Honors Chemistry - Periodic Trends and Charge Prediction WS 4

Honors Chemistry - Periodic Trends and Charge Prediction WS 4-4
Name: ________________________
1) Which one of the following atoms has the largest radius?
A) Sr
Period: ___
2) Which one of the following has the smallest radius?
A) Na
D) Br
E) K
3) Which of the following correctly lists the five atoms in order of increasing size (smallest to
A) F < K < Ge < Br < Rb
B) F < Ge < Br < K < Rb
C) F < K < Br < Ge < Rb
D) F < Br < Ge < K < Rb
E) F < Br < Ge < Rb < K
E) Which of the following is an isoelectronic series?
a. B5-, Sr4-, As3-, Te2b. F -, Cl -, Br -, I c. S, Cl, Ar, K
a. Si , P , S , Cl
e. O , F , Ne, Na
4) Electronegativity __________ from left to right within a period and __________ from top to
bottom within a group.
a. decreases, increases
b. increases, increases
c increases, decreases
d stays the same, increases
5) The first ionization energies of the elements __________ as you go from left to right across a
period of the periodic table, and __________ as you go from the bottom to the top of a group in the
A increase, increase
B increase, decrease
C decrease, increase
D decrease, decrease
E are completely unpredictable
6) Of the atoms below, __________ is the most electronegative.
b. Si
B) Cl
C) Rb
D) Ca
E) S
7) Of the atoms below, __________ is the least electronegative.
b. Rb
B) F
C) Si
D) Cl
E) Ca
8) Of the following atoms, which has the largest first ionization energy?
c. Br
B) O
C) C
D) P
E) I
9) What is the trend for atomic radius as you move across a row in the periodic table? Explain why.
10) What is the trend in atomic radius as you move down a column in the periodic table? Explain why.
11) Which element will have a larger atomic radius Nickel, Ni or Platinum, Pt? Why?
12) Which element will have a smaller atomic radius Iodine, I or Bromine, Br? Why?
13) What is the trend for electronegativity as you go across a row left to right?
14) What is the trend for electronegativity as you go down a column?
15) Which element is MORE electronegative, Francium or fluorine?
16) Which element is LESS electronegative, Selenium or oxygen?
17) What is the trend for atomic mass on the periodic table? Are there any exceptions to the rule?
18) What is the trend for atomic number on the periodic table? Are there any exceptions to the rule?
Predict Atomic Charge:
Show the Noble Gas notation for the atom, the ion and predict the charge
P = [Ne]3s23p3
P = [Ne]3s23p6
19) Selenium
20) Strontium
21) Oxygen
22) Tin
23) Cadmium