looking for partners – waste-1-2014

Follow Guillermo
Guillermo Martinez JimenezR & D Engineer - in Vertech-Group
Vertech Group is a French high-tech SME specialising in providing advanced environmental and sustainable solutions to
different sectors. We are looking for partners on the Topic “WASTE-1-2014: Moving towards a circular economy through
industrial symbiosis”
Our proposal aims to the industrial symbiosis by revaluation of their wastes. This project includes the design of a prototype for
high-efficient biofuels at full-scale from microalgae cultivation, aiming at closing waste cycles.
We are expecting the following core partners profiles:
- SME Industrial demonstrators which produce wastewater
- SME End-users
- SME-RTD partners who works on the transformation of microalgaes into biofuel
- Civil Associations responsible for creating guidelines and best practices in the industrial processes
- SME for monitoring /automation systems
- SME-RTD photobioreactors manufacturer
If you are interested to join into our proposal, or you have further questions, please contact me at my email address:
DRS 9-2014 Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 2: Natural Hazards: Towards risk
reduction plans at national and European level looking for partners please contact me
Follow Leonardo
Leonardo PiccinettiEFB Ltd CEO 3000+ contacts l.piccinetti@e4business.eu
Are you interested in being a partner for energy renovation under Horizon 2020?
Follow Walter Terry
Walter Terry JacksonDirector / Fundraiser at Innovision2020
Read more on our website www.innovision2020.dk.
play video
Horizon 2020 Project Presentation youtube.com
Uploaded by Innovision2020 on 2014-02-11.
Looking for partners: GV-5-2014 Electric two-wheelers and new ultra-light vehicle concepts (Project
Follow Marek
Marek SlavikFounder, senior scientist at LiTHIO, LTdTop Contributor
Multipurpose amphibious SANDMAN PAEV pedal assisted electric vehicle project we asking for project partners or for
joining into existing consortium.
Link to download project presentation SANDMAN
Also interested:
GV-1-2014 Next generation of competitive lithium ion batteries to meet customer expectations
GV-2-2014 Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles
GV-8-2015 Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid
Marek Slavik
Founder, senior scientist at LiTHIO, LTd
Top Contributor
Here is short technological info about Sandman project partner Slovak academy of Sciences:
Ultra-light carbon/alu foam composites - structural panels integrated into vehicle safety frame - Sandman will be amphibious so
there will be a accessories for water and snow.
We are received a interest to make a trailer version for sightseeing tours and family version, please take a look on city
parking/charging station design.
Advance Tecnology Centre / Ctap is Looking for partners for CALL NMP-21-2014-Materials based solutions for protection or
preservation of European cultural heritage.
Follow CTAP
CTAP FUNDACIÓNCentro Tecnológico Avanzado de la Piedra
We are a privet Spanish Tecnology Center with a large experience applying 3D techniques for heritage conservation. We wants to continue our research and we are
looking for an international partner, institutions or public administrations related to the custody and preservation of historical heritage at architecture and sculpture
The main objective of this project is to provide a methodology for the use of 3D techniques in cultural heritage parts, considering buildings and sculptures and / or
architectural medium and small size parts.
Different techniques have been used throughout history for documentation, conservation and restoration of high value cultural heritage. Drawings and photographs
were some of the first techniques used, giving way to others such as photogrammetry. The current trend evolves to new technologies such as 3D digitizing using high
precision scanners. This new technology opens up a range of new applications and uses in the field of historical heritage, such as recording of high-quality information,
monitoring and supporting the process of restoration, supporting for cleaning services, manufacturing support packaging molds, development of 3D maps, study of the
evolution over time, diffusion, etc. However, this technology is not yet tested and customized for the historical heritage, since it presents considerations to take into
account by the technology developer, such as parts that can not be touched nor handled or moved, parts that require millimeter precision, stone materials in most cases
with glitter, complex geometries, etc .
