Chapter 4 1. A ___________________is a group of similar cells that usually R - Tissue have a similar embryological origin and are specialized for a particular function. 2. The science that deals with the study of tissues is K - histology called_______________. P - Pathologists 3. ______________________, physicians who specialize in laboratory studies of cells and tissues, aid other physicians in making diagnoses; they also perform autopsies. I - Epithelial 4. ____________________tissue covers body surfaces, lines hollow organs, body cavities, and ducts; and forms glands. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Adherens anchors biopsy Cell junction channels Connective Ectoderm Endoderm Epithelial fluids Histology junctions Mesoderm Muscle Nervous Pathologists Tight Tissue F - Connective 5.__________________tissue protects and supports the body and its organs, binds organs together, stores energy reserves as fat, and provides immunity. N - Muscle 6. __________________tissue is responsible for movement and generation of force. O - Nervous 7. _________________tissue initiates and transmits action potentials (nerve impulses) that help coordinate body activities. 8.All tissues and organs of the body develop from one or more of the three primary G - Ectoderm H - Endoderm germ layers:_____________________, ______________________, and M - Mesoderm _____________________ C - Biopsy 9. In a_____________________, samples of living tissue removed for microscopic examination, is a chief responsibility of a pathologist L - Junctions 10. Cell _________________are points of contact between adjacent plasma membranes. D - Cell junction may serve one of three 11. Depending on their structure, _______________ functions. J - fluids 12. Some cell junctions form ________________-tight seals between cells. B - anchors 13. Other cell junctions ________________cells together or to extracellular material. 14. Still others act as_________________, which allow ions and molecules to pass E - channels from cell to cell within a tissue. Q - tight 15. __________________junctions are formed by weblike strands of transmembrane proteins that hold adjacent plasma membranes together. They are common among epithelial cells that line the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder A - adherens 16. _____________junctions are made of plaque, actin microfilaments, and cadherins. H - desmosomes 17. _____________________are composed of plaque and are linked by transmembrane glycoproteins that extend across a gap between adjacent cell membranes and link the cytoskeletons of cells together. They are A. apical common in the cells of the epidermis and between cardiac muscle B. avascular fibers in the heart C. basal K - hemidesmosomes 18. __________________________connect cells to extracellular D. basement material such as the basement membrane. E. cell junctions I - Gap junctions F. columnar 19. _________________________allow cells in a tissue to rapidly G. cuboidal communicate through transmembrane protein channels that H. Desmosomes connect cells together. I. Gap junctions T - sheets 20. Epithelial cells are arranged in__________________, in either J. glandular single or multiple layers. K. Hemidesmosomes 21. Epithelium consists mostly of packed cells with L. layers __________________________extracellular material. N - little M. lining N. Little 22. Many ____________________are present, providing secure E - cell junctions O. mitotic attachments among cells. P. nerve A - apical 23. An epithelial cell has an _________________surface and a Q. protection _______________________surface attached to a base membrane. C - basal R. pseudostratified S. shape 24. Epithelia adhere firmly to nearby connective tissue via a thin T. Sheets extracellular layer, the ________________membrane. D - basement U. simple B - avascular 25. Epithelial tissue is___________________; exchange of V. squamous materials between epithelium and adjacent connective tissue is by W. stratified diffusion. X. transitional P - nerve 26. Epithelia have a ______________supply. 27. Epithelia have a high capacity for renewal (a high O - mitotic _____________rate). Q - protection 28. Functions of epithelia include___________________, filtration, lubrication, secretion, digestion, absorption, transportation, excretion, sensory reception, and reproduction. M - lining 29. The subtypes of epithelium include covering and ___________epithelium and J glandular ________________epithelium. 