September 2013 Crime Watch Agenda Pledge of Allegiance

September 2013 Crime Watch Agenda
Pledge of Allegiance
Recruitment: Currently at 1081. We want to get to 1500. If you move out of the area or change email
addresses, please be sure to notify me so I can make the change.
Thank you to the volunteers that recruited 51 new members for Crime Watch at Community Day.
Crime Watch Celebration Dinner is scheduled for Saturday October 19, 2013 @ 6pm at the Community
Center. Tickets are $15 per person. The dinner will be catered by Pasta Too, and there will be pop and
water and desserts. Presently we have sold 42 tickets. We must sell 100 tickets to keep the event, so if
possible get your tickets! Members of the John Sherbondy family will be present, and it would be nice to
show them support for his work in starting Crime Watch.
Police VS Fire Department softball game took place on Community Day. A great time was had by all. We did
not have enough people at the game to do the 50-50 raffle. The score was Police 24- Fire Department 12.
Trophies were awarded at the council meeting.
Citizen Police Academy: Applications are available online for next year. If you think that the Academy is of
interest to you, please get your application in now. You can always say no later, but once the class is full I
cannot add you. Presently there are 33 applications turned in, and another 12 handed out.
The next DEA Drug Take Back Program will be on Saturday 10/26/2013 from 10 am – 2pm. There will be a
collection site at the community center, and the Highmark Direct building in Norman Center. Please get the
word out to all friends and neighbors.
There have been 34 requests for speed monitors in the community. The traffic division is doing its best to
move the monitors around to accommodate the requests. I believe we have gotten to number 10 in the
requests. The portable monitors are not as “portable” as they were reported to be, and we must have
public works assist us in moving the signs and this is not always easy.
Website: Please check out some of the features of our website. It has been designed to answer a lot of the
questions people have. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to send them to me.
There continue to be thefts from unlocked vehicles both in Bethel Park and neighboring communities.
There has also been an increase in thefts of yard tools such as lawnmowers and weed whackers. Please
make sure that this type of equipment is secured. The thefts that happened were from unlock sheds or
from yard where these items were left out.
Bicycles: The Police Department has recovered quite a few bicycles over the past few months at various
locations. The problem is, not many of these bikes have been reported missing or stolen. Add to that fact
that these bicycles are going unclaimed, and we have nowhere to store them. We are asking that anyone
who might be missing a bike, to call Detective Paganico 412-831-6800 ext. 413 and provide a description
and some information.
We have had several vehicles damaged over the last several days. A person(s) has been throwing large
rocks through the rear windows of parked cars in various locations throughout the Municipality. There is at
present, no suspect information.
Solicitors: Continue to be a problem in our community. It appears that certain businesses have devised a
way to circumvent the need to get a permit. Although in our opinion, it still requires a permit, here is the
newest tactic. The suspects go throughout the neighborhood knocking on doors. They offer to give you a
free raffle ticket as long as you fill out all the information. On the ticket, it has advertisements for their
business. Now the company said they are not soliciting for business, just getting their name out there. They
have been warned, but this course of action will likely happen again. Call if it does.
14. Halloween will be on Thursday October 31, 2013 from 6-8 pm. Please turn a light on to indicate to the
children that you are participating and giving candy. We will do safety programs in the schools and the
children are instructed to avoid homes that do not have lights on.
15. Food Drive: The food drive will start December 2, 2013, and end December 18 , 2013. There will be two
collection dates at Walmart and Shop N Save; Saturday December 7, and Saturday December 14.
16. The Adopt A Family will start preparation in late October. The Adopt a Family is a program to help Bethel
Park Families that have had a difficult year with Christmas. Sick children families take priority, then a sick
parent. I usually get recommendations from Principals, Teachers, Priests, Pastors and School Nurses. I
could also get information from an officer who responded to a call and made visual observations. In every
case, I contact the family and make sure they will accept the help.
17. Correct Use of Tips Line: We have been getting a lot of calls on the tips line, (412)-851-2773, that are
ongoing problems. (Meaning happening right then) This line is for people to report information that
happens over a period of time, or a crime was committed that you witnessed and you have information
pertaining to the crime. (When flower pots were stolen in front of Bethel Bakery and footage was shown on
the news, people used the tips line or if you suspect drug activity in your neighborhood, you can use the tips
line. But if there is an ongoing situation that needs attention, you need to call 412-833-2000 and report the
incident so it gets immediate attention.
18. Discussions:
Next Meetings:
Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday October 21 @ 6:30 pm at the Community Center
Future Meetings: Tuesday November 19 & Tuesday December 17 @6:30 pm at the Community Center