Dynamic capabilities: a focus for management control in the public sector Paul M Collier La Trobe Business School & Zoe Yan Zhuang Monash University Corresponding author: Paul Collier, La Trobe Business School, Donald Whitehead Building, Bundoora VIC 3086 email p.collier@latrobe.edu.au Tel +61 (0)3 9479 3323 This research was funded by Australian Research Council Linkage grant LP0989435 Developing a Resource Allocation Framework to support more effective police investigations of major crime 1|Page Dynamic capabilities: a focus for management control in the public sector Abstract The opportunity to study how resources are used is provided by theories of dynamic capabilities, largely in the strategic management literature. Dynamic capabilities are "the organizational and strategic routines by which firms achieve new resource configurations "(Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000: 1107). This paper presents the results of a field study that explores the causal factors behind the building and development of dynamic capabilities, how path dependencies are modified as a result of learning, and whether there is a hierarchy of dynamic capabilities. The research found that learning is central to the development of dynamic capabilities. A hierarchy of dynamic capabilities can be seen to result from learning processes; while organizational routines emerge through learning and the application of dynamic capabilities to form new paths and new methods of resource use. The findings have important implications for the theory of dynamic capabilities and learning, but also to expand notions of resource utilization and management control that are particularly relevant in the resource-constrained public sector. 2|Page Dynamic capabilities: a focus for management control in the public sector Introduction Management control is typically concerned with the achievement of objectives (Anthony, 1965; Flamholtz, Das, & Tsui, 1985; Merchant & Van der Stede, 2003; Otley, Berry, & Broadbent, 1995). Management control systems accomplish strategy by directing and controlling resource inputs, influencing the transformation process, and monitoring outputs (Daft & Macintosh, 1984; Parker, Ferris, & Otley, 1989). However, most of the attention of the management control literature has been around controlling the necessary outcomes or behaviours, or of monitoring process efficiency, with less attention being paid to resource inputs, which are typically assumed to be given. Resources are crucial in achieving objectives, and particularly in the public sector are limited by funding which is a consequence of economic and political imperatives. How limited resources are used (as opposed to the transformation process of inputs into outputs) has received little attention in the management control literature although it has received more attention in the organizational literature. In public sector settings where resources are limited and demand is largely uncontrollable and unpredictable, control systems must be put in place for the effective management of those resources. In the public sector environment, performance measurement systems provide an inadequate means of control as there are multiple, sometimes ambiguous, and often conflicting objectives, in contrast with the relatively straightforward pursuit of financial performance in the private sector. Input resources (monetary allocations by government) are consumed largely in investments in people, and it is the capability of those people, leveraged by the systems and policies and procedures that support and extend those capabilities that determine how well resources are used to achieve objectives, however the organization may define them. The opportunity to study how resources are utilized, at least conceptually, is provided by theories of dynamic capabilities which have been developed from the resource based view, largely in the strategic management literature. Dynamic capabilities (DC) are "the firm's processes that use resources - specifically the processes to integrate, reconfigure, gain and release resources - to match and even create market change. Dynamic capabilities thus are the organizational and strategic routines by which firms achieve new resource configurations as markets emerge, collide, split, evolve, and die"(Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000: 1107). The DC literature has identified various research opportunities. Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) have argued that most research papers have used data that is illustrative of DC but the data was not collected purposively to understand DC, hence empirical support for much of the literature of DC is limited. Research needs to delve into the “detailed, micro mechanisms of how these capabilities are deployed or how they ‘work’” (Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009: 37) through more qualitative field investigations. 3|Page Barreto (2010) argues the need for more research into the internal and external contingencies that enable or inhibit the potential in their DC, while Di Steffano et al. (2010) suggested the complementarities available from a combination of internal and external perspectives on DC. Similarly, Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) called for case studies of how DC are created and the extent to which newly created resources can be attributed to specific DC, luck, or exogenous change. The theory of dynamic capabilities has not previously been applied in the accounting literature other than in passing (Henri, 2006; Coad & Cullen, 2006; Wouters & Wilderom, 2008; Grafton, Lillis, & Widener, 2010), and with limited exceptions (Pablo, Reay, Dewald, & Casebeer, 2007; Llewellyn & Tappin, 2003; Ridder, Bruns, & Spier, 2005; Harvey, Skelcher, Spencer, Jas, & Walshe, 2010; Douglas, Jenkins, & Kennedy, 2012) it has not been applied to the public sector. Public services face largely fixed budgets, non-financial performance targets and uncertain, and in some cases, uncontrollable demand. Given that public services affect the majority of the population, it is critical that available resources are used efficiently and effectively within the constraints of fixed budgets to achieve financial and non-financial outcomes consistent with organizational missions and strategies, and the expectations of government as the funder, and citizens as the service recipients. This research project aimed to apply a dynamic capabilities approach to understanding how resources are utilized in one area of public service delivery, that of policing, and its relevance for management control. Our research aim was to explore the causal factors behind the building and development of DC, how path dependencies are modified as a result of learning, and whether there is a hierarchy from lower to higher order DC. Although the literature clearly distinguishes operation from dynamic capabilities (DC) and identifies various categories of DC, a contribution of this paper is to reveal both vertical and horizontal perspectives. In the vertical perspective, a hierarchy of DC: information, relationship, strategic, political, and learning emerges with different DC leveraging the operational capabilities, although the contingencies of the organization and its internal and external environment will impact on the specific DC that emerge and develop in any particular organizational setting. The horizontal perspective reinforces the adaptive, absorptive and innovative components of DC (Wang & Ahmed, 2007) which recognizes path dependence but also reveals how paths can diverge over time, in which motivations for change must be considered. A further contribution of the paper is the development of a three stage model: sensing, seizing, and transforming which brings together the idea of the horizontal development of DC towards improved resource use, while path dependent organizational routines emerge through learning processes and the application of dynamic capabilities into new paths and new approaches to leveraging resources. The more holistic model presented in this paper encapsulates and extends prior findings in the DC literature, and grounds these findings in a field study designed to test these 4|Page questions, in a research setting – the public sector - that has not been the focus of much research attention. This paper is arranged as follows. In the first section the literature of dynamic capabilities is presented in the context of management control and the research questions are formulated. The second section describes the research setting and method. The third section comprises the research data from the field study and in the fourth section the results are discussed. In the final section some conclusions are presented. The literature of dynamic capabilities From control to capabilities Management controls have been variously defined but the recurring definition emphasises a system that comprises various control mechanisms designed to increase the probability that organizational actors behave consistently with the achievement of organizational objectives (e.g. (Anthony, 1965; Otley & Berry, 1980; Flamholtz, Das, & Tsui, 1985; Otley, Berry, & Broadbent, 1995; Abernethy & Chua, 1996; Merchant & Van der Stede, 2003). Consistent with these definitions, the requirements for control are objectives, predictive models, measures and a choice of action. However, it has long been argues that "organisational objectives are often vague, ambiguous and change with time ... measures of achievement are possible only in correspondingly vague and often subjective terms ... predictive models of organisational behaviour are partial and unreliable, and ... different models may be held by different participants ... the ability to act is highly constrained for most groups of participants, including the so-called ‘controllers’" (Otley & Berry, 1980: 241). It has been argued that the type of control applicable to public and not-for-profit activities depends on four criteria: whether objectives are unambiguous, whether outputs are measurable, whether the effects of interventions are known, and whether the activity is repetitive (Hofstede, 1981). Given Hofstede and Otley & Berry’s critique, control in the public sector might be construed as especially problematic. In the public sector it has been found that the organisational control mix is a function of the firm's institutional environment, with pressure being exerted through state funding agencies, together with the mimicking by public sector managers of private sector practices and the norms of professions (Abernethy & Chua, 1996). This suggests the greater importance in the public sector of political and garbage can models of control (Hofstede, 1981). Three distinct but interlocking strategies of control have been introduced into the public sector in order to improve control: competition as a means of coordinating decentralised units; decentralising operations while centralising strategic command; and the development of performance measurement techniques (Hoggett, 1996). Control systems have also been criticised for their dominant concern with upwards accountability rather than promoting learning and improvement (Sanderson, 2001). Otley (1994: 296) has long called for a wider view of management control: "The objective of the control system now becomes the encouragement of work groups at all levels to take control into their own hands to a much greater extent than has been traditional, and to take 5|Page responsibility for maintaining the viability of their part of the organization relative to its environment". Control systems accomplish strategy by directing and controlling resource inputs, influencing the transformation process, and monitoring outputs (Daft & Macintosh, 1984; Parker, Ferris, & Otley, 1989). However, most of the attention of the management control literature has been around controlling the necessary outcomes or behaviours, or of monitoring process efficiency, with less attention being paid to resource inputs or the capabilities which may be created or sustained from those resource inputs. We argue that the management control literature should pay more attention to the management of capabilities, as a crucial organizational resource. Although his study was of performance measurement specifically, Henri (2006) argued that for the role of management control systems as a capability despite the perspective reflected by the resource-based view that control systems do not represent a source of competitive advantage. This paper develops this argument further by drawing on the extensive literature on dynamic capabilities, even though that literature has had little impact to date on the literature of management control. Dynamic capabilities The paper by Teece, Pisano, & Shuen (1997) is generally regarded as the foundation of the dynamic capabilities (DC) approach, as an extension of the resource based view (RBV) which explains how firms in a market sustain competitive advantage based on their bundles of resources and capabilities. Resources are “stocks of available factors” while capabilities are “a firm’s capacity to deploy resources” (Amit & Schoemaker, 1993: 35). In the public sector in particular, we argue that the capability to use resources becomes as important as the quantum of those resources. However much of the literature reflects the roots of DC in An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change(Nelson & Winter, 1982) which emphasizes the role of path dependence and routines, an efficiency approach to performance that is contrasted with the market position approach adopted by Porter (1980). This evolutionary theory approach has been traced by Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) back to the work of Penrose (1959), in which value creation comes not from the possession but the use of resources. In the dynamic capabilities approach, 'dynamic' refers to the capacity to renew competences so as to achieve congruence with the changing environment and 'capabilities' emphasizes the role of strategic management in adapting, integrating and reconfiguring internal and external organizational skills, resources and functional competences to match the changing environment (Teece et al., 1997). It is not the intention of this paper to undertake a detailed literature review of DC, this having already been in three recent reviews of the literature on DC: Barreto (2010); Di Steffano, Peteraf, & Verona (2010); and Ambrosini & Bowman (2009), who provide a useful starting point. 6|Page Barreto (2010) reviewed key articles on DC published in leading management journals and identified several core elements that underpin the conceptualization of DC. In terms of its nature, DC have been defined as abilities, capacities, processes, and routines. In terms of its specific role, DC are related to the change of key internal components of the firm such as resources, capabilities and operating routines. Relevant context could be highly dynamic environments, moderately dynamic environments, or relatively stable environments (Barreto, 2010). According to Ambrosini & Bowman (2009), relevant context/environment may include external factors (such as uncertainty, complexity and munificence that influence the deployment of DC) and internal firm-specific factors (such as organizational knowledge and resources). It has been assumed that DC are typically built rather than bought and that their creation and development are embedded in organizational processes (such as organizational learning) that are shaped by firms’ asset positions and the evolutionary paths they have adopted in the past. In terms of the heterogeneity of DC, they have been implicitly or explicitly assumed as essentially firm specific and unique. Finally, direct outcomes of DC could be sustained competitive advantage, firm-level success and failure, or value creation (Barreto, 2010). Barreto (2010) and Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) identify the proliferation of definitions and the disconnected body of research in relation to DC. In this paper we use Barreto’s (2010: 271) definition: “A dynamic capability is the firm’s potential to systematically solve problems, formed by its propensity to sense opportunities and threats, to make timely and market-oriented decisions, and to change its resource base”. Importantly, Barreto uses “potential” and “propensity” because DC are relative tendencies, rather than absolute characteristics of an organization. Barreto (2010) accommodates various other definitions