CV -

100 Ecology Building, 1987 Upper Buford Circle, St. Paul, MN, 55108
Phone: 770-722-4793, Email:
University of Minnesota – St. Paul, MN
Ph.D. Candidate: Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior
Minor: Risk Assessment of Introduced Species and Genotypes
Advised by Eric Seabloom and Elizabeth Borer
Georgia Institute of Technology – Atlanta, GA
B.S. in Biology, Highest Honors
Teaching Assistant (Univ. Minnesota)
NSF Graduate Research Fellow (Univ. Minnesota)
NSF ISG-IGERT Fellowship (Univ. Minnesota)
Undergraduate Researcher (Georgia Tech)
NSF REU Fellow (St. Olaf College)
NSF REU Fellow (Univ. California, Santa Barbara)
SURE Fellow (Emory Univ.)
Fall 2011 - Present
Fall 2007 - Spring 2011
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
Fall 2013 – Summer 2014
Fall 2011 – Summer 2013
Spring 2009 - Summer 2011
Summer 2010
Summer 2009
Summer 2008
Alexander and Lydia Anderson Grant
UMN EEB Research Award
HHMI Research Mentor Program
IGERT Research Award
UMN EEB Travel grant
ELME 2013 at Kellogg Biological Station Travel Award
Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases Workshop Scholarship
Summer 2015
Spring 2014
Spring 2014
Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Summer 2013
Summer 2012
Seabloom, E. W., E. T. Borer, K. Gross, A. E. Kendig, C. Lacroix, C. E. Mitchell, E. A.
Mordecai, A. G. Power. 2015. The community ecology of pathogens: coinfection,
coexistence and community composition. Ecology Letters. doi: 10.1111/ele.12418.
MacDougall, A. S., J. R. Bennett, J. Firn, E. W. Seabloom, E. T. Borer, E. M. Lind, J. L.
Orrock, W. S. Harpole, Y. Hautier, P. B. Adler, E. Cleland, K. Davies, B. Melbourne,
S. M. Prober, J. D. Bakker, P. a. Fay, V. L. Jin, A. Kendig, K. J. La Pierre, J. Moore,
J. Morgan, and C. J. Stevens. 2014. Anthropogenic-based regional-scale factors most
consistently explain plot-level exotic diversity in grasslands. Global Ecology and
Biogeography, 23: 802-810. doi: 10/1111/geb.12157.
Kendig, A. E., J. Kubanek. 2011. Characterization of the chemical defenses of Sagittaria
graminea, a freshwater plant, against crayfish herbivory. Georgia Tech Senior Thesis.
Kendig, A.E., Seabloom, E.W., Borer, E.T., Mitchell, C.E., Power, A.G. (2013) Using spatial
patterns to infer disease processes in a multi-host, multi-pathogen system. Ecological
Society of America 2013 Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Kendig A.E., Refsland T.K., Henn J.J., Herron-Sweet C.R., Shea K.L. (2011) Productivity
and soil characteristics as indices of tallgrass prairie success. Ecological Society of
America 2011 Conference, Austin, TX.
Kendig A, Kubanek J. (2011) Characterization of the chemical defenses of Sagittaria
graminea, a freshwater plant, against crayfish herbivory. Atlantic Coast Conference
Meeting of the Minds, Coral Gables, FL.
Kendig AE, Sheehan EA, Mills DL (2008) The impact of paternal involvement on patterns of
brain activity to male and female speech. Psychology Undergraduate Research
Conference at Georgia State, Atlanta, GA.
Ecology (Univ. Minnesota)
Foundations of Biology II (Univ. Minnesota)
Honors Intro Biology TA (Georgia Tech)
GT1000 Team Leader (Georgia Tech)
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Fall 2010
Fall 2009
Tashina Picard (HHMI Transfer Student Program, UMN UROP), Emily Boak-Nyberg
(Directed Research), Nicholas Cupery (Directed Research), Casey Easterday (NSF REU)
Anoka-Hennepin District STEM Fair Judge
TeachingSMART, Volunteer
Invasive Species Expert, DNR Building, Minnesota State Fair
Borer-Seabloom Lab Undergraduate Journal Club
TeachingSMART, Volunteer Coordinator
MN State Science and Engineering Fair, Paper Judge
Insect Fair, Interviewer
Minnesota Regional Science Bowl, Science Adviser
Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Department
 Friday Noon Seminar planning committee
 Graduate Student President Committee
 Council of Graduate Students representative
Risk Analysis of Introduced Species and Genotypes IGERT
 Symposium Co-chair (The Introduction of Microbes)
 Executive Committee Student Representative
Spring 2014 – Spring 2015
Fall 2011 – Fall 2014
Summer 2014
Spring 2014
Fall 2012 – Spring 2014
Spring 2013
Spring 2012
Spring 2012
Fall 2013 – Spring 2014
Fall 2012 – Spring 2013
Fall 2011 – Spring 2012
Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Fall 2011 – Fall 2012