30. The eight types of covering and lining epithelial tissue are classified according to the way the cells are arranged in____________, and by the characteristic L - layers _____________of cell. S - shapes U - simple W - stratified 31. Layers are arranged as _________________(one layer),_______________(several R pseudostratified layers), and ___________________________(one layer that appears as several). V - squamous G - cuboidal 32. Cell shapes include _________________(flat), _________________(cube-like), F - columnar __________________(rectangular), and _______________________(variable). X - transitional 33. Covering and lining epithelia may be classified as a combination of arrangement of layers and shape of the cells. The name of the specific type of stratified epithelium depends on R - surface the shape of the ______________cells. Each of the epithelial tissues described in the following. Q - Simple squamous 34. __________________epithelium consists of a single layer of flat, scalelike cells. F - filtration 35. It is adapted for diffusion and ________________and is found in lungs and kidneys. 36. It is not found in parts of the body that are subject to _____________wear and tear. I - little B - blood vessels 37. Endothelium lines the heart and____________________. J - mesothelium 38. _________________________lines the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities and covers the organs within them. P - Simple cuboidal 39. ______________________epithelium consists of a simple layer of cube-shaped cells and performs the functions of secretion and absorption. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. basement membrane blood vessels cilia columnar cuboidal filtration goblet cells layers little mesothelium microvilli mitosis pseudostratified protective simple columnar simple cuboidal simple squamous surface O - Simple columnar 40. ______________________epithelium consists of a single layer of rectangular cells and can exist in two forms: K - microvilli 41. Nonciliated simple columnar epithelium contains____________________to increase surface are and the rate of absorption and goblet cells that secrete mucus. C - cilia 42. Ciliated simple columnar epitheliumcontains cells with____________, motile, hair-like processes that help to move fluids or particles along a surface. M - pseudostratified 43. _______________________epitheliumappears to have several layers because the nuclei are at various levels. A - basement membrane 44. All cells are attached to the _____________________________but some do not reach the apical surface. 45. In pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium, the cells that reach the surface G - goblet cells either secrete mucus (_______________________) or bear cilia that sweep away mucus and trapped foreign particles. H - layers 46. Stratifiedepithelia have at least two _____________________of cells.This is a more durable and _____________________tissue. N - protective 47. Stratifiedsquamousepithelium consists of several layers of cells in which the top layer of cells is flat and the deeper layers of cells vary in shape from________________ E - cuboidal to _______________________. D - columnar L - mitosis 48. The basal cells replicate by _____________ and ultimately work their way to the surface. 49. In keratinized stratified squamous epithelium, a tough layer K- keratin of _______________ is deposited in the surface cells. 50. __________________stratified squamous epithelium N - nonkeratinized does not contain keratin and remains moist. 51. A Papanicolaou smear or Pap smear involves collecting samples of cells present in the secretions of the cervix and vagina for early detection of changes in the cells that might O - precancerous condition B - cancer indicate ____________ or a ______________________. P -Rare tissue 52. Stratified cuboidal epithelium is a ______________consisting of two or more layers of cube-shaped cells whose function is mainly protective. 53. Stratified columnar epitheliumconsists of several layers of C - columnar cells of which only the top layer is _____________________. It is somewhat rare and functions in protection and secretion. 54. Transitional epithelium consists of several layers of cells V - variable whose appearance is ____________________. E - distention 55. It is capable of stretching and thus permits _______________ of on organ. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. acinar cancer columnar compound distention exocrine glands extracellular gland goblet x2 hormones keratin macroscopic microscopic nonkeratinized precancerous condition rare tissue simple single celled tubular tubuloacinar urinary bladder variable U - urinary bladder and portions of the ureters 56. It lines the _________________ and the urethra. H - gland 57. A ________________ is a single cell or a mass of epithelial cells adapted for secretion. J - hormones 58. Endocrine glands are ductless; their secretory products (_______________)enter G - extracellular fluid and diffuse into the blood. the_______________ 59. _____________________(sweat, oil, and digestive glands) secrete their products F - Exocrine glands into ducts that empty at the surface of covering and lining epithelium or directly onto a free surface. R – single-celled I - goblet 60. Unicellular glands are _____________________, such as the___________cell. M - microscopic 61.Multicellular glands are composed of cells that form a distinctive _______________ L - macroscopic structure or ______________________ organ, such as sweat, oil, and salivary glands. 