Unit B Chemistry Unit study guide

Unit B Chemistry Unit study guide
Unit Test on Thursday, 12-20-12 Activity 12-29, p. B-3 to B-85
Be able to identify Atomic number and mass with protons, electrons and neutrons
Rows of periodic table are called_____________
Columns of periodic table are called___________________
What is reactivity?
Names, placement and characteristics of Families- Alkali metals, alkali earth metals, transition metals,
halogens, noble gases as well as metals vs nonmetals
Why are lanthanides and actinides on bottom?
What are the only two liquids? Where are the gasses?
Which element is in a group of its own?
Which element is needed for substances to burn?
Mendeleev did such a great job creating his periodic table because:
Number of atoms in a molecule
Be able to label an atom- proton, neutron, electron, nucleus, electron cloud and understand what they are
Know difference between the Reactant and the product of a chemical equation
What is the law of conservation of mass
Why should chemical equations be balanced?
What is a subscript? A coefficient?
What is the difference between a mixture, compound and element
How to determine chemical symbol and chemical formula (element vs compound) (atom vs molecule)
What is chemical change and evidence of chemical change
What to consider when choosing materials
Product life cycle
What happens with an Exothermic reaction
Identify Number of elements and number of atoms
Chemical property vs physical property
Is size and shape a physical property?
Most common phase of the elements
Relative density. Float vs sink and be able to place on chart
Density of water
Poly vs mono?
Natural vs synthetic polymers? Examples of each
Draw difference between monomer, polymer and cross linked polymer
What does crosslinking do to a polymer? How does its properties change?
What does ppm mean?
Good and bad of dilution, incineration and reclaiming
What is waste?
Green Chemistry guidelines and how use in own household
Choice of materials based on its properties
Activity 12 Evaluating Materials
Vocab: Material, Material Scientist, Materials engineer, Property
◦ Also Evidence and tradeoffs
 Properties of Materials
◦ How properties and other factors are used to choose a product
◦ ie- cost, environmental impact of production and of waste, recyclability, reliability during use,
ease of use
 Advantages and disadvantages to glass, plastic, aluminum
Activity 13- Product Life Cycle
Vocab: Life cycle, Life cycle diagram, raw materials, manufacturing, useful life, end of life
Product Life Cycle
Diagram and Parts of life cycle- compare
Raw materials- (for aluminum, plastic, glass)
Useful life
End of life
Activity 14 Physical and Chemical
Properties of Materials
Vocab: chemical property, physical property, density, material
 Physical vs Chemical Properties
◦ Physical: density, electrical conductivity, flexibility, color, texture, hardness, luster (brilliant,
glassy, dull- light reflection), light transmission (opaque, translucent, transparent)
◦ Chemical: Reaction with other substances, pH, flammability
 How we use properties to select best materials
Activity 15 Families of Elements
Vocab: atom, atomic mass, element, family, metal, periodic table of elements
Periodic Table
Properties of elements
Activity 16 Elements and the Periodic Table p. B-22
Vocab: chemical formula, compound, molecule
Also mixture
Elements vs Compounds vs Mixtures
Atoms vs Molecules
Chemical Names and Formulas
Activity 16A- Atomic Structure and Chemical Interactions
Vocab: electron, neutron, proton, nucleus, electron cloud
Atomic Structure- see notes
Atomic number
Valence Electrons
Activity 17 Modeling Molecules
Vocab: chemical bond
Chemical bonds
Using models
Activity 18 Properties of Plastic
Vocab: plastic
How physical and chemical properties affect use and identify different plastics
Relative density
Activity 19 Creating New Materials
Vocab: cross-link, monomer, polymer, product, reactant, chemical reaction
Reactants vs Products
Chemical reactions
Evidence of chemical reaction
Color change
Temperature change
Formation of new substance with different properties
Gas production
Production of light or sound
Activity 20 Modeling Polymers
Monomers vs polymers
Cross linked polymers
Properties of monomers, polymers, cross linked polymers
Use of Models
Activity 21- Polymer Parts
Vocab: polymerization
Synthetic vs Natural Polymers
Plastics are Polymers but not all Polymers are plastics
What does cross linking do to properties of polymer?
Activity 22 Environmental Impact of Computers
Vocab: recycling
Material make-up of a computer
% recyclable
Hazardous waste produced DURING production
Use of circle and bar graphs
Activity 23 Producing Circuit Boards
Vocab: circuit board, etch
Also: toxic
Raw materials
How obtain Copper
Copper waste
Copper health effects
Proper and acceptable disposal
Activity 24 Diluting the Problem
 Vocab: concentration, control, dilution, indicator, parts per million, serial dilution
 Dilution/concentration
◦ Acceptable amounts for disposal
 Pros and Cons of Dilution
 Use of Indicators
 Parts of experiment notes
◦ Independent vs Dependant variable
◦ Control
◦ Constant
◦ Trials
Activity 25 Conservation of Mass
Vocab: closed system, open system, conservation of mass, exothermic reaction, mass
THE LAW Law of Conservation of Mass- “Matter is neither created nor destroyed”
Counting atoms- is it Balanced?
Chemical equation- At the end of a reaction, the same atoms exist, but they are grouped together in as
different molecules.
Reactants vs Products
Coefficient vs subscript
Activity 26 Incinerating the Waste
Vocab: combustion, incineration
Pros and cons of Incineration
Can you “destroy” copper?
Incineration vs landfills
Activity 27 Reclaiming the Metal
Vocab: reclaim
Also: evidence, trade-off
Pros and cons
Health affects of other metals used
Is it worth it?
Cost involved
Activity 28 Another approach to Metal Reclamation
Vocab: precipitate, filtrate, filtration
Pros and Cons
Using liquids to reclaim copper
Filter precipitates
Effectiveness of capturing all of copper
Can copper compound be used?
Cost involved
Activity 29
The Green Computer Decision
Computer life cycle
Evaluate and compare options
Green Guidelines
Life Cycle of a Computer
Green Chemistry Guidelines