians, birds.
To distinguish between viviparous and oviparous.
To distinguish between hervivores, carnivores and
The Animal Kingdom: classification according to they have
got spinal column and bones or not, what they eat and how
they are born.
3. Language Content / Communication
NOUNS: vertebrates, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles,
fish, amphibians, birds, viviparous, oviparous, hervivores,
carnivores, omnivores, eggs, lungs, meat, scales, legs,
wings, plants, grass.
VERBS: live, eat, breath.
Present simple of the verb ´To be´.
Present simple tense.
Discourse type
Descriptions of animals in which they tell about the type of
animal, how they are born and what they eat.
Language skills
LISTENING: videos about: classification of animals,
animals in ´Cabárceno´.
SPEAKING: talk about an animal they choose from
Cabárceno and describe it.
READING: easy texts about animals. A worksheet in which
an animal is described and they have to guess it and draw
WRITING: classification of animals.
4. Contextual (cultural)
In Cantabria there is an interesting place where they can
find lots of animals. It is ´Cabáceno´. They have to choose
one to talk about it in the final project. Their final projects
will be shown at the corridor of school.
Coordinación bilingüe
Isabel Pérez Torres
5. Cognitive (thinking)
To explain.
To repeat.
To understand.
To analize.
6. (a) Task(s)
A final Project: after collecting information about an animal
they can find in ´Cabárceno´, they will make a mural about
it and will show it to the rest of the students. They will
describe the animal and its characteristics. All the murals
will be shown at the corridor of the school with the title
´Welcome to Cabárceno´.
6. (b) Activities
To watch videos.
To look at different pictures of animals and classify them.
To read a description of an animal and guess it and draw
A mural for the final project.
A test to remember several aspects of animals and its
7. Methodology
Organization and class
distribution / timing
Resources / Materials
Slideshare presentations with pics of animals.
Pictures of animals in ´Cabárceno´.
Smart board.
Social competence.
Learn to learn.
Digital competence.
Knowledge and interaction with the environment.
Key Competences
Six sessions. During the fifith and sixth session, students
will show their projects.
Different groupings depending on the activity: pair work,
whole class work, individual work.
Coordinación bilingüe
8. Evaluation (criteria
and instruments)
Isabel Pérez Torres
1. Know the types of vertebrates: mammals, reptiles, fish,
amphibians, birds.
2. Distinguish between viviparous and oviparous.
3. Distinguish between hervivores, carnivores and omnivores.
Final project: description of an animal.
Puedes usar este modelo de plantilla con la siguiente licencia.
Un primer modelo de esta plantilla ha sido publicado en:
Pérez Torres, I. 2009. "Apuntes sobre los principios y características de la metodología AICLE" en V.
Pavón, J. Ávila (eds.), Aplicaciones didácticas para la enseñanza integrada de lengua y contenidos.
Sevilla: Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Andalucía-Universidad de Córdoba.171-180.
Está basada sobre todo en la experiencia práctica a la hora de diseñar unidades y
conversaciones con expertos y compañeros. También he tenido en cuenta la teoría de las 4 Cs
de Do Coyle, expuesto en numerosas publicaciones como por ejemplo: Coyle, D., Hood, P. and
Marsh, D., 2010. Content and Language Integrated Learning. Cambridge University Press.