Don`t waste our recycling efforts

Media Release
Monday, 12 May 2014
Don’t waste our recycling efforts
Council’s waste management team are operating a bin inspection program over the next two
months to reduce the amount of incorrect materials found in recycling and garden waste bins.
Moonee Valley Mayor Cr Jan Chantry said placing incorrect materials, such as plastic bags,
into your recycling or garden waste bin can cause an entire truck of recycling material to be
sent to landfill.
“We want to make sure that we’re reducing the amount of waste that we send to landfill in
Moonee Valley. In order to do that we need to check bins and educate residents who aren’t
doing the right thing.”
“If your bin is checked it will have an information tag on it which will either say ‘Hooray, great
job on recycling correctly’ or ‘Oops, plastic bags don’t go in this bin’.”
“If the wrong things are found in your bins, Council staff will knock on the door to explain what
the incorrect items were and give the resident a leaflet explaining what goes in which bin.”
The focus of this program is to inform residents about what can and can’t go into their bins to
help them make positive changes.
Council’s Environmental Sustainability portfolio holder, Cr Shirley Cornish said we won’t be
issuing fines if we find the wrong things in the bin.
“We’re interested in making Moonee Valley an environmentally friendly place to live, and we
need residents to help us do that.”
“If you’re unsure about what should go in your recycling and garden waste bins then check the
back pages of your Council calendar, visit Council’s website or call Council to find out.
Signage will be placed around the streets where inspections are taking place to inform
residents that this is occurring in the area.
Inspectors will be clearly identifiable as Council staff, and will have information leaflets and
letters to give to residents.
For more information please visit or call 9243 8888.
Media enquiries:
Letitia Duncan, Media and Communications Team Leader
Mobile: 0408 570 106; Email: | 9243 8888
9 Kellaway Ave – PO Box 126 Moonee Ponds VIC 3039