from his literature review, but its strength is in recognizing DC as a single theoretical construct comprising four distinct, but related dimensions: propensities to sense opportunities and threats; to make timely decisions; to make market-oriented decisions; and to change the firm’s resource base. Barreto suggests these dimensions might be weakly correlated among themselves but that researchers need to think not just about the aggregate construct of DC, but also each of the four dimensions. The literature review by Di Steffano et al. (2010) adopts a co-citation analysis to examine the relationships among articles and authors across a research field. Di Steffano et al. identify four factors comprising relatively homogeneous groupings of articles that represent communities of interest. The most common factor was foundational papers which define the constructs and its application and effects. The second most common were papers on the relationship of DC with other theories, principally the RBV. Di Steffano et al. (2010) also used multi-dimensional scaling to identify those papers that had an internal organizational perspective, and those concerned with markets and other matters external to the firm, with the majority of papers focused on internal matters. Scaling also categorized those papers concerned with individual cognition and skills and the role of managers, and organizational routines focused on the organizational level, its competences and routinized activities. Di Steffano et al. (2010: 1200) highlighted the 7|Page research opportunities in the external domain and in “the complementarities available from a combination of perspectives”. Examples of DC have been identified by many writers: research and development (Helfat, 1997); acquisitions (Karim & Mitchell, 2000); product innovation (Danneels, 2002); divestment of resources (Moliterno & Wiersema, 2007). DC have been implicitly typified by the literature either in terms of a (vertical) hierarchy of capabilities and as a (horizontal) transition between stages. This paper proposes that adopting both perspectives together provides a more comprehensive view of DC. The vertical perspective Capabilities exist within a hierarchy from lower-order, operating-level capabilities to higherorder ones that govern or integrate lower-level ones(Maritan, 2001).Operational capabilities such as manufacturing a product are distinguished from dynamic capabilities which build, integrate, or reconfigure operational capabilities (Helfat & Peteraf, 2003). Two distinct kinds of dynamic capabilities (DC) have been identified: relational capabilities and acquisition-based capabilities (Helfat et al., 2007). Relational capabilities create, extend, or modify the firm’s resource base, to include the resources of its alliance partner. Acquisition-based dynamic capabilities involve acquiring new resources that are distant from the current knowledge base. A further dynamic capability is political, because managing political action has to reflect the pace and complexity of contemporary political and competitive environments (Oliver & Holzinger, 2008).Leadership has also been seen as an important enabler of DC (Rosenbloom, 2000) while Ambrosini & Bowman (2009)and Salvato (2003) suggested that managers were more or less likely to deploy DC depending on how they perceived uncertainties in their environment. Pablo et al. (2007) use the organization’s ability to learn new practices or routines as an example of a dynamic capability. They identified the critical role of management skills in identifying, enabling and managing the use of a DC as a strategic approach. Of particular importance to how resources are used is the role of management in building and developing DC for improved resource use. In their literature review, Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) highlight the role of management but see management’s role as underpinning and enabling DC. By contrast, Adner & Helfat (2003) describe dynamic managerial capabilities as helping to explain why corporate strategy differs between firms. Dynamic managerial capabilities emphasize the central role of managers: "the capabilities with which managers build, integrate, and reconfigure organizational resources and competences" (Adner & Helfat, 2003: 1012). This research study therefore sees the potential for a hierarchy of DC from the operational to higher order capabilities including, but perhaps not limited to, relational, acquisitionbased, managerial and political capabilities. One of the research aims was to identify other DC and to assess whether they comprised a hierarchy. 8|Page The horizontal perspective This perspective considers how capabilities evolve and are used over time. Building on the original work of Teece et al. (1997), Teece (2007: 1319) extended understanding of the concept and proposed that “dynamic capabilities can be disaggregated into the capacity (1) to sense and shape opportunities and threats, (2) to seize opportunities, and (3) to maintain competitiveness through enhancing, combining, protecting, and, when necessary, reconfiguring the business enterprise’s intangible and tangible assets”. Collis (1994) and Winter (2003) contrasted the day-to-day operational capabilities with more future-oriented dynamic capabilities, reflecting a temporal difference. Schreyogg & Kliesch-Eberl (2007: 914) argue that there is an inherent tendency of capabilities to persist because they become part of an organization’s “patterned architecture” but at the same time there is a need for continuous organizational renewal in the face of environmental change. Dynamic capabilities are recognized as being routines that are path dependent.(Helfat et al., 2007: 115, italics in original) suggest a positions-processes-paths approach to future research: “an organization’s resource base provides its starting point or initial position. Paths are the strategic alternatives available to the firm. And ‘the essence of a firm’s … dynamic capabilities is … resident in the firm’s organizational processes’”. Teece et al. (1997) argued that DC were shaped by the firm’s assets (internal) and its institutional and market environment (external) which together affect the firm’s strategy; and that past and present history constrains the future. In similar vein to Teece (2007), Wang & Ahmed (2007) identified three components of dynamic capabilities: adaptive, absorptive and innovative. Adaptive capability focuses on effective search and balancing exploration and exploitation strategies. Absorptive capability is concerned with learning from partners, integrating external information and transforming it into knowledge at the firm level. Innovative capability is the ability to develop new products/services, new methods of production, new sources of supply or new markets. Eisenhardt & Martin (2000) and Madhoc & Osegowisch (2000) show the importance of path dependence, although Aragon-Correa & Sharma (2003) promoted a more contingencybased perspective. Contingencies may permit a better understanding of how paths diverge over time. DC and learning Learning is a crucial ingredient to developing, utilising, and evolving DC. The evolution and use of capabilities over time and the extent to which there can be discontinuities leading to new paths that emerge from established ones is a function of organizational learning, defined as "the capacity (or processes) within an organization to maintain or improve performance based on experience" (DiBella, Nevis, & Gould, 1996: (363) which involves knowledge acquisition, sharing and utilization. 