62. They are classified by whether the ducts arebranched (______________) or D - compound Q - simple unbranched (_______________). 63. They are also classified by the shape of the secretory portion_______________,_________________ or__________________. Q - tubular A - acinar P - tubulacinar 64. Combining the shapes of the secretory portionwith the degree of branching of the duct givesthe structural classification for ________________________. N - Multicellular gland 65. Functional classification of _______________________ is based on whether H - Exocrine gland a secretion is a product of a cell or consists of entire or partial glandular cells themselves. 66. Merocrine glands form the secretory products and I -exocytosis discharge it by _______________. 67. ____________________accumulate their secretary product B - Apocrine glands at the apical surface of the secreting cell; that portion then pinches off from the rest of the cell to form the secretion with the remaining part of the cell repairing itself and repeating the process. L - Holocrine glands 68. __________________accumulate the secretory product in the cytosol; when the cell dies, it and its products are discharged as the glandular secretion, with the discharged cell being replaced by a new one. E - Connective tissue 69. _____________________is the most abundant and widely distributed tissue in the body. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. Acinar Apocrine glands Blast Cells Connective tissue x2 Cyte division Exocrine glands Exocytosis Extracellular matris Free surfaces Holocrine glands Mesenchyme Multicellular glands Nerve supply Tubulacinar Tubular Vascular 70. Connective tissue consists of two basic elements: D - cells J - Extracellular matris _____________and ______________________. Matrix consists of protein fibers and ground substance. E - connective tissue 71. The matrix of a _______________________, which may be fluid, semifluid, gelatinous, fibrous, or calcified, is usually secreted by the connective tissue cells and adjacent cells and determines the tissue’s qualities. K - Free surfaces 72. Unlike epithelia, connective tissues do not occur on ____________________. R - vascular 73. Unlike epithelium, connective tissue is highly____________(except for cartilage and tendons). O - nerve supply 74. Except for cartilage, connective tissue, like epithelium, has a________________. M - mesenchyme 75. Cells in connective tissue are derived from ________________. 76. Immature cells have names that end in ___________while maturecells have names C - blast that end in -cyte. D - division 77. Most mature cells have reduced capacity for cell_____________and matrix formation and are mostly involvedin maintaining the matrix. I - fibroblasts 78. _____________________ (which secrete fibers and matrix), P - macrophages 79. ____________________ (or histiocytes, which develop from A. abnormal B. antibody-producing monocytes and are phagocytic), C. avascular B - antibody-producing 80. Plasma cells develop into __________________, D. collagen fibers E. embedded B lymphocytes, or B cells. F. exchange 81. Themast cells, are abundant alongside bloodvessels and G. fat cells H. fibrillin gene N histamine produce _________________. I. fibroblast G - fat cellsstore energy inthe form of fat. 82. Adipocytesor _________, J. glucosamine O leukocytes 83. Connective tissue also includes white blood cellsor _____________. K. glycoprotein fibrillin L. glycosaminoglycans M - ground substance 84. The _________________________and fibers, deposited in the space M. ground substance N. histamine between the cells, comprise the matrix of connective tissue. O. leukocytes 85. Substances found in the ground substance include hyaluronic acid, P. macrophages chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratin sulfate. Collectively Q. reticular fibers R. strength L - glycosaminoglycans they are called _______________________________. S. support 86. The function of ground substance is that it ________________,binds, T - supports T. supports F exchange and provides a medium for the ______________________of materials between the blood and cells, and is active in influencing cell functions. J - glucosamine 87. Chondroitin sulfate and ________________are used as nutritional supplements to maintain joint cartilage. It is notknown why the supplements benefit some individuals and not others. R - strength S - support 88. Fibers in the matrix provide ____________and _____________for tissues. E embedded 89. Three types of fibers are _________________in the matrix between cells of connective tissues. D - Collagen fibers composed of the protein collagen, are very tough and resistant 90. _______________, to stretching, yet allowsome flexibility in tissue; they are found in bone, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. 