Module 7 Outline SUBMIT

SHPE Jr. Module 7
How Do You Learn?
(Social Skills Focus: Learning Styles)
Participants will explore the importance of understanding their learning style.
Learning Outcomes
Students will:
 Explore the various learning styles
 Assess which learning style they prefer
 Understand the correlation between learning styles and academic performance
Workshop Length
60 minutes
Materials/Supplies Needed
LCD projector and computer for workshop presentation
Copies of handouts (i.e. Learning Style Inventory, Characteristics of Learning Styles)
Writing utensil (i.e. pencil, pen)
Additional Resources
 UT Dallas Student Success Center
 North Carolina State University – Understanding Learning Styles
 Dartmouth College – Academic Skills Center “How to Study”
SHPE Jr. Module 7
Workshop Outline
The facilitator should review the workshop presentation prior to the session. The
facilitator will cover each slide in the presentation and personalize the information by
adding from your related personal experiences.
1. Welcome/Introductions/Icebreaker (5 minutes)
Slides 1-3: The facilitator should welcome the students and introduce volunteers who
will be helping with the workshop. The facilitator should also cover the agenda for
today’s session. Please share the focus of today’s workshop with the participants.
Next, the facilitator should conduct a brief icebreaker to allow students to meet each
other and to learn more about the participants. Students will be asked to participate
throughout the workshop. The icebreaker will allow for students to establish group
2. Understanding Learning Styles (20 minutes)
Slide 4-5: Learning styles are the way that our brain processes information and retains
it. Each of us has a different way that our brain stores information.
Ask the participants to describe why understanding their learning style can be helpful in
college or high school.
Answers may include:
 You can be a better learner
 You can retain information better
 Understanding information will be easier
 You can improve your grades or other performance measures
Slide 6: There are three learning styles. Some students have a greater affinity to one
learning style or others can have two learning styles.
The three learning style include:
 Auditory learning style – Learn by hearing
 Visual learning style – Learn by seeing
 Tactile (or kinesthetic) learning style – Learn by touching or doing
Take an informal poll with your participants. Ask students to raise their hand and guess
which learning style they most identify with.
SHPE Jr. Module 7
Many students may prefer tactile learning style if they have an interest in engineering
because they like to “tinker” or “take things apart.”
In the next few slides, we will explore each learning style further.
Slide 7: Next, review the Auditory Learning Style. Auditory learners process information
best through hearing. Here are some common characteristics of auditory learners.
Like to hear things said out loud
Learn by hearing things or repeating things orally
Enjoys music
Has difficulty with written instructions
Whispers to self when reading
Enjoys discussions
Prefers mnemonics (word links, rhymes, poems)
Slide 8: The next learning style is Visual Learning Style. Visual learners process
information best by seeing material or visualizing it. Here are some common
characteristics of this learning style.
Likes to observe things rather than act or talk
Likes to read
Enjoys spelling
Remembers faces
Frequently doodles
Notices details
Likes to use study cards with colors
Forms pictures in their mind
Slide 9: The third learning style is Tactile Learning Style. Tactile learners process
information by touch or doing things. People with this learning style may like subjects
like math or science because they can solve problems in writing. Here are some
common characteristics of this learning style.
Likes physical rewards
Taps pencil or foot when studying
Enjoys doing activities
Likes to solve problems by physically working through them
Uses hands while talking
Likes to try new things
Paces/walks while studying
Likes role plays
3. What is your learning style? (25 minutes)
SHPE Jr. Module 7
Slide 10-12: We’d like for you to know which learning style you prefer. The facilitator
should distribute the Learning Styles Inventory. Students should take a few minutes to
complete the assessment.
Students should check the box that best describes how frequently each statement
applies to them.
Once complete, the participants should use the Scoring Procedures to calculate their
learning style preference.
The facilitator may want to walk around the room to make sure the students are
correctly completing the assessment.
Use the following debrief questions to discuss the results the students found:
Which learning style preference did you score the highest on?
Does this answer surprise you?
Did any two styles have a very close score? What does this indicate?
How can you use what you have learned today to change your study habits?
The facilitator should distribute the Characteristics of Learning Styles. Students should
review the characteristics that correlate with their learning style. You may want to allow
students to discuss their styles and the handout in small work groups.
Allow the students to share the traits that they relate to based on their learning style.
Students should commit to practice at least two study techniques from the handout and
to come prepared to share next month.
4. College Planning Checklist (5 minutes)
Slide 14-15: Review the College Planning Checklist items for students to complete this
month. Twelfth grade students who have not applied to colleges or completed financial
aid applications should talk to a college counselor or SHPE mentor for guidance.
Participants in grades 9-11 should stay focused on their classes for the rest of the
academic year and explore potential summer camps at local universities or community
Allow time to answer questions or provide guidance to students.
5. Summary and Wrap-up (5 minutes)
SHPE Jr. Module 7
Slide 16-17: Review the highlights from today’s session. Thank the students for
attending and allow time for questions from the students. Provide the students with any
important announcements.