9|Page Katkalo, Pitelis, & Teece (2010) note that while routines partly serve the purpose of minimizing agency by providing order and stability, DC are more than routines in that they embody conscious human action. Capabilities emerge incrementally and are the result of an organizational learning process (Schreyogg & Kliesch-Eberl, 2007). In which an important task for management to lead the organization learning process by identifying and allocating resources to those areas that provide organizational capabilities to achieve sustainable competitive advantage (Bierly & Hamalainen, 1995). This learning capability is "the capacity of managers within an organization to generate and generalize ideas with impact" (Ulrich, Jick, & Von Glinow, 1993: 60). Dynamic capabilities "develop through the coevolution of three mechanisms: as the tacit accumulation of past experience, knowledge articulation, and knowledge codification processes" (Zollo & Winter, 2002: 348). Zollo & Winter proposed a knowledge evolution cycle which emphasizes the links between learning, dynamic capabilities and operating routines in which learning processes are responsible for the evolution of 'operating routines' geared towards operational functioning, and 'dynamic capabilities' dedicated to the modification of operating routines. A knowledge evolution cycle as proposed by Zollo & Winter (2002) suggests how learning might enable the emergence or development of higher order capabilities in the vertical perspective. Three stages of dynamic capabilities can be identified from the literature by drawing on Teece (2007), Helfat & Peteraf (2009), and Ambrosini & Bowman (2009). We term these stages sensing, seizing, and transforming, by which prior paths and resource bases emerge into new paths and improved resource use, through the action of dynamic capabilities. A tentative model of dynamic capabilities The preceding discussion highlights both a vertical and horizontal perspective on the DC literature and the importance of learning, both in breaking with path dependence in a transition over time, and in developing higher order capabilities. The three stages of dynamic capabilities: sensing, seizing, and transforming (Teece, 2007) can be linked with the vertical distinction between operational and dynamic (e.g. relational, acquisition-based, managerial and political) capabilities. Transitions both horizontally and vertically take place through learning. This is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1, in which the development of a new or existing capability leads to a new path and improved resource use. Insert Figure 1 about here These two perspectives are equally important and interdependent, linked by the importance of learning processes. The process of sensing, seizing and transforming is a learning one that results in the development of a hierarchy of new capabilities, each successive hierarchical capability leveraging the other capabilities, albeit constrained by path dependence. Path dependence is strongly influenced by the existing of control systems that are more focused on achieving objectives than learning and improvement (Sanderson, 2001). As we 10 | P a g e have seen, there are problems with the ambiguity of objectives, the measurability of outputs, and the effects of interventions (Otley & Berry, 1980; Hofstede, 1981) as well as concerns over the accuracy of predictive models (Otley & Berry, 1980) and the repetitivenness of activities (Hofstede, 1981). Control systems have not so far been seen as a capability (Henri, 2006). This issue is particularly problematic in the public sector. DC and the public sector Most public sector performance is defined in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, and is measured routinely by a range of financial and non-financial indicators. Efficiency is concerned with using the least resources to achieve a desired outcome, while effectiveness is concerned with whether or not the desired outcome is achieved. The objectives of financial and performance management systems are to maintain aggregate fiscal discipline (i.e. to prevent overspending); to allocate resources in accordance with government priorities or relative to demand (allocative efficiency); and to promote efficiency in the use of budgetary resources in terms of the input/output relationship (technical efficiency) (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 1999). Budgets provide constraints on resources while non-financial performance targets and measures are intended to focus and prioritize activity. DC as a mode of improved resource use have received little attention in public sector studies (Pablo et al., 2007), although it has been argued that the public sector faces even more environmental change than the private sector due to frequent changes in policy and short-term time horizons tied to election cycles (Boyne, 2002). In the public sector, when external resources are limited, organizations are forced to look internally, such that strategy development involves taking account of internal resources and a range of strategic actors: “strategy is about using available resources in a way that maximizes organizational performance, however defined” (Pablo et al., 2007: 688). Dynamic capabilities allow organizations to use internal resources strategically and advantageously. Strategic approaches based on dynamic capabilities are particularly relevant for the public sector because they focus on internal resources rather than competitive market behaviour (Llewellyn & Tappin, 2003). Recently, researchers have started to apply the DC concept to public sector organizations and strategies. Ridder et al. (2005) used the concept of DC to observe the implementation of local government accounting reforms in Germany. (Pablo et al. (2007) examined how a regional health authority in Canada developed a new strategic approach based on the identification and use of an internal DC (learning through experimenting). Harvey et al. (2010) reviewed the conceptual, theoretical and methodological implications of applying absorptive capacity, derived from the broader concept of DC, to the performance of public organizations. Douglas et al. (2012) developed a model using a DC perspective of competitive advantage as a basis for understanding managers’ perceptions of high performance in an English local authority. 11 | P a g e Further to the previously mentioned research opportunities, and the need to further develop an understanding of DC in the context of the public sector, the study described in this paper is based on the design of a field study that sought to explore the causal factors behind the building and development of DC, how path dependencies are modified as a result of learning, and whether there is a hierarchy of DC. In essence, the research sought to test Figure 1. The study was undertaken in an Australian police force, which granted access to study these issues through an in-depth longitudinal study. The next section describes the research setting and method. Research setting and method Following the work of Pablo et al. (2007) the research sought to better understand how a public sector organization allocated finite resources to satisfy unpredictable and uncontrollable demand was able to improve the use of those limited resources. Access was gained to the department of a police force that investigated serious and organized crime, comprising some 550 detectives organized into specialist squads or task forces (hereafter “work groups”) e.g. homicide, arson, sexual offences, armed robbery, fraud, drugs, etc. For reasons of confidentiality, the serious and organized crime unit within the police force is referred to in this paper as “Police”. The research was a longitudinal study over four years. This period covered the introduction of a major restructuring involving the building and development of dynamic capabilities. Research access was granted to interview police, observe meetings, access qualitative data on the progress of crime investigations, and quantitative data on the resources used by police in each investigation, as well as strategy and policy documentation. The nature of serious and organized crime and the complexity of the subsequent investigations mean that it can often take several years from a crime being committed until a court outcome is known. Therefore, a longitudinal study was necessary to track the progress of investigations for a sample of crimes over their whole lifecycle. The research covered 1.5 million detective hours over a three and a half year period; and a data sample of 248 serious and organized crime investigations comprising 436,700 hours (28% of the total detective hours during that period). Qualitative data on the progress of the sample investigations over long time periods (in many cases several years) was de-identified and extracted manually. Qualitative data was also obtained from ‘Investigation Plans’ which were prepared for each investigation and