For further details please don’t hesitate to contact us: Alfonso Cortés acizurdiaga@ctap.es / 0034 950126370
European project partner search: we are looking for a European SME _ expertise in manufacturing of bioreactors and /or
membrane technology (Water treatment equipment). E-mail address: mvilla@ainia.es
Follow Mercedes
Mercedes Villa Carvajal•Biotechnology Researcher, Head of Bioproduction Pilot Plant, ainia technological centre
Partner search: Urban Mobility MG5.2, MG5.5. Traffic solution providers, transport companies or associations, pilot cities and
research institutes for evaluation.
Follow Antonio
Antonio ChaparroR&D Project Manager at Wellness Telecom
One Spanish SME and one University aiming to assess three innovative solutions for urban mobility.
We are looking to join an existing consortium or to form a new one.
The partners we are in search: non-spanish: Traffic solution providers, transport companies or associations, pilot cities and research institutes for evaluation.
I will get back privately, thanks!
Partner Search for call: H20202-MG-2014-2015, under the topic “Smarter design, construction and maintenance MG-8.1a-2014”.
Follow Kostantinos
Kostantinos DrakakisCo-founder at Spectraline SA
The focus of the proposal will be on: The development of a hybrid railway signaling system that transmits over the electric traction infrastructure.
Coordinator will be the NTUA (National Technical University of Athens), with the “Wireless and Long Distance Communications Laboratory
Partner search for projects combining ICT and societal challenges
Follow Milton
Milton PonsonSecretary, Research Coordinator at International Teleport Foundation Aruba
We are looking for partners in projects in calls for Horizon 2020.
Our focus areas /areas of interest are;
Information and Communication Technologies
Societal Challenge 1 : Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing
Societal Challenge 2; Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland
water research and the bio-economy
Societal Challenge 3; Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy
Societal Challenge 4; Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
Societal Challenge 5; Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials
Societal Challenge 6: Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies
Our focus will be primarily on:
(1)creating multilingual interfaces;
(2) digital dashboards incorporating big data streams, linked data and remote data acquisition; (3)
bottom up and top down ontology infrastructures to make modelling tools for big data for application in
global sustainable development research;
(4) combining the internet of things, the internet of information and social media to create ICT
infrastructures for smart cities,
(5) research on modelling for resilience in sustainable development.
Our search is for both research institutes and non-profit organization with research capabilities which
have some degree of specialization in ICT for development (ICT4DEV) or with ICT application
development and modelling for sustainable development.
My organization is based in Aruba part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and thus eligible as based in
an eligible OCT for Horizon 2020 consortia
Looking for partners and project coordinator: Next generation technologies for energy storage LCE-10-2014
Follow Marek
Marek SlavikFounder, senior scientist at LiTHIO, LTdTop Contributor
Lead/polymer bipolar battery with unique adhesive joining method for active mass. Large 80Ah stage 2 prototypes based on MMC composite bipolar (perpendicular
current flow) structures are produced and can be seen in lab. Very high charge rates 2C. Most of the energy storage project prefer lithium/sodium/flywheel or CAES
but lead acid battery has very high capacity and cycle life if properly manufactured.
For comparsion LiFePO4 cathode has theoretical capacity 170mAh/g where PbO2 cathode has 230mAh/h and lower potential. Anyway if you compare the final
cost/performance ratio 5MWh BIPO-LAP lead acid battery is way better than Li. Our material/electrochemistry consortium is strong in R&D fields but we missing a
partners/coordinator from energy sector especially large wind, solar farm, smart grid sector and so on.
Deadline for this call is close 2014-05-07
We are open for discussion
andrea.fedorkova@upjs.sk, slavik@ditechsgk.eu
skype: andrea.fedorkova & stingray-rt
Thank you :-)
We are looking to be part of a consortium to H2020 in water and environmental protection, and sustainable production processes
Follow Marta
Marta FerreiraAuxiliary Researcher at Ciimar
We are a research group on Environmental Toxicology (LETOX) from CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – www.ciimar.up.pt)
looking to integrate a consortium to HORIZON2020 tackling themes related to the protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources,
sustainable production processes, water, biodiversity and ecosystems. Below you can find details on the expertise of the group.
