Principals’ Session
Approaching Argument Writing: Module 9.4
Goals and Outcomes
Overarching Objectives of the May 2014 Network Team Institute
Participants will be able to:
Use NY 9-12 ELA modules to help students learn to write
effective arguments.
Deepen their instructional practice by learning to identify and
address specific learning needs.
Identify effective implementation and adaptation of curriculum
Identify ways to provide teachers with constructive feedback to
improve their practice around the NY 9-12 ELA modules.
Support teachers to implement and adapt the curriculum
Deepen their instructional practice by learning to identify
and work with teachers to address specific learning needs.
High-Level Purpose of this Session
The purpose of this session is to introduce all participants to the Module 9.4 approach to argument writing.
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Session Outcomes
What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session?
Identify the key design principles and features of Module 9.4.
Understand the design components and approach to argument writing.
Key Points
How this approach to argument writing supports the CCSS instructional shifts and standards.
Based on identified areas of challenge, how can you support teachers in meeting those challenges?
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Session Overview
Purpose and
Origin and High-level
Overview of the
Module 9.4 Approach
to Argument Writing
CCSS Argument
Writing Progression
and the Assessed
Unit Assessments
Prepared Resources
Facilitator Preparation
3 min
Introduction to the session and
quick whip around introductions.
Session PowerPoint
Download and read all session
4 min
Facilitator explains origins and
provides high-level overview of
the Module 9.4 approach to
argument writing.
 Session PowerPoint
 Evaluating Argument and
Evidence Tool
 Odell Delineating Arguments Tool
Download and read all session
10 min
Participants examine standards
W.9-10.1.a-e, and W.9-10.5, and
discuss what are the skills and
expectations embedded in the
 Session PowerPoint
 Writing Arguments: Assessed
Download and read all session
Participants look at the 9.4
Assessment Map to understand
how the unit assessments
require increasing levels of
mastery for W.9-10.1.a-e and
 Session PowerPoint
 9.4 Assessment Map
 Writing Arguments: Assessed
 Mid-Unit Assessment Handout
and Argument Outline Tool
 End-of-Unit Assessment Handout
 9.4.1 Performance Assessment
Download and read all session
13 min
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9.4 Module Overview
Reflection and Closing
Prepared Resources
Facilitator Preparation
13 min
Participants work in groups to
deepen their understanding of
the structure and design of the
argument writing module.
 Session PowerPoint
 9.4 Module Overview
Download and read all session
2 min
Participants will reflect on
takeaways that will inform the
day’s work.
 Session PowerPoint
Download and read all session
45 min Total for this session
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Session Roadmap
Section: Purpose and Welcome
In this section, you will understand the session purpose and make brief
2 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
Script/Activity Directions
Welcome participants to the session. Facilitate as the participants
introduce themselves.
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1 min
Script/Activity Directions
Briefly review the purpose of this session.
Focus on the ways in which this level of rigor is different than what may
be happening in your buildings.
What are the micro-shifts that we can make as teachers and leaders to
meet the demands of these standards?
General consciousness around what it means to prioritize and focus
directly on the notion of argument writing.
3 min
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Section: Origin and High-level Overview of the Module 9.4 Approach to Argument Writing
In this section, you will learn origins and high-level design of the
9.4 approach to argument writing.
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, Evaluating Argument and
Evidence Tool, Odell Delineating Arguments Tool
Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
1 min
Explain the difference between the NY ELA 9-12 Curriculum Modules and the
approach taken in the Core Proficiency Series:
NY Curriculum Modules expand on the Core Proficiency Series to include
a central claim.
The modules focus not solely on a claim and supporting evidence, but
whether those claims and evidence are sufficient and relevant.
This module overlaps with the Core Proficiency Series more closely than
in Module 10.3 (in which the CPS does not include a research product).
Ask participants to turn to the Delineating Evidence Tool and the Evaluating
Argument and Evidence Tool in their materials. Allow participants to
consider the difference between these two tools.
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Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
3 min
Briefly explain the curriculum’s approach to argument writing.
Key points:
This module focuses on argument writing instruction. Students closely read
the supplementary module texts as examples of argument writing, learning
the skills and components necessary for strong argument writing. Students
use tools to evaluate and synthesize the arguments presented in the
module’s supplementary texts, culminating in the development of students’
own evidence-based argument.
There is an intense focus on both the CCSS for reading and writing as
students read, analyze, and evaluate informational and argument writing
and build, through focused instruction, the skills required to craft strong and
well-supported argument writing of their own.
Briefly explain the curriculum’s approach to argument writing:
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The module focuses on teaching argument writing in context by
concentrating on the intersection of close reading and argument writing.
o Call out examples
 Counter claim
 Identifying claims
o Use of structured tools and scaffolds that introduce terms and
how arguments are structured. There are certain structures that
exist in argument writing and that they need to build into their
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Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
own writing. Tools act as a scaffold so students understand what
good argument writing is.