which described the objectives, risks, investigative strategies, and resource requirements of each investigation; and from ‘Completion Reports’ which were prepared at the end of each investigation to evaluate the successes and failures of each investigation. Interviews with key informants were carried out but the primary focus was the observation of meetings which involved resourcing decisions being made or investigative progress being reviewed at five different organizational levels. These meetings ranged from 6 participants 12 | P a g e (Tier 2 meetings); 12 (Tier 3 meetings); and up to 20 participants for Tier 5 meetings (explained later in this paper). A chronological approach and the identification of patterns in triangulated data were used to organize the qualitative and quantitative data using methods described by Yin (2003). Draft reports have been given to the organization for review and correction of factual errors and the research has benefited from the insights provided by members of ‘Police’. The next section presents the field study data. The field study The context of resource use in policing In policing, as in other areas of the public sector, budgets limit activity, in terms of the human and technological resources needed to carry out the investigative function. This means that management attention is directed to improving the use rather than the overall quantum of resources. The management of resources in terms of outputs or outcomes, however, is problematic. Performance measures (number of crimes, clearance rates, etc.) are used extensively for volume crime (burglary, theft of motor vehicles, etc.) but are inappropriate for serious and organized crime (homicide, armed robbery, sexual offences, etc.) where the seriousness of the offence outweighs any numeric measure. There are also difficulties in relying on measures such as clearance rates. The availability of evidence; lack of control over independent decisions to prosecute; and the vagaries of witness evidence and jury deliberations makes “success” in terms of Court outcome a problematic concept. Effectiveness is more commonly judged subjectively by whether all available lines of enquiry have been exhausted. Such an assessment is part of the review of unsolved crimes in Police, and was regarded as a satisfactory outcome in cases where there is an absence of evidence to support a prosecution, rather than performance being measured in terms of the results of a prosecution. However, there are other important aspects of performance. One is the disruption of criminal behaviour, especially for drug investigations. Disruption activity is difficult to quantify (except perhaps in relation to drug or asset seizures under Proceeds of Crime legislation) and it is unlikely that this can be assessed other than subjectively. Intelligence collection, while not being admissible in Court proceedings, does enable Police to better understand the actions of criminals and their modus operandi, and the relationships among and between various criminal groups. However, by definition quantity does not equate to quality. Victim satisfaction is another important outcome, with regular feedback to victims on the progress of investigations and their sensitive handling during court appearances. The extent to which this is achieved is again, subjective. Achieving a defined outcome such as exhausting available lines of enquiry with the least waste of resources over the shortest possible elapsed time seems to be an appropriate aspirational goal for investigations. However, efficiency is problematic when it cannot be 13 | P a g e known in advance the likely results of pursuing each line of enquiry. Therefore, the development of capabilities to make better use of resources is an important focus for research, especially in a dynamic crime market environment. Dynamic crime markets There is a supply chain in crime markets: drugs lead to burglaries in order to fund drug purchases. Burglaries result in the transport of stolen goods to others who receive and handle stolen property, and the proceeds of crime are subject to money laundering activity. Research by Crime and Misconduct Commission (2009) used a model developed by Frieberg (1997) and identified suppliers (those who commit a property offence); distributors and retailers (e.g. pawnbrokers and other legitimate businesses); and purchasers (the ultimate consumers) in crime markets. Organized crime is market driven, chasing profits for the least risk. Crime groups move across markets to different crime types, chasing profits: “Organized crime groups … are formidable in terms of their capabilities, resources and resilience”(Australian Crime Commission, 2009: 5) . It is the role of policing to compete in these markets, where organized criminal groups have evolved: “towards more flexible, loosely associated and entrepreneurial networks ... and generally involve individuals of different ethnicities, skill sets and criminal interests ... and have the capacity to expand their operations quickly ... in order to exploit opportunities or maintain competitive advantage” (Australian Crime Commission, 2007: 5). Most research on organized crime has focused on the characteristics of organized crime groups and less research has been carried out into the dynamics of crime markets (Morrison, 2002). In moderately dynamic markets (volume crimes such as domestic burglary, theft, and assaults), where there is substantial stability in police response and investigation, routines in the form of operational capabilities are embedded in the existing, cumulative training, knowledge and experience of police. In high velocity markets typified by serious and organized crime, where non-routine responses are often necessary, dynamic capabilities are necessary to manage limited resources while responding to specific and often unique situations. Such a dynamic situation was faced by Police in the period immediately preceding the research study. A critical event Political, press and public attention to crime was heightened as a result of a series of organized crime related murders which continued over several years. The focus on performance measures, including levels of crime and detection rates had diverted much of Police attention towards reducing volume crime (burglary, theft, etc.) and away from the less numerous but more serious and organized crime. The investigation of serious and organized crime has little impact on reported performance trends but has a high public 14 | P a g e profile, which was exacerbated by the long running series of organized crime related murders. In the words of one senior officer: “The underworld murders identified capacity gaps and issues of capability around processes with a ‘dark side’. And there was the opportunity to develop an organized crime strategy. We got leverage against the political will to do something and received funding. Organized crime was running over us because of legislation … We had focused on volume crime, not on public surveys until the underworld murders.” Pressure came from government to address the problem, but Police themselves realized that they needed to change their approach to how the investigation of serious and organized crime was managed. Detectives who investigate serious and organized crime are highly trained and experienced. They have spent considerable time in uniform duties and following detective training have been assigned to geographic regions which investigate the more common volume crimes. Only after they have gained substantial “on the ground” experience can they apply for a posting in one of the centralized work groups (squads or task forces) investigating serious and organized crime across all geographic regions within the police force. Historically the work groups exerted considerable independence. Work group managers (senior police) decided what crimes to investigate and how many resources (detectives) to allocate, and for how long those resources should be used in investigations. Where specialist resources were needed (e.g. forensic or covert resources) these were requested but personal relationships often influenced the allocation of those resources. The operational capability to investigate crimes at the work group level was not questioned. What