Federation of Corpus Christi incorporating Sacred Heart, St Helen’s and St Michael & All Angels Pupil Premium Expenditure – 2015-2016 Overview of the school – ST HELEN’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) Total number of pupils on role Total numbers eligible for PPG Amount of PPG received per pupil Total amount of PPG received 145 18 £1300 £23400 Summary of PPG Spending 2015-2016 Objectives in spending PPG: To make children into more independent learners To close the gap between FSM & Non FSM To allow all children access to wider provision of activities Summary of spending and actions taken: Additional support for 121 teaching with pupils in KS2 – closely targeted to support reading, writing and maths – this was with both teachers and teaching assistants. Provision of ‘pot’ to assist parents with visit costs/clubs across whole school Resources to support 121 pupils to enhance and embed RWI Additional support from TA to assist with reading throughout school for those FSM pupils not listened to at home Other – see below Pupil Premium The Pupil Premium funding that is received by the school annually is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil attainment and to help overcome any barriers to learning. We have utilised strategies from ‘Narrowing the Gap’ that have been researched and analysed extensively, to inform us of the best ways to use this money. Parents of vulnerable children who are also SEN are invited to attend termly in-depth consultation meetings with the teachers to discuss ways to accelerate progress. Teaching cover is required for this time. EYFS and other groups have been screened to identify vulnerable groups and are supported in class, through targeted interventions. Lessons have been timetabled in an afternoon to allow individual or small group tutoring for vulnerable groups. This can be 121 for catch up or in small groups and can be in Maths, Reading or Writing. Extra TA hours to cover individual reading – particularly covering vulnerable groups. Parents are invited into school for special assemblies and major events such as the Autumn Fair, Harvest Festival, Lenten Assemblies, Holy Week celebrations etc. and all children take part. 121 catch up for any pupils failing to stay with their phonics groups/and or absence EWO 2 hours a week to support all families but with particular focus on vulnerable groups/FSM All children take part in Sport, twice a week during school time and learn key skills of team work and fair play. All children in Y4 participate in swimming during the year Top up hours for TA’s to support children during afternoon sessions Purchase of extra ipads/equipment to support 121 or small groups. Milk provided for all KS1 and KS2 pupils on FSM Development of Rainbows to support children who are suffering ‘loss’ Additional events: Residential trips have been organised to allow the children to spend an adventurous two days at Kingswood for Y6 All children in KS2 can have extra lessons on an instrument – this is supported by payment of fees if they are FSM Support for bought in Social care worker to assist with areas of need – paid hourly rate(From Hallam Diocese) Impact: Attendance at school has been a key focus and is improving rapidly and the children have been enthusiastic about the extra learning opportunities provided. There has been some progress made in ‘narrowing the gap’ which is monitored through Pupil Progress meetings every half term and evidenced to parents in reports and in parent interviews Progress in school is an a key school area for FSM and vulnerable groups Confidence of these pupils is also improving due to activities provided as well as the individual or small group support. Areas of real concern, such as individual loss/bereavement and social worker need are addressed quickly Proposed spending of Pupil Premium Grant spending 2015-2016 Year Group Whole school Whole school Item/project Cost Objective/Description of activity Outcome Otrack £600 On-line assessment tracker EWO £1000 Vulnerable groups tracked Attendance improving year on year 6 Residential £200 5/6 Hallam Caring Services Instrument Lessons Milk £500 Whole school Whole school Cover for staff £500 TA £4500 Y5/6 TA £9000 Whole School Educational Psychologist £5000 KS2 KS1/KS2 £300 £200 Rigorous attendance monitoring – advice is sought from the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) to ensure and maintain that attendance is high, and families are supported in increasing their child’s attendance where appropriate. EWO attends panel meetings with parents/visits homes Support for PPG pupils for residential costs To support pupils who needed counselling Support pupils to have music lessons FSM pupils have milk daily if they want it Staff attend SEN Meetings/Progress Meetings Reading TA to support listening to readers 2 x TA to work with small groups on grammar/writing Assists staff/SENCO in identification of issues earlier and support staff in their approach. Development of EHC Pupils had the experience of a residential Pupils behaviour improved ALL identified pupils are heard read weekly and 121 work occurs to develop skills Confidence growing in writing Staff feel more supported and pupils identified earlier