“Research & Innovation on pollution impact in aquatic systems; impact of emerging contaminants on ecosystems services; integrated chemical-biological effects
monitoring for pollution assessment and control; aquatic food web; sub-lethal and long term effects; ecotoxicological bioassays; toxicity testing; molecular biology;
biochemistry; histopathology; detoxification; multixenobiotic resistance; oxidative stress; water quality assessment; groundwater; wastewater assessment and treatment
efficiency; societal challenges related to water sustainability and reuse; Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive.”
We are experienced in participating in national and international research projects and have collaborations with SMEs. We can be contacted by email
(lguimaraes@ciimar.up.pt, mferreira@ciimar.up.pt).
Looking to join a consortium to H2020 in water or environmental protection
Follow Laura
Laura GuimaraesResearcher at CIIMAR, University of Porto
We are a research group on Environmental Toxicology (LETOX) from CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – www.ciimar.up.pt)
looking to integrate proposals to HORIZON2020 tackling themes related to the protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water,
biodiversity and ecosystems. Below you can find details on the expertise of the group.
“Research & Innovation on pollution impact in aquatic systems; impact of emerging contaminants on ecosystems services; integrated chemical-biological effects
monitoring for pollution assessment and control; aquatic food web; sub-lethal and long term effects; ecotoxicological bioassays; toxicity testing; molecular biology;
biochemistry; histopathology; detoxification; multixenobiotic resistance; oxidative stress; water quality assessment; groundwater; wastewater assessment and treatment
efficiency; societal challenges related to water sustainability and reuse; Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive.”
We are experienced in managing national and international research projects and have collaborations with SMEs. We can be contacted by email
(lguimaraes@ciimar.up.pt, mferreira@ciimar.up.pt).
AUra, SMART sanitary Producing ENERGY
Follow Hafida
Hafida HallouEngineering Student Specialised in Innovation at Centrale Paris
I am currently involved in an innovation competition on future energy, and with my group, we propose a smart sanitary which produces electricity.
The project has been put on the platform "My Major Compagny", which is an investment site.
We only have 22 days to raise the funds needed to develop the project and to win the audience award!
I count on you to support AUra!
Discover the project in detail here: http://www.mymajorcompany.com/projects/le-prix-artscience-aura
Le Prix Artscience 2014 - AUra - Technology and innovation - mymajorcompany.com
AUra est un projet visant à améliorer les conditions d’hygiène et d’éducation dans les pays en voie de développement, par un apport d’énergie.
Looking for potential partners for H2020 proposals for renewable energy: solar-wind power plant, wave-solar-wind power plant,
urban wind turbines, floating hydro-solar-wind power plant.
Follow Sigma
Sigma ServiceProgramme manager at CITON
Dear All, We are currently looking for industrial partners- for H2020 LCE 7 – 2014: Distribution grid and retail market. We have
academic/research center partners from Finland, Spain,UK and Belgium.
Follow Rajatheva
Rajatheva NandanaAdjunct Professor (Docent), University of Oulu
Looking for partners or coordinator to join a proposal for H2020-EeB-2014 (Materials for building envelope) - Deadline Date 03/20
Follow Alberto
Alberto EmprinFounder & Partner - Newlogìa
I'm representing a joint partnership between a Spanish start-up working on innovative bio-sourced derived aerogels and an Italian SME producing insulating coatings
in the building sector. Anybody who is already working on this proposal interested in consolidating the presenting party ?
Partner Search: Looking for Public Procurers (Provinces / Regional Authorities / Large Municipalities) interested in landfills
management and materials recovering.
Follow Pedro
Pedro Ferreira da CostaSenior Consultant at INOVA+; Co-Organizer at TEDxVitória
We are preparing a proposal to be submitted to the Horizon 2020 topic “WASTE-5 2014: Preparing and promoting innovation procurement for resource efficiency”
and are searching for partners that can integrate a network of procurers as public procurers. If you are representing a Province, a Regional Authorities or a Large
Municipality from Italy, Poland or Czech Republic, and interested to learn more about pre-procurement practices and innovative solutions for landfills management
and materials recovering, please contact us by the next week. Find below some generic information of interest.
