TRANSMISSION LINE-2 Name : D.K.Pathirana Index No : 080332P Field : EE Group : 09 Date of sub: 2010.12.06 OBSERVATION SHEET Name : Index no : Group : Date of per : Instructed By : D.K.Pathirana 080332P EE09 06-12-2010 1) Open circuit test Vs = 63V Is = 2.55A Ps = 33W 2) Short circuit test Vs = 15V Is = 0.9A Ps = 8W 3) Load tests Vr = 76V 4) Resistive load Vs (V) Ir (A) Pr (W) 64 66 67 68 0.15 0.32 0.4 0.52 12 24 31 40 69 0.64 49 Vs (V) Ir (A) Pr (W) 70 71 71 72 73 75 0.64 0.67 0.7 0.76 0.86 1.0 15 16 16 17 17.5 19 5) Inductive load CALCULATON Properties of the given Transmission Line Transmission line model R = 0.316 Ω/km L = 2.0 mH/km C = 0.26 µF/km G = 0 (negligible) Total resistance of the transmission line R R T = 0.316 75 = 23.7 Total induction of the transmission line L LT = 2.0×75 mH = 150 mH Total capacitance of the transmission line C CT = 0.26×75 µF = 19.5 µF Theoretical calculations of transmission line parameters Let’s assume that the transmission line has an equivalent model. I2 I1 Yc V1 Ya Yb V2 Zc = 23.7 + j (2π×50)×0.15 = 23.7 + j 47.124 Ω = 52.75∠63.30 Ω Yc = 1/ ZC = 1/ (23.7 + j 47.124) = (0.00852 - j 0.0169) S Za = Zb = 1/ j (2π×50)×(19.5×10-6)×(1/2) = (-j 331.57) Ω =331.57∠ − 90Ω Ya = Yb = 1/ (-j 331.565) = j 0.003016 S A Yb Yc Yc A j 0.003016 0.00852 j 0.0169 0.00852 j 0.0169 A 0.85787 j 0.07148 A 0.8604.76 1 Yc B 1 0.00852 j 0.0169 B B 52.7563.30 C Ya Yb Yb Yc Yc Ya Yc C Ya Ya Ya Ya Yc Yc C Ya. Ya Yc 2 Ya But , Ya Yb j 0.003016, C 0.003016 j 0.003016 j 0.00852 j 0.0169 2 0.003016 j C 0.0056 0.0002156 j C 0.005692.20 And also due to the symmetry of the system, A=D D 0.8604.76 To check the circuit is a passive one. A D B C 0.8614.763 0.8614.763 52.74863.3 0.0056192.20 A D B C 1.00037 A D B C 1 There fore the given circuit is a passive circuit. Theoretical values of the parameters, A = 0.8604.76 B = 52.7563.30 C = 0.005692.20 D = 0.8604.76 Transmission line parameters calculated practically From open circuit test Z O/C VS IS I R 0 63 1000 90 2.55 200 123.53 90 From short circuit test P VICos 8 15 0.9 Cos 53.658 ZS/C VS IS VR 0 15 1000 53.658 0.9 200 83.3353.658 A B C D A D B C Zo / c Zs / c CD 1 Zo / c Zs / c A Zo / c D Zo / c Zo / c Zs / c A D Zo / c A A Zo / c Zs / c Zo / c A Zo / c Zs / c Zo / c Zs / c Substituting values for ZO/C and ZS/C A 123.53 90 123.53 90 83.3353.658 A 0.627214.52 A 0.7937.26 Also A = D due to the symmetry of the system, A D 0.7937.26 From short circuit test V B ZS/C S I S V 0 D R B D ZS/C B 0.7937.26 83.3353.658 B 66.0860.92 From open circuit test V A Z O/C S I S I 0 C R A Zo / c 0.7937.26 C 123.53 90 C 0.006497.26 C Practical values of the parameters, A = 0.7937.26 B = 66.0860.92 C = 0.006497.26 D = 0.7937.26 Compare Practical A B C D parameters with theoretical values Parameter Theoretically Practically A 0.8604.76 0.7937.26 B 52.7563.30 66.0860.92 C 0.005692.20 0.006497.26 D 0.8604.76 0.7937.26 |Vs ||Vr |∠(θ − b) |A||Vr2 |∠(a − b) = + |Vr ||Ir |∠ − φ |B| |B| |A||Vr2 |∠(a − b) 0.793(762 )∠(7.26 − 60.92) = = 69.315∠−53.66𝑜 |B| 66.08 Pr = Vr Ir cos φ For resistive load φ can be obtain only for second set of value φ = cos−1 [ Pr 24 ] = cos −1 [ ] = 9.30o Vr Ir 76 × 0.32 |Vr ||Ir | = 76 × 0.32 = 24.32 From the receiving end circle diagram, |Vs ||Vr | = 88 |B| |Vs | = 88 × 66.08 = 76.51V 76 For inductive load Vr =76V Pr (W) Ir (V) Φ |Vr ||Ir | 15 0.64 72.03 48.64 16 0.67 71.67 50.92 16 0.7 72.49 53.2 17 0.76 72.88 57.76 17.5 0.86 74.46 65.36 19 1.0 75.52 76 Pr (W) |Vs ||Vr | |B| Vs (V) from graph Vs from