Fundamental of logic design (邏輯設計) Ching Yuan Su(蘇清源) Dept. of Electronic Engineering Chang Gung University 2013.2 課程評量資訊 學分數: 3 教室: E0301 科目代號: EN2080 助教資料: 何冠毅 ( 上課時間: 15:10-18:00 上課方式: 投影片、黑板講解、課後習題作業演練、延伸閱讀 教材 7. 使用教科書: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Charles H. Roth, Jr., "Fundamentals of Logic Design, international student edition," sixth edition, international edition.,2010 Cenga ge learning. 8. 作業(30%)期中考( 30% )期末考( 40% ) 9. 師生互動時間: 周二上午10點-12點 10. 助教協助時間: mail (或電話5607)約時間 延伸閱讀教材 1. 輔助教科書: Digital logic design, M. M. Mano and Charles R. Kime, 4th edition, Prentice Hall 2. 教材網頁: 3. 網路延伸教材: (a) 電子工程專輯 (b) 奈米科學網 (c) Newsletter (d) Nanowerk Nanotechnplogy (e) NPG Nature Asia-Pacific (f) Chemistry View etc… 課程大綱 1. INTRODUCTION NUMBER SYSTEMS AND CONVERSION (數字系統) 2. BOOLEAN ALGEBRA(布林代數) 3. APPLICATIONS OF BOOLEAN ALGEBRA MINTERM AND MAXTERM EXPANSIONS (最大項與最小項) 1. KARNAUGH MAPS(卡諾圖使用) 2. QUINE-McCLUSKEY METHOD 3. MULTI-LEVEL GATE CIRCUITS NAND AND NOR GATES(多階 及NAND,NOR電路) 4. COMBINATIONAL CIRCUIT DESIGN AND SIMULATION USING GATES(組合邏輯電路設計) 5. MULTIPLEXERS, DECODERS, AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES(多工器、解碼器與可程式控制邏輯電路) 學程地圖 Why you need to learn this course? ? Logic design unit (the building block) A MOS Inverter 1. Learning logic design 2. Learning how to carry out your designed circuit 3. The physical view of logic circuit Integrated Circuit An Intel CPU layout What’s the building blocks of a IC’s MOSFETs(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors) DRAM(dynamic random accesses memory) SRAM Chip Flash memory Nano electronics 1 nanometer devices! Molecules FET Nanowire-based logic circuit Si Nanowire logic curcuit Signal: Analog or Digital? 1. Analog : The signal is vary continuously 2. Digital: The signal is discrete 3. Signal accuracy: (a) Analog depending on the component accuracy when it was made (b) Digital: the accuracy can be enhanced by adding more “digits” 4. Positive logic/ Negative logic: (a) True/False: 1/0 , High/Low voltage 5. The performance of a digital circuit: (a) duty cycle D/A and A/D convertor Sampling Quantization(3 bits) Digital Logic circuit 1. Digital system: (a) System design (b) logic design (c) circuit design 2. Digital circuit can be divided into: (a) Combination Circuit (b) Sequential Circuit( depends on both the present and past input value ) , therefore it requiring memory to “remember ” the past value 實現邏輯電路的方法 PLA, CPLD, FPGA, VHDL