Project objective in a nutshell: build up a Network of Public Procurers to provide an integrated answer to the fragmentation of demand of eco-innovative solutions for
resource efficiency and waste management. The network of procurers will implement a set of actions in order to involve in the demand side SMEs and industrial
partners to shape/draw common specifications for the preparation of a coordinated or joint procurement and assess the feasibility of a future joint procurement
initiative (important: no procurement notices are expected to be launched in the framework of the project).
Further information of the specific objectives, workplan and activities are available upon request (Pedro Costa: pedro.costa@inovamais.pt) and I will be happy to share
Hope to hear from you shortly.
Looking for partners on topic SC5-06-2014, Biodiversity and ecosystem services: drivers of change and causalities
Follow Jose
Jose AzevedoProfessor auxiliar at Universidade dos Açores
The MAR GROUP, based at the Department of Biology of the University of the Azores, is available and interested in integrating European consortiums to develop
research projects under
this topic. We have a long experience built on solid observational and experimental work in examining the relationship between environmental and human-made
drivers/pressures and changes in marine biodiversity, ecosystem function and services.
The MAR GROUP (http://www.ciimar.up.pt/researchgroup.php?id=AIR) promotes and develops multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research in the areas of
ecology, biodiversity and management of aquatic ecosystems at CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research,http://www.ciimar.up.pt).
The group counts with a team of 22 elements, including contract, permanent and post doc researchers, advanced training students and research fellows. Most of the
members also belong to the CIRN research Centre of the University of the Azores (http://www.cirn.uac.pt/). Being based at the Azores archipelago, the MAR group
can offer access partnerships to the strategically located marine environment of this Outermost Region.
The MAR main driver of interest is to understand the causes and consequences of changes in marine biodiversity, using the Macaronesian archipelagos as a model
ecosystem, and to foster the communication and cooperation between researchers and policy makers at regional, national and European levels. The research group
focuses on basic and fundamental questions about ecology, dynamics, patterns and processes of coastal and oceanic systems. MAR also addresses applied
sustainability issues and conservation concerns towards the integrated management of coastal ecosystems, such as the understanding of anthropogenic impacts of
fishing, pollution, and other maritime activities, and the effectiveness of marine reserves in protecting biodiversity. In its activity, it maintains a close relationship with
the civil society, and promotes activities in partnership with local enterprisers.
Over the last 2 years the group has hosted 20 students and 10 research projects, of which one had industry involvement. In this period the group has published 25+
papers and presented 30+ communications at scientific meetings.
Looking for partners for topic BG-02-2015, Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate on fisheries and aquaculture
Follow Jose
Jose AzevedoProfessor auxiliar at Universidade dos Açores
The MAR GROUP, based at the Department of Biology of the University of the Azores, is available and interested in integrating European consortiums to develop
research projects under this topic. We have a long experience in examining the effects of multiple sources of disturbance on marine systems, including species of
economic interest, which can be useful in anticipating the potential consequences of climate change on fisheries resources.
The MAR GROUP (http://www.ciimar.up.pt/researchgroup.php?id=AIR) promotes and develops multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research in the areas of
ecology, biodiversity and management of aquatic ecosystems at CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research,http://www.ciimar.up.pt).
The group counts with a team of 22 elements, including contract, permanent and post doc researchers, advanced training students and research fellows. Most of the
members also belong to the CIRN research Centre of the University of the Azores (http://www.cirn.uac.pt/). Being based at the Azores archipelago, the MAR group
can offer access partnerships to the strategically located marine environment of this Outermost Region.
The MAR main driver of interest is to understand the causes and consequences of changes in marine biodiversity, using the Macaronesian archipelagos as a model
ecosystem, and to foster the communication and cooperation between researchers and policy makers at regional, national and European levels. The research group
focuses on basic and fundamental questions about ecology, dynamics, patterns and processes of coastal and oceanic systems. MAR also addresses applied
sustainability issues and conservation concerns towards the integrated management of coastal ecosystems, such as the understanding of anthropogenic impacts of
fishing, pollution, and other maritime activities, and the effectiveness of marine reserves in protecting biodiversity. In its activity, it maintains a close relationship with
the civil society, and promotes activities in partnership with local enterprisers.