91. Elastic fibers, composed of the protein elastin surrounded by the K - glycoproteinfibrillin ________________________ they provide strength and stretching capacity and are found in skin, blood vessels, and lungs. Q - Reticular 92. ________________, consisting of collagen and glycoprotein, provide support in the walls of blood vessels and form a strong, supporting network around fat cells, nerve fibers fibers, and skeletal and smooth muscle fibers. H - fibrillin gene 93.Marfan Syndrome is caused by a defective __________________and results in A - abnormal __________________elastic fibers. 94. If a ligament is stressed beyond normal capacity it results in a sprain. Because C - avascular theyare_____________________, ligaments heal slowly. 95. Connective tissue that is present primarily in the embryo G - embryonic connective tissue or fetus is called _________________________. A. adipose tissue N - mesenchyme B. Areolar connective 96. ________________, found almost exclusively in the embryo, tissue is the tissue form from which all other connective tissue eventually C. Brown fat arises. D. bundles E. Cells W - Wharton’s jelly 97. Mucous connective tissue or______________________is found in F. Connective tissue the umbilical cord of the fetus. G. Embryonic 98. Mature connective tissue exists in the newborn, has cells connective tissue differentiated from mesenchyme, and does not change after birth. H. fewer F - Connective tissue It is subdivided into several kinds: ___________________ proper, cartilage, I. fibroblasts bone tissue, and blood. Subtypes include ___________connective tissue, J. Heat loss M - loose denseconnective tissue, cartilage, bone, and blood. K. interlacing 99. Loose connective tissue consists of allthree types L. irregular E - cells and a_________________________. Q - semifluid ground substance M. Loose of fibers, several types of ________, 100. ______________________ is a prime example of loose B - areolar connective N. Mesenchyme connective tissue. tissue O. perichondrium U - subcutaneous 101. Areolar connective tissue is found in the _________________layer. P. recoil 102. Adipose tissue consists of adipocytes which arespecialized for storage Q. Semifluid ground V - triglycerides of_________________. substance 103. It reduces _______________ through the skin, serves as an energy R. sheets J - heat loss reserve, supports, protects, and generates considerable heat to help maintain proper S. stroma body temperature in newborns_________________. T. strong C - brown fat 104. Liposuction involves sucking out smallamounts of_______________. A - adipose tissue U. Subcutaneous K - interlacing 105. Reticular connective tissue consists of fine ______________reticular V. Triglycerides fibers and reticular cells. W. Wharton’s jelly S - stroma 106. It forms the __________of certain organs. 107. Dense connective tissue contains more numerous, thicker, and dense fibers but considerably _____________cells than loose connective tissue. H - fewer 108. Dense regular connective tissue consists of ___________ofcollagen fibers in a D - bundles regular and orderly, parallel arrangement that confers great strength L - irregular connective tissue contains collagen fibers that are 109. Dense ____________ irregularly arranged and is found in partsof the body where tensions are exerted in various directions R - sheets 110. It usually occurs in _________________, such as the dermis of the skin. O - perichondrium the tissue surrounding 111. It is also found in heart valves, the ______________, cartilage, and the periosteum. I - fibroblasts 112. Elastic connective tissue consists of elasticfibers and______________. P - recoil It is quite _________and can ________back to its original shape after being stretched. T - strong Appositional Blood forming Blood vessels Canaliculi Cartilage x2 Certain organs Chondroitin sulfate x2 H. Collagen fibers I. Compact J. Elastic K. Fibrocartilage L. Gel-type M. Haversian system N. Hyaline cartilage O. Interstitial P. Lacunae x2 Q. Lamella R. Osseous tissue S. Osteocytes T. Perichondrium U. plasma V. Spongy O - interstitial 123. The growth of cartilage is accomplished by ____________ W. Strongest A - appositional growth. growth and _______________ X. Threadlike trabeculae 124. Bone,________________, and R - osseous tissue consists of a matrix containing mineral saltsY. collagenous fibers and cells called osteocytes. J - elastic 113. It is found in lung tissue and _____________arteries. 