practical 15 116 100.78 70 16 118 102.52 71 16 120 104.25 71 17 129 112.07 72 17.5 132 114.68 73 19 142 123.37 75 130 Values from graph Values from practical 120 110 Vs (V) 100 90 80 70 60 13 14 15 16 17 Pr (W) 18 19 20 DISCUSSION: Reasons for variations of theoretical values with practical values. During the practical, human errors can be happened. That is either due to the invalid calculations or due to the invalid readings. There fore we must take readings during the practical with high accuracy and must do the calculations correctly. For easier calculations we change the appearance of the transmission line in to a - model. So there will be some significant errors due to this lumping of the transmission line. This practical is done by using ammeters, voltmeters and wattmeter. But sometimes these instruments are not ideal or not sensitive enough to take measurements. Open circuit test and short circuit test are also done to calculate the transmission line parameters practically. Due to the errors in the instruments, the calculated values of ZS/C and ZO/C can have some errors. And also A, B, C, D parameters were calculated using these two. Calculating the parameters with values which are having errors may increase the value of the error. There were small resistances in the wires which are used for this practical. Sometimes in the open circuit test the receiving end may not be open circuited well by voltmeter. And in the short circuit test the receiving end may not be short circuited by the ammeter due to small amount of voltage drop across the ammeter. Due to those reasons there is a different between the transmission line parameters calculated theoretically and practically. We must do these kind of practical as much as quickly. Because if we consumed considerable time to take readings, resistance values might be changed due to the increase in the temperature as the current passing through it. And also we assumed the frequency is 50 Hz. But it can be vary between the (50 1%) Hz. so this also introduced some errors. Reasons for not giving identical diagram for the theoretical and observed. For the receiving end, due to the variations of the values of A, B, C, D parameters, it is not given identical diagram for the theoretical and observed. Because we plot the circle diagrams using these A, B, C, D parameters. Resistances at the connections and wires are neglected and also we use a 1.5 Ω resistor as the average resistance. For the high accuracy we must consider the resistances of wires and connecting points. Some of the values we calculate approximately to the first decimal point. There fore accuracy is reduced when we are plotting the diagrams. Importance of Circle Diagrams Circle diagrams can be categorized into three types. They are, 1) Receiving end circle diagram 2) Sending end circle diagram 3) Universal circle diagram Power circle diagrams are used to analyze what happen to the power delivered with variation of various parameters of the transmission line. To determine active and reactive power at the receiving end for any load angle from the receiving end circle diagram. We can get the power at either receiving end or sending end for any given values of transmission line parameters and voltages and currents at the sending and the receiving end. The power flow at any point along transmission line can always be found if the voltage, current and power factor are known or can be calculated. REFERENCE: Principles of power system by V.K Mehta & Rohit Mehta.