AGENDA ITEM NO: 6 ENVIRONMENT AND REGENERATION SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER 2009 REPORT OF THE CHIEF ENVIRONMENT OFFICER CHANGES TO THE WASTE COLLECTION PROCEDURES AND PROCESSES 1. PURPOSE OF THE REPORT (i) To seek a recommendation from Members for changes to the waste/recycling collection service in regard to missed collections. (ii) To seek a recommendation from Members for charging for administration delivery of green bins. (iii) To advise Members of the Council’s current quarter 1 recycling/composting performance. 2. SUMMARY 2.1 Over the past five years, Wrexham has made significant progress in improving its recycling/composting rates and this was achieved by the Council approving the following action: The introduction of the ‘Recycle with Michael’ scheme when residents were given a green sack, recycling box and a green bin in order to collect their dry recyclables and green waste. This scheme has proven to be very successful and since its introduction, Wrexham has always been in the top quartile in Wales. The Council also introduced Bring Sites throughout the County Borough and there are currently 35, which allows residents to recycle other items within their community. All refuse collection rounds were reviewed in 2008 to improve the efficiency of the rounds which now involves a zoned approach to collecting waste. Since the completion of the new PFI funded waste plant on Wrexham Industrial Estate, the Council is currently rolling out a scheme asking residents -1- to place their food waste, along with corrugated cardboard into their green bin, and flat cardboard into their green/blue bag along with their paper, which gives residents greater flexibility for recycling. All residents receive a yearly sticker advising them of their weekly collection arrangements. This is to ensure that residents are fully aware of any changes to the collection system on Bank Holidays. All refuse vehicles now have a vehicle tracking system fitted to them so the Department and the Call Centre are aware of the location of these vehicles at any time. Since the introduction of the ‘Recycle with Michael’ scheme, residents have received green bins, boxes and bags free of charge. Members will appreciate this is to encourage residents to participate in the scheme. During this period, there has been a significant demand for green bins and recycling boxes. Officers believe we have reached a stage when every resident within the County Borough has now received one green bin or more. The demand for green bins is now putting a financial burden on the Environment Department, especially when you consider the purchase of the bin, the administration and delivery costs. There have been 851 requests for green bins since 1 April 2009. Similarly with requests for boxes and bags, again it has a similar effect. All bags are currently sent out by post which is the most effective way of delivery these items. However, Officers are seeking support from Members for the recycling bags to be kept at Housing Estate Offices and the Contact Centre, where residents can collect them free of charge. Only residents on assisted collection will receive their bags through the post. 2.2 The Council currently does not have a formalised policy in regard to missed collections. Members will appreciate that the cost of running a refuse vehicle team is quite substantial with fuel costs being one of the major elements. The Department receives a number of calls in regard to missed collections which has resulted in vehicles driving quite some distance to collect one bin. It is therefore suggested that if the bin is missed by a Council error, then that bin is collected forthwith. If the bin is missed by a resident not placing the bin in readiness for collection, then the Council will only return to collect that bin if the resident telephones before 2.30 pm on the day of their collection. 2.3 Vehicles are now fitted with a device where the refuse operative can activate a button on the vehicle to advise the Department and the Contact Centre that no bin was presented by the resident. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS That Members recommend the following to Executive Board:- -2- 3.1 An administrative/delivery charge of £10.00 is levied on all future requests for green bins from 1st April 2010. 3.2 That recycling bags are made available for collection at the Contact Centre (Lord Street), local Housing Offices and on refuse collection vehicles only. Bags will continue to be posted to residents on the Assisted Collection Scheme. 3.3 Residents not presenting their domestic refuse bins by 7.30 am, which are recorded by the refuse crews, will not be collected until the next scheduled collection day, unless the crews are in the local area and a call is received prior to 2.30 pm on the day of the scheduled collection. 3.4 That Members review these arrangements after 12 months. 4. INFORMATION 4.1 All residents in the County Borough have been provided with the following receptacles: Green bin for garden, food and cardboard waste - collected fortnightly free of charge. Recycling bag for paper and white card - collected weekly free of charge. Recycling box for plastics and glass - collected weekly free of charge. Kitchen caddy to transfer food waste to green bin - free of charge. Residual bin – collected fortnightly – charged. 4.2 Wrexham County Borough Council currently consists of some 60,000 properties and more than 130,500 residents. Each week approximately 120,000 individual waste/recycling collections are made across the County Borough. 4.3 The current missed collection rate is 65 per 100,000 collections made. (Approximately 80 per week). 4.4 There have been 851requests for new green bins, 1,232 for new boxes and 505 requests for both boxes and additional bins since 1 April 2009. 4.5 The percentage of municipal waste re-used, recycled or composted from April 2009 to June 2009 by Wrexham County Borough Council was 42.82%. 5. EQUALITIES IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5.1 The Council’s waste collection procedures and practices have been impact assessed and designed to meet the needs of relevant minority groups. -3- 6. RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS All of the recommendations can all be achieved using existing resources. 7. LEAD MEMBER COMMENT The free issue of boxes and additional green bins over the past five years for the’ Recycle with Michael’ scheme has ensured that all residents of Wrexham have now been provided with the equipment to meet their recycling needs. The new charging arrangements will be sufficient to cover the costs of delivering and administrating new green bins to residents. The new arrangements for missed collections will reduce unnecessary mileage to improve both the efficiency and carbon footprint which is one of the Council’s Corporate Priorities. BACKGROUND PAPERS None LOCATION Report No: CEnO/21/09S -4- WEBSITE INFO.