Over the last 2 years the group has hosted 20 students and 10 research projects, of which one had industry involvement. In this period the group has published 25+
papers and presented 30+ communications at scientific meetings.
Looking for partners on Topic BG-01-2015, Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems
Follow Jose
Jose AzevedoProfessor auxiliar at Universidade dos Açores
The MAR GROUP, based at the Department of Biology of the University of the Azores, is available and interested in integrating European consortiums to develop
research projects under this topic. We offer expertise and experience in the areas of management and enhancement of stocks of exploited biotic resources.
The MAR GROUP (http://www.ciimar.up.pt/researchgroup.php?id=AIR) promotes and develops multidisciplinary fundamental and applied research in the areas of
ecology, biodiversity and management of aquatic ecosystems at CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, http://www.ciimar.up.pt).
The group counts with a team of 22 elements, including contract, permanent and post doc researchers, advanced training students and research fellows. Most of the
members also belong to the CIRN research Centre of the University of the Azores (http://www.cirn.uac.pt/). Being based at the Azores archipelago, the MAR group
can offer access partnerships to the strategically located marine environment of this Outermost Region.
The MAR main driver of interest is to understand the causes and consequences of changes in marine biodiversity, using the Macaronesian archipelagos as a model
ecosystem, and to foster the communication and cooperation between researchers and policy makers at regional, national and European levels. The research group
focuses on basic and fundamental questions about ecology, dynamics, patterns and processes of coastal and oceanic systems. MAR also addresses applied
sustainability issues and conservation concerns towards the integrated management of coastal ecosystems, such as the understanding of anthropogenic impacts of
fishing, pollution, and other maritime activities, and the effectiveness of marine reserves in protecting biodiversity. In its activity, it maintains a close relationship with
the civil society, and promotes activities in partnership with local enterprisers.
Over the last 2 years the group has hosted 20 students and 10 research projects, of which one had industry involvement. In this period the group has published 25+
papers and presented 30+ communications at scientific meetings.
The Spanish university UCAM is interested in joining projects regarding Environment, marine and water management
Follow Álvaro
Álvaro WandosellInternational Trade and Development Adviser
Our multidisciplinary research group is based at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM, South East Spain). It is composed of a number of experts in different areas
such as water resources management, eco-toxicology, environmental chemistry, biology and organic chemistry, who has all worked and participated in both national
and international research projects, in the following topics: water quality and analysis, toxicology, environment legislation and mineralogy. Group’s main research
areas are water, soil and environment issues, as well as hydrological water cycle.
Objectives and activities:
The general objective of our research group is the research, development and optimization of water resources management in an environmental friendly way.
Specific aims are:
• Efficient use of energy
• Preservation of natural resources and raw materials
• Reuse and recycling of waste
• Minimize environmental impact caused by waste
On the other hand, this research group is involved in the study of the impact on the marine ecosystems mainly due to imbalances on the ecosystems caused by
overfishing, marine pollution derived from urban origin waste, and alteration in marine species produced by aquatic sports, leisure activities and shipping.
Another field of research is the study of the evolution and possible regression of coastal areas caused by the lack of sediments from rivers, streams and watercourses,
and by the alteration on the wildlife and terrains of coasts.
In conclusion, we intend to reach sinergies and join forces working together on the integral use of mineral, water and energy resources, urban and industrial waste
management, control of intrusive activities over the marine ecosystems, restoration and recovery of those affected ecosystems.
QSAR model:
The emerging contaminants with unknown removal efficiency for different water treatment processes are cause of concern. The variations in molecular structures of
contaminants induce variations in removal rates and variations in applicable treatment. Laboratory testing and pilot research are in many cases very expensive or timeconsuming, particularly for new compounds where detection methods are still under development. Therefore, predicting the removal of these contaminants by QSAR
modeling is of a great interest. Our research group has been working for several years in this field, performing statistical models (multilinear regression or discriminant
analysis) or by artificial intelligence methods (neural networks, etc.). In the QSAR approach, a statistical model relates the chemical structure (captured in descriptors)
to the physico-chemical property. The predicted physico-chemical property can then be used for calculating the removal of a compound.