114. Cartilage consists of a dense network of collagen fibers chrondroitin sulfate and elastic fibers embedded in___________________. 115. Its strength is due to its_______________;its resilience, to the H - collagen G chondroitin sulfate ____________________. fibers P - lacunae 116. Chondrocytes occur with spaces called __________________ in the matrix. 117. It is surrounded by a dense irregular connective tissue membrane called the________________. T - perichondrium E - cartilage 118. Unlike other connective tissues, _________________has no blood vessels or nerves (except in the perichondrium). E - cartilage 119. There are three major types of _______________. N Hyaline cartilage 120. ____________________is the most abundant but weakest type of cartilage and has fine collagen fibers embedded in a __________________matrix. L - gel-type K - fibrocartilage 121. _________________contains bundles of collagenfibers in its matrix it does not have a perichondrium. Combining strength and W - strongest of the three types of cartilage rigidity, it is the ___________ 122. Elastic cartilage contains a __________________network of X - threadlike elastic fibers within the matrix. A perichondrium is present. It provides F - certain organs strength and elasticity and maintains the shape of_____________. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. V - spongy I - compact or ____________, 125. Bone is classified as either __________ depending on how the matrix and cells are organized. M - Haversian system 126. The basic unit of compact bone is the osteon or __________________________, consisting of four parts. Q - lamella 127. The _____________are concentric rings of matrix that consist of mineral salts that give bone its hardness and collagen fibers that give bone its strength. P - lacunae 128. ____________are small spaces between lamellae that contain mature bone cells S osteocytes called _______________. D - Canaliculi 129. _________________ are minute canals containing processes of osteocytes that provide routes for nutrient and waste transport. 130. A central (Haversian) canal contains _________________ and nerves. C - blood vessels Y - trabeculae 131. Spongy bone has ________________ rather than osteons. 132. Bone supports, protects, helps provide movement, stores minerals, and houses ________________. B - blood forming U - plasma 133. Blood (vascular tissue) consists of a liquid matrix called _______________ and formed elements. L - lymph 134. ________________ is interstitial fluid flowing in lymph vessels. AA - Tissue engineering 135. _________________________has allowed scientists to grow newtissues in the laboratory for the replacement of damaged tissues. C - cover M - membranes are flat sheets of pliable tissue that ______________ 136. _____________ K line or _____________a part of the body. 137. Epithelial membranes consist of an epithelial layer and A. Cardiac an underlying connective tissue layer and include __________ O - mucous B. Connective V - serous D - cutaneous membranes, ___________membranes, and the ____________ C. Cover membrane or skin. D. Cutaneous 138. Synovial membranes line joints and contain only E. Dermis ______________ tissue. B - connective F. Epidermis 139. Mucous membranes line cavities that open G. Epithelial x2 to the exterior, such as the ____________________ tract. H - gastrointestinal H. Gastrointestinal 140. The epithelial layer of a mucous membrane is an I. Heat production important aspect of the body’s defense mechanisms, J. Lamina propria Q - pathogens and a trapping acting as a barrier to ____________ K. Line surface for particles. L. Lymph 141. The connective tissue layer of a mucous membrane M. Membranes J - Lamina propria is called the ________________. N. Modified U - serosa 142. A _____________________, or ____________, lines a W - serous membrane O. Mucous body cavity that does not open directly to the exterior and P. Parietal covers the organs that lie within the cavity. Q. Pathogens 143. These membranes consist of a _______________ and R. Pericarditis P - parietal BB - visceral ______________ layers. S. Peritonitis T. Pleurisy 144. The ________________ layer secrets a lubricating serous G - epithelial U. Serosa fluid that reduces friction between organs and the walls of the V. Serous W. Serous membrane