management realized was that their capability to manage the total resource effectively was far from ideal. Police worked with government to obtain funding for a significant restructuring, and the implementation of a new Organized Crime Strategy. Police contracted an international consulting firm to undertake a review of its management processes. A report was subsequently produced, the recommendations of which were accepted. Implementation responsibility fell largely to senior officers and staff within the Strategic Unit of Police (hereafter SUP). Senior officers and staff of SUP became champions of the new strategy and were instrumental in introducing the new capabilities. The development of new capabilities A key phrase that was repeated by several interviewees was “capacity, capability, debt”. Capacity referred to the overall resource that was budget-limited. Capability was the ability to use that resource efficiently and effectively. Debt referred to the amount of investigative resource needed to complete the outstanding lines of enquiry for all outstanding investigations, a figure that was virtually impossible to estimate. Improved resource management was seen as a capability that needed to be improved if the criticisms of Police over the organized crime related murders were going to be averted, and 15 | P a g e if Police were to refocus their attention not only on those specific murders but more generally to address the rise in serious and organized crime. There were several elements in the new model. First, a Resource Prioritization (RP) process was introduced. It was, in essence, similar to a triage system used in hospitals, under which a higher priority was allocated depending on the seriousness of the crime, the victim impact, the likelihood of reoffending, etc. As investigations progressed, the RP could alter. Second, a Tasking & Co-ordination (T&C) process was introduced. This process had been developed by police forces in the United Kingdom where it had become routinized as the National Intelligence Model (Flood, 2004; John & Maguire, 2004; National Criminal Intelligence Service, 2000) although its origins had been in a shift from reactive to a more intelligence-led, proactive policing style (Cope, 2004; Collier, 2006; Maguire & John, 2006). In Police, T&C had been introduced as a five tier process. The RP (or triage) process was at Tier 1. Tier 2 involved work group managers making resource decisions in relation to each individual investigation on a daily basis. Tier 3 involved a review by senior officers with each work group on a rotating basis to review the resource requirements and progress of investigations in that work group. Tier 4 was a further review for designated ‘high risk’ investigations. Tier 5 was a more holistic review of all investigations by top management in terms of Police’s strategic resource requirements. While each work group manager was responsible for their investigations and allocating resources under their control to those investigations, the review and monitoring carried out by the T&C process leveraged those limited resources more broadly across Police by understanding the scale and complexity of all investigations across all work groups. T&C moved detectives between work groups where this was necessary given each work group’s resource and its investigative debt. The T&C process also allocated specialist resources that were outside the work group’s control, such as criminal proceeds, analysis of seized computers, forensic accountants and lawyers, translators, and covert resources such as undercover detectives, listening devices, vehicle trackers, and cameras, etc. An Investigation Plan was prepared for each investigation. This showed the objectives of the investigation, resource requirements, specialist skill needs, risk assessments, etc. At the conclusion of each investigation a Completion Report was undertaken which evaluated successes and failures and suggestions for future investigations. At the same time as the RP and T&C processes were being developed, detectives commenced recording the times they spent on each investigation. This not only recorded hours by each investigation over time but also provided valuable management information in terms of the utilization of each work group’s total human resource. Police also undertook a review of various crime themes, using information from reported crimes and intelligence from prior investigations to develop ‘intelligence packages’ that targeted prolific criminals or crime trends that led to proactive investigations. A senior officer commented: 16 | P a g e “They look at the strategic level, do a major crime strategy report and liaison with industry and outside groups. They identify patterns, like recidivist offenders.” These various sources of information became a key capability which had not previously existed. Information systems supported police investigations, but like many public sector organizations, funding had been piecemeal and inadequate over many years. Consequently, there were many legacy systems that remained un-integrated, and poorly designed for the purposes of extracting and analyzing useful management information. This deficit in information capability was recognized by Police but organizational finances prevented any short-term solution. Some resources were within the control of work groups, primarily detectives. Other resources were under the control of more senior management of all work groups in Police, while others had to meet the needs of the whole police force as a whole throughout its geographic responsibility (including volume crime), while still other resources were dependent on police forces in other jurisdictions, and on other agencies (taxation, customs, immigration, etc.). Jurisdictional boundaries impact on efficiency and effectiveness for criminal justice agencies but not for criminal groups. Cross-border crime involved Police working with other agencies and with police forces in other national and internal jurisdictions. The relationships between Police and these other agencies were important in ensuring cooperation to bring investigations to a satisfactory conclusion. While the RP process was appropriate for managing the resources of work groups and the serious and organized crime activities of Police, resource dependency on external agencies was based on relationships with those agencies. These relationships were to some extent formalized but in practice were often optimized through networks of personal relationships built over time. As people changed roles frequently, there was a need to sustain those relationships informally and dynamically. Beyond the investigation of individual crimes, trends and patterns discovered through information and relationship capabilities needed to be addressed at a more strategic level. Although a small unit within Police, SUP undertook a strategic planning function, both reacting to and anticipating changing trends and patterns in crime markets in order to develop police force-wide strategies. These were focused on, for example, illicit drugs, or on emerging trends in crime between rival criminal groups (often associated with drug dealing).SUP undertook a holistic approach, that included working with government to influence legislative change where this would address crime trends, and working with partner organizations to address ‘target hardening’– making it more difficult for criminal groups to commit crimes - such as crime prevention to avoid robberies of hotels and gaming venues, a strategy that had proven to be successful in virtually eliminating bank robberies. SUP had been successful in obtaining government funds to appoint the consultants who developed the Organized Crime Strategy that was instrumental in introducing the improved resource management capability. The research produced an evidence base which SUP may be able to use to influence government to provide additional resources for Police. The research recommended that information gained through the research be used to support a 17 | P a g e business case for additional resources, particularly in relation to the specialist resources that were sometimes bottlenecks to investigative progress. Learning and improvement was also evident through the longitudinal