Referee Allocator Committee Report

Committee Reports for Monday, November 9, 2015 Executive Meeting
Referee Allocator Committee Report
• All Session 1 games have been assigned.
• All but one of the new Level 1 Officials have had or been assigned a
mentor for their first game.
• There is still an issue with some officials declining or not responding to
game assignments. We continue to encourage the officials to keep Arbiter
up-to-date with their availability. This will be monitored in session 2 and if
continues to be an issue the official(s) will be contacted. For example, we
have one official who has either not responded or declined all 9 games
that have been sent to her. Officials cannot expect to have equity in the
number of games they are assigned when they are refusing all our
attempts to provide them with games. We do have 1 or 2 officials who
have also declined all their games, but their circumstances are unique and
I have been contacted regarding their circumstances and do not consider
it an issue.
• We did have one game on October 31st where I could not get a second
official. Gail agreed to cover this game even though she was leaving on
vacation later that day. May be a need to pull from St Albert or Edmonton
if this occurs in the future.
• As of November 1st, officials reported an issue with the Shot Clock at
TLC-S (the buzzer is not working). This has been reported to the
equipment coordinator.
• A number of our more experienced Level 1 officials have put their names
forward for NARRA games. They are starting to get higher level games
and they will be evaluated by NARRA to see if they are ready to become
Level 2's.
• Had a communication sent out to all team managers and coaches about
booking officials for exhibition games.
Coming Up:
• In Session 2 I will be starting to book evaluations for the officials.
• I am planning to look further into the 'pay' component of Arbiter (which we
do not subscribe to) to determine costs and whether that component
would provide functionality that would assist in managing the pay for
officials. I have done a lot of reading about the component, but the
documentation available lacks details that I am interested in.
• There is new functionality available in Arbiter which will also sends text
notifications to officials. That is priced at $3.99 US per official per year.
Our current license is for 30 officials, so it would add about $150 per year.
I will do more research and provide information at a future meeting.
Will be updating the team manager and coach handbooks on the process for
booking officials for exhibition games.