cavities in which they are located. X. Skeletal 145. Serous membranes may become inflammed with the Y. Smooth Z. Synovial fluid T - pleurisy buildup of serous fluid resulting in _____________, AA.Tissue engineering R - pericarditis S - peritonitis _______________, or ________________. BB.viseral 146. Cutaneous membranes cover body surfaces and consist E - dermis and ___________. F - epidermis of__________ 147. Synovial membranes line joint cavities, bursae, and tendonsheaths and do not contain________________; they also G - epithelium Z - synovial fluid secrete alubricating ______________. N - modified 148. Muscle tissue consists of fibers (cells) that are ______________ for contraction I - heat production and thus provide motion, maintenance of posture, and __________________. X - skelatal 149. _____________muscle tissue is attached to bones, is striated and is voluntary. A - cardiac 150. _____________muscle tissue forms most of the heart wall, is striated, and is usually involuntary. Y - smooth 151. ___________muscle tissue is found in the wallsof hollow internal structures vessels is nonstriated, and is usually involuntary. N - neurons 152. The nervous system is composed of only two principal kinds of cells: _________ M neuroglia and _______________. 153. Most neurons consist of a cell body and two types of processes called B - axons _____________and ______________. E - dendrites A. Abnormal 154. Neurons are sensitive to ______________, convert stimuli into nerve W - stimuli joining impulses, and conduct nerve impulses to other _______________, N - neurons B. Axons muscle fibers, or _____________. I - glands M - neuroglia protect and support neurons and are often the C. Bone 155. ___________ D. Cartilage sites of tumors of the nervous system. E. Dendrites 156. Neurons and muscle fibers are excitable cells because F. Efficiently they show ___________________________ G - electrical excitability (action potentials). G. Electrical 157. ________________ is the process that replaces worn out, X - tissue repair excitability damaged, or dead cells. H. Faster metabolic I. Glands 158. Each of the four classes of tissues has a different capacity J. Granulation Q - parenchymal to replenish its ________________ cells. tissue K. Individual 159. Epithelial cells are replaced by the division of stem cells or organs Y - undifferentiated by division of ____________________ cells. L. Intestinal obstruction C - bone 160. Some connective tissues such as _____________ has a continuous M. Neuroglia x2 D - cartilage replenishes cells less readily. capacity for renewal whereas ___________ N. Neurons x2 S - poor 161. Muscle cells have a _______________ capacity for renewal. O. Nutrition T - poorest 162. Nervous tissue has the_______________ capacity for renewal P. Nutritional 163. Fibrosis is the process of _________________________. Q. Parenchymal V - scar formation J Granulation tissue 164. If the injury is extensive _______________________ R. Peptic ulcer is formed. disease 165. Adhesions, which sometimes result from scar tissue S. Poor A - abnormal joining formation, cause ___________________________of adjacent tissues, T. Poorest particularly in the abdomen and sites of previous U. Rapidly surgery. These can cause problems such as __________________. V. Scar formation L - intestinal obstruction O - nutrition 166. ___________________ is important to tissue repair. W. Stimuli 167. Proper blood circulation is essential in ___________________. X. Tissue repair x2 X - tissue repair U - rapidly 168. The tissues of young people repair ________________ and Y. Undifferentiated F - efficiently ________________ the process slows down with aging. P - nutritional 169. The younger body is generally in a better _____________________ state, its tissues have a better blood supply, and its cells have a ______________________ H - faster metabolic rate. K - individual 170. Disorders of epithelial tissues are mainly specific to ___________________, such R peptic ulcer disease organs as skin cancer which involves the epidermis or ___________________________ which involves the epithelial lining of the stomach or small intestine. 171. The most prevalent disorders of connective tissue are _____________________ which are diseases in which A - autoimmune disorders antibodies produced by the immune system fail to distinguish what is foreign from what is self and attacks the body’s own tissues. D - Sjogren’s syndrome 172. _____________________ causes inflammation and destruction of exocrine glands. C - erythematosus 173. Systemic lupus ____________________ is a chronic inflammatory disease of _______________ tissue. B - connective A. B. C. D. autoimmune disorders connective erythematosus Sjogren’s syndrome