study. During the course of the study, changes were made to the RP and to the T&C process, which were refined as a result both of senior staff changes and process improvements. Despite each senior staff change, while variations were made, there was an ongoing commitment by senior police officers and by the staff of SUP to sustain and develop the new capabilities. Much of the learning at the operational level came from the accumulated individual experience of detectives. These were commonly shared informally among each work group. To improve their skill base, and extend it beyond the specializations of individual work groups, detectives formed ‘communities of practice’. A senior officer explained: “There are specialist communities of practice. These are people who have volunteered to be specialists in a crime theme - for example homicide, sex crimes, arson. These are mainly but not necessarily in that squad for example, sex crimes; and training is focused on that group on how to investigate crime in that theme. However, not everyone in a squad, for example homicide, is a specialist in that crime theme. Others will be general investigators.” Much knowledge was accumulated in IT systems but there were inadequate organizational processes to share and utilize the experience of detectives and the IT-based knowledge across Police as a whole. The research recommended that Police analyze existing information resources in IT systems over time and across work groups and use the information about outcomes, and strengths and weaknesses in investigative practices, to learn and improve. In the next section the implications of the field study for an understanding of dynamic capabilities are presented. Discussion In the field study, management control is seen as non-traditional. The absence of performance measures (number of crimes, conviction rates), and the ambiguities of the effectiveness of disruption tactics, intelligence collection, and victim satisfaction make traditional forms of management control ineffective, even though budgetary resources and budgetary control (particularly over the costs of people) reflect the overall constraints on activity. In the field study, non-traditional forms of control dominated, in particular the resource prioritization (or triaging) process, the five tier tasking and coordinating process, as well as investigation plans, completion reports and the strategic focus provided by intelligence and analysis of data. These were documented processes, although they were qualitative in nature. Nevertheless, the field study reveals the development of both a hierarchy of capabilities and the transition of those capabilities over time, and the role of learning. In a broader sense, this field study has shown the relevance of dynamic capabilities (DC) to the public sector and following Pablo et al. (2007) has argued that the literature of DC is 18 | P a g e relevant in building an understanding of how a public sector organization can allocate limited resources to satisfy unpredictable and uncontrollable demand. Senior police themselves used phrases such as “capacity, capability, debt”, and there was a conscious and explicit decision to improve the capability of the organization to investigate serious and organized crime. This decision was to a large extent forced on Police through the political, press and public attention to the high profile series of organized crime related murders. However, this external motivation was not resisted by Police, as there was realization by Police themselves that they needed to improve their capability to manage their existing resource base more efficiently and effectively. Hence, there was both an external driver, and an internal motivation to improve capability. The field study reveals a sharp distinction between the operational capability of investigating crime, and the higher level capabilities of managing the resource base, reflecting the work of Collis (1994) and Winter (2003). Operational capabilities were the result of the training and experience of detectives which was to a large extent retained within work groups based on the nature of the criminal investigation (e.g. homicide, arson, fraud have different investigative modes) although the communities of practice were one way in which skill sets were transferred across a wider base of detectives. These were the key elements that enabled learning. Of particular importance to this paper, and to an understanding of DC, was the development of the higher order capabilities. These can be categorized as information, relationship, strategic, political, and learning capabilities. These capabilities are shown in Table 1. Insert Table 1 about here In the field study, while there were constraints of legacy information systems, timesheet information revealed the quantum and timing of resources going into investigations. The Resource Prioritization process formalized the ‘triaging’ of crimes, while the five levels of the Tasking and Coordination process provided a more formalized decision , monitoring and review process for resourcing decisions. More effective use of limited resources also resulted from the targeting of prolific criminals using available information generated about trends and patterns that produced ‘intelligence packages’ and tasking decisions. The development of an improved information capability thereby leveraged the operational capability and contributed significantly to improved resource use. Where investigations crossed jurisdictional boundaries and required reliance on other police forces or criminal justice agencies, close working relationships became important to gather evidence, intelligence, and cooperation to bring investigations to a satisfactory conclusion. Relationship capability– or relational capabilities (Helfat et al., 2007) - was an important element of leveraging resources to achieve outcomes. Given the dynamism of crime markets described earlier in this paper, developing strategies to address these threats was an important capability. Strategic capability was the focus of SUP, in which strategy development played an important role in changing work group structures, including the formation of task forces to focus resources on high profile issues. 19 | P a g e Crime markets exhibit entrepreneurial behavior by criminal groups who exploit technologies and legislative loopholes. The ability to influence government and other agencies was a political capability (Oliver & Holzinger, 2008). As political pressures change in response to election cycles (Boyne, 2002), the capability to interact with government appropriately needs to be dynamic. In Police, this influence extended to obtaining funds for the restructuring and new strategy implementation following the series of organized crime related murders but extended to efforts in target hardening with victims of serious and organized crime. The final identified dynamic capability is the learning capability. In the present field study, there was a clear ability to share knowledge, skills and experience in the operational capabilities within work groups. There was learning by senior management that led to continual development of the DC. However, the research also identified weaknesses in the analysis and use of existing data over time and between work groups and the need for improvements, much a consequence of legacy IT systems. This was the most notable area in which Police needed to enhance its dynamic capabilities. These capabilities can be seen to form a hierarchy in which each level interacts with the next level in a reflexive fashion. This hierarchy of capabilities is shown in Figure 2. Insert Figure 2 about here Figure 2 shows how each DC is developed through learning and in turn acts on the next level DC, with each DC contributing to a leveraging of operational capabilities, and consequently to improved use in resources, irrespective of the quantum of resources. Leadership was an important ingredient in the introduction and development of each capability, as suggested by Rosenbloom (2000); Ambrosini & Bowman (2009); and Salvato (2003). The researchers observed an increasing routinization as the research progressed, with initial resistance to change being overtaken by acceptance as Police themselves realized