Cooperation sought:
• Know-how licence or patent agreement by transferring usage rights, manufacturing or commercializing our technology to third parties.
• Agreement or R&D project (Technical Cooperation) to finalize the technology development or to apply it on other sectors.
• Agreement on technology distribution with technical assistance provided by private sector (SMEs).
• Subcontracting agreement (technical advice, turnkey projects, training, etc.) with private sector.
• Joint-venture with private companies.
We are looking to be part of a consortium to H2020 in water and environmental protection, and sustainable production processes
Follow Marta
Marta FerreiraAuxiliary Researcher at Ciimar
We are a research group on Environmental Toxicology (LETOX) from CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – www.ciimar.up.pt)
looking to integrate a consortium to HORIZON2020 tackling themes related to the protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources,
sustainable production processes, water, biodiversity and ecosystems. Below you can find details on the expertise of the group.
“Research & Innovation on pollution impact in aquatic systems; impact of emerging contaminants on ecosystems services; integrated chemical-biological effects
monitoring for pollution assessment and control; aquatic food web; sub-lethal and long term effects; ecotoxicological bioassays; toxicity testing; molecular biology;
biochemistry; histopathology; detoxification; multixenobiotic resistance; oxidative stress; water quality assessment; groundwater; wastewater assessment and treatment
efficiency; societal challenges related to water sustainability and reuse; Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive.”
We are experienced in participating in national and international research projects and have collaborations with SMEs. We can be contacted by email
(lguimaraes@ciimar.up.pt, mferreira@ciimar.up.pt).
Looking to join a consortium to H2020 in water or environmental protection
Follow Laura
Laura GuimaraesResearcher at CIIMAR, University of Porto
We are a research group on Environmental Toxicology (LETOX) from CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research – www.ciimar.up.pt)
looking to integrate proposals to HORIZON2020 tackling themes related to the protection of the environment, sustainable management of natural resources, water,
biodiversity and ecosystems. Below you can find details on the expertise of the group.
“Research & Innovation on pollution impact in aquatic systems; impact of emerging contaminants on ecosystems services; integrated chemical-biological effects
monitoring for pollution assessment and control; aquatic food web; sub-lethal and long term effects; ecotoxicological bioassays; toxicity testing; molecular biology;
biochemistry; histopathology; detoxification; multixenobiotic resistance; oxidative stress; water quality assessment; groundwater; wastewater assessment and treatment
efficiency; societal challenges related to water sustainability and reuse; Water Framework Directive; Marine Strategy Framework Directive.”
We are experienced in managing national and international research projects and have collaborations with SMEs. We can be contacted by email
(lguimaraes@ciimar.up.pt, mferreira@ciimar.up.pt).
Hi, we are looking for partners to develop innovative solutions for urban and inter-urban sustainable freight mobility for H2020
call: MG-5.5. Please contact me if interested.
Follow Tim
Tim MorrisITS Engineer at Transport for Greater Manchester (formerly GMPTE)
We are a large metropolitan city region looking to put together a proposal for H2020 call MG 5.5, centred around researching and developing tools to support policy
measures for city regions. Specifically; we're looking for other city regions and technology and industry partners to join a consortium to implement and test integrated
mobility solutions for sustainable logistics in the urban centre and inter-urban environment.
If this this topic is something you are interested in helping to develop, please contact me for further information.
Best Regards,
Tim Morris
Looking for a consortia-BG-2015-2 Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture
Follow Baris
Baris SalihogluAssistant Professor at Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Proposed activities for the specific topic
IMS METU can contribute to the development of precautionary ecosystem-based fishery management strategies for the Mediterranean and Black Seas from ecological
and socio-economic comparative aspects so as to maintain good environmental status under a changing climate as well as sustaining the quality of the services they
provide to society.