 Refer back to the Evaluating Argument and Evidence Tool.
This is the first foray into argument writing. Students will continue to get
exposure throughout grades 10 and 11.
Briefly review the connection of this curriculum to instructional shift #2:
4 min
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Think of the text as a way in which students learn about the world.
This is a major focus of the unit.
Strategic juxtaposition of the text helps students see how the world
works and to see how things work in the present.
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Section: CCSS Argument Writing Progression and the Assessed Standards
In this section, you will examine the progressions in CCSS for
argument writing, and dig into standards W.9-10.1.a-e. and W.910.5.
Slide Time Picture
2 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, Writing Arguments: Assessed
Script/Activity Directions
Key Points:
In grades K-5 students begin to compose informative/explanatory texts in
which they name what they are writing about and supply some information
about the topic. They begin to supply an opinion on a topic, and supply
reasons for that opinion. They begin to structure their writing by logically
grouping their ideas to support their purpose.
In grades 6-8 students write arguments to support claims with clear reasons
and relevant evidence. They introduce claim(s), acknowledging and addressing
alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence clearly as
they support claim(s) with clear reasons and relevant evidence, using credible
sources and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text. At this time
they establish and maintain a formal style. By the end of 8th grade students
clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence
to support their arguments.
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Slide Time Picture
4 min
Script/Activity Directions
Explain to participants the connection between the standard on the slide and
the curricular materials. Key points to make:
4 min
The standard W.9-10.1 is very dense; this module supports teachers to
teach this standard. The module includes a rubric/checklist that breaks
apart each skill (all the supporting standards) (e.g., cohesion and
This breakdown helps the students and teachers hone in on the subskills in
the standard.
This also helps teachers more easily formatively assess the standard for
Share the following standard (printed on the slide), and explain the ways in
which this curriculum teaches this standard.
W.9-10.5 is also assessed: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by
planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on
addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
(Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language standards
1–3 up to and including grades 9–10.)
10 min
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Section: Unit Assessments
In this section, you will look at the 9.4 Assessment Map to
understand how the assessments require increasing levels of
mastery for W.9-10.1.a-e and W.9-10.5.
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, 9.4 Assessment Map, Mid-Unit
Assessment Handout and Argument Outline Tool, End-of-Unit Assessment
Handout, 9.4.1 Performance Assessment
Script/Activity Directions
13 min
Guide participants to look at the Mid-Unit, End-of-Unit, and Performance
Assessments on the 9.4 Assessment Map, giving them time to annotate
and take notes with these questions in mind. (8 minutes; if they finish they
should turn and talk to a partner):
How do the assessments require increasing levels of mastery for
W.9-10.1.a-e? For W.9-10.5?
How can you talk with teachers about what an assessment is
expected to tell us about what students can do, and what the
students' performance on that assessment says about the need for
instruction, scaffolding, or other supports?
Facilitate an all group discussion around the above questions. (5 minutes)
13 min
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Section: 9.4 Module Overview
In this section, you will engage in a group activity to deepen your Materials used include: Session PowerPoint, 9.4 Module Overview
understanding of the structure and design of the argument writing
Time Picture
Script/Activity Directions
Arrange participants in groups of three.
Instruct participants to look at the 9.4 Module Overview. In their group,
participants will share details about the overview with the other group
members, focusing on the following questions (10 minutes):
What do the lessons provide to help students understand the writing
How do the lessons connect and build on each other?
What do you notice about the way this module is designed?
Facilitate whole group discussion on the major takeaways. (3 minutes)
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Section: Reflection and Closing
In this section, you will reflect on your learning in this session.
Slide Time Picture
1 min
Materials used include: Session PowerPoint
Script/Activity Directions
Stress that this session was a knowledge building session around the content
in the module and that in the next sessions, participants will have an
opportunity for practical application as they discuss:
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How this approach to argument writing supports the CCSS
instructional shifts and standards.
How they might envision adapting this to their classrooms or
Decide which pieces will be most challenging to implement and
solutions to meet those challenges.
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Slide Time Picture
1 min
2 min
Script/Activity Directions
Provide participants with an opportunity to ask questions about the
module’s approach to argument writing explored in this session.
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Turnkey Materials Provided
Here, list all the associated handouts or resources needed to this session, including text sets, PowerPoints, etc.
Evaluating Argument and Evidence Tool
Odell Delineating Arguments Tool
Writing Arguments: Assessed CCSS
9.4 Module Assessment Map
Mid-Unit Assessment Handout and Argument Outline Tool (9.4.1 Lesson 14)
End-of-Unit Assessment Handout (9.4.1 Lesson 29)
9.4 Performance Assessment
9.4 Module Overview
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