that these new processes were managing resources more effectively than in the past. These new processes became routinized over time, and while path dependence was present, learning enabled the development of new capabilities and new paths. The resource prioritization process, tasking and coordinating, investigation plans and completion reports were control processes – although not in the traditional way in which the management control systems literature usually typifies control – but nevertheless resulted in a balance between learning/improvement, and routinization/path dependence. The capabilities can be seen not only in the hierarchy of Figure 2, but in the sense of a horizontal path, as Figure 3 shows. Insert Figure 3 about here Based on the sensing, seizing, transforming continuum developed by Teece (2007), Helfat & Peteraf (2009), and Ambrosini & Bowman (2009), Figure 3 shows how, using the field study 20 | P a g e data, path dependence is modified through learning such that a new path emerges, with the intent of improved use of resources. Figure 3 shows the impact of organizational activities and processes, the resources themselves, and the dynamic capabilities that are utilized. The emergence of new paths and new and developing dynamic capabilities is influenced by both the external environment (in the field study government funding, legislation and the operation of crime markets); as well as the internal environment of internal resource allocations, policies and procedures, the actions of leadership, and information systems, reinforcing work by Teece et al. (1997) on the role of these environments in developing DC. Taken together, the horizontal and vertical perspectives provide a useful way in which to understand the central role of learning and leadership in moving from one path to another, and their central role in developing a hierarchy of dynamic capabilities. Conclusion The focus of this research, in its public sector setting, has been that value creation comes not from the possession but the use of resources (Penrose, 1959). This research has answered the call for purposive research that is designed to test the theoretical development of the DC conceptualization (Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009) and into the causal factors and contingencies affecting the development of DC (Barreto, 2010; Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009).This paper is also a response to the call for more attention to public sector studies applying a DC perspective (Pablo et al., 2007). This paper has sought to explore the causal factors behind the building and development of DC, how path dependencies are sustained by control but modified as a result of learning, and whether there is a hierarchy from lower to higher order DC. In the field study, operational capabilities were clearly distinguished from dynamic capabilities, supporting the work of Collis (1994) and Winter (2003). The literature identifies various categories of DC. In the vertical perspective, the research showed how a hierarchy of DC: information, relationship, strategic, political, and learning emerges with different DC leveraging the operational capabilities. While there are likely to be commonalities, it is not suggested that any typology of DC is universal but that the contingencies of the organization (Aragon-Correa & Sharma, 2003) and its internal and external environment (Teece et al., 1997) will impact on the specific DC that emerge and develop in any particular organizational setting. The horizontal perspective reinforces the adaptive, absorptive and innovative components of DC (Wang & Ahmed, 2007). The horizontal view recognizes path dependence (Helfat et al., 2007; Nelson & Winter, 1982; Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) through control; but also reveals how paths can diverge over time (Aragon-Correa & Sharma, 2003) through learning, in which motivations for change must be considered. A three stage model: sensing, seizing, and transforming was derived from Teece (2007), Helfat & Peteraf (2009), and Ambrosini & Bowman (2009) to develop the idea of the horizontal development of DC towards improved resource use. The research results – 21 | P a g e summarized in Figure 3 - demonstrated the value of this model and the link between the horizontal stages and the development of specific DC. The research found that learning is central to the development of DC, in both a vertical and horizontal sense. In the literature, learning has been seen as a DC itself (Pablo et al., 2007), while DC has also been seen to develop through learning (Zollo & Winter, 2002). The literature reveals that leadership (Rosenbloom, 2000; Ambrosini & Bowman, 2009; Salvato, 2003) or dynamic managerial capabilities (Adner & Helfat, 2003) are important in the development of new DC. In the research study, a hierarchy of dynamic capabilities can be seen to result from learning processes, in which path dependent organizational routines emerge through learning and are sustained through control. New dynamic capabilities are developed through learning into new paths and new approaches to leveraging resources. The research found that learning was at the centre of both new paths emerging and the development of new hierarchies and that leadership was a crucial ingredient. The more holistic model presented in this paper encapsulates and extends prior findings in the DC literature, and grounds these findings in a field study designed to test these questions, in a research setting – the public sector - that has not been the focus of much research attention in the DC literature. It also reflects the complementarities available from a combination of internal and external perspectives on DC (Di Steffano et al., 2010). 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Political capability External focus and influence with stakeholders; Role of Serious and Organized Strategy section of Police (SUP) to influence partner agencies (eg target hardening), influence legislation, etc.; Evidence base to seek additional funds for resources, especially for bottleneck resources. Strategic capability Reacting to, and anticipating changing trends & patterns in crime markets; Development by SUP of crime strategies for whole police force. Relationship With other criminal justice agencies, e.g. other police forces, Customs, capability Taxation, Immigration, regional police, prosecutorial bodies, etc. Information Resource Prioritization (RP); capability 5 levels of Tasking & Co-ordination (T&C); Leveraging limited resources by allocation of detectives to investigations and prioritization of specialist resources. Tactical assessments by Theme Desks of trends and patterns from reported crimes; Intelligence packages (target profiles, etc.); Detective timesheets and management reports based on these timesheets. Operational Investigative knowledge, skills and experience gained from training and capability experience shared within the work group; Communities of practice that extended knowledge, skills and experience beyond the work group; Coping mechanisms for major disasters. 28 | P a g e Figure 3: Main elements of dynamic capabilities in the field study External Environment/Constraints -Government policy/funding -Legislation -Dynamic crime markets Dynamic Capabilities Prior path and Resource bases Organisational activities/process es Resources used Level of capabilities involved Sensing Seizing -Strategic planning -Research -Prediction of crime market trends -Tasking and coordination -Investigation Plans - Theme desk - Crime reports - Intelligence packages - Resource Prioritization (RP) - T&C process (5 tiers) - Specialist resources - Other agency relationships - Strategic - Information -Relationship -Information Transforming -Periodic meetings -Feedback, assessments and reviews -New task forces, etc. -Crime strategies -Influencing government & others - Strategic - Political - Learning Internal Environment/Constraints -Organisational resources allocated to serious & organized crime -Internal policies and procedure -Leadership and managerial behaviour -Information technologies (legacy systems) Adapted from Teece (2007), Helfat and Peteraf (2009), and Ambrosini and Bowman (2009) 29 | P a g e New path and improved resource uses