IMS METU can carry out:
i) Assessment of the long-term socio-economic and ecological trends in the Turkish Black Sea, the Sea of Marmara, the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea EEZs
(by using related indicators),
ii) Long-term times series analysis of pelagic and demersal fish from the trawling data and investigation of the success of lessepsian fish species in the northeastern
Mediterranean. Anchovy stock assessment by using acoustic method considering the impact of temperature variability on the migration patterns.
iii) Time-evolution of the health of the marine ecosystems of the Turkish seas occurred within the last decades by considering the cumulative effects of climate change
and anthropogenic factors such as fishing, pollution etc. (by using EwE-LTL coupled modelling scheme),
iv) Forecasting (Predicting) potential impacts of climate change on food production systems
through modeling of fish stocks under changing climatic and environmental conditions.
IMS METU has the capacity to do end-to-end (from nutrients to fish) models for the last two decades and to extend these model runs into the future under different
climate scenarios.
iv) Investigation of the "precautionary" ecosystem-based fishery management strategies that can establish environmental quality and ecosystem status, reduce the risks
that threaten to change the natural occurrence of species and the functioning of the ecosystems irreversibly and obtain long-term socio-economic benefits from the
ecosystems (by using EwE policy tools),
v) Dissemination of the project results to the stakeholders and decision makers
looking for a consortia-H2020 SC5-16-2014
Follow Baris
Baris SalihogluAssistant Professor at Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Looking for a consortia for the SC5-16-2014 Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services call
Proposed activities for the specific topic
IMS METU can contribute to the development of innovative solutions that will provide access to interoperable ecosystem Earth Observation data and information. By
recovering existing data and providing new measurements and observations, IMS METU can provide knowledge tools that can help authorities and other stakeholders
to manage routine tasks, emergency situations and evaluate trends.
METU can carry out;
i) Provide new measurements by using newly established integrated observation systems (by combining the data from mooring systems, satellite, coastal and deep sea
research, coastal and open ocean mooring system, gliders and scanfish, mooring, profilers (APEX ARGO), atmospheric sampling tower)
ii) Forecasting (Predicting) potential impacts of climate change on food production systems through modeling of fish stocks under changing climatic and
environmental conditions.
IMS METU has the capacity to do end-to-end (from nutrients to fish) models for the last two decades and to extend these model runs into the future under different
climate scenarios.
iii) Time-evolution of the health of the marine ecosystems of the Turkish seas occurred within the last decades by considering the cumulative effects of climate change
and anthropogenic factors such as fishing, pollution etc. (by using EwE-LTL coupled modelling scheme),
iv) Investigation of the "precautionary" ecosystem-based fishery management strategies that can establish environmental quality and ecosystem status, reduce the risks
that threaten to change the natural occurrence of species and the functioning of the ecosystems irreversibly and obtain long-term socio-economic benefits from the
v) Dissemination of the project results to the stakeholders and decision makers.
Looking for Consortiums
Follow TÇMB
TÇMB R&D InstituteDirector of R&D Institute / Turkish Cement Manufacturers' Association
to contribute technical support using our high tech. advanced laboratories as being a project partner especially on the calls written below :
5. Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies
ii. Nanotechnologies, Advanced materials, Advanced manufacturing and processing, Biotechnology
H2020 – SPIRE 2014 (Sustainable Process Industries)
10. Secure, clean and efficient energy
Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power
sector and energy intensive industry through CCS
LCE-15-2014 (Low Carbon Energy)
12. Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
Waste: A resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw materials
Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings
H2020 consortia sought: BG-04-2014
Follow Innorealize
Innorealize .comOpen Innovation platform focused on helping companies connect with scientists. www.innorealize.com
#Horizon2020 Blue Growth Partner search:Spanish-German quoted SME is willing to participate as a partner on the topic H2020BG-04-2014innorealize.com
SYGNIS could contribute to the characterization of novel enzymes in the molecular biology area up to their final commercialization and also with key strategic guidance to
the whole project setup
Looking for a HORIZON 2020/Transport consortium
Follow burcu
burcu Burcu10UkEU Project Coordinator in Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality
Burcu ONUK
Project Coordinator in İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality/Turkey
We are open to project proposals in the area of Transport besides various other areas that are under the responsibility of Municipality.
We do not do R