
Hospitality questions
1. What are the main environmental impacts of the
hospitality industry?
 Sustainability
 Waste management
 Energy use and efficiency
 Resource use and efficiency
 Water resource management
 Recycling and re-use
2. Describe the waste management needed within a large
hospitality establishment?
• Accurate ordering, serving and stock rotation
• Correctly calculating food orders to reduce the amount of
waste at the end of each service period
• Encouraging guests to engage in environmentally friendly
practices such as recycling programs, the re-use of towels
and energy saving practices such as switching off power
when not in the room
• Minimizing the two most common forms of waste in the
hospitality industry - paper and organic waste
• Developing minimization strategies for organic waste, such as
donating any suitable leftover food from each service
period to charitable organizations which help feed the
homeless, and the composting of other unsuitable food
scraps, to be used as organic fertilizer for landscaping
Developing minimization strategies for paper wastage
such as  recycling paper scraps, removing disposable
cups, plates and serviettes/napkins from the
establishment, and buying products with minimal
3. List five tips for conserving water in the hospitality
• Install efficient pre-rinse spray valves.
• Replace boiler steamers with connectionless steamers.
• Install water-efficient dishwashers that use less than 1 gallon
per rinse cycle.
• Use the dry heat setting on combination ovens.
Replace water-cooled ice machines with air-cooled
4.List five tips for reducing waste in the hospitality industry.
5. How is ecotourism important for the environment?
Ecotourism is an important tool for raising awareness about
environmental conservation and fostering connections
between cultures that would otherwise never interact.
Ecotourism also provides communities with viable income
sources without devastating the natural resources of the
6. Describe environmental sustainability
Environmental sustainability involves making decisions and
taking action that are in the interests of protecting the natural
world, with particular emphasis on preserving the capability of
the environment to support human life. It is an important topic
at the present time, as people are realizing the full impact that
businesses and individuals can have on the environment.
7.What is recycling?
Recycling is a process to change (waste) materials into new
products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials,
reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy
usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water
pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for
"conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas
emissions as compared to plastic production
8. How can paper waste be eliminated in food preparation
9. Hazardous waste comes in many shapes and forms. List the
three main types.
Batteries, pesticides, mercury-containing equipment (e.g.,
thermostats) and lamps (e.g., fluorescent bulbs).
10. In the hospitality environment there are many common
potential hazardous wastes. List 10 of these.
Fuel, oil, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), cleaning chemicals,
mercury in compact fluorescent lamps, herbicides and
pesticides, laundry and dishwashing detergents, bleaches,
surface and floor cleaners, glass cleaner, dry cleaning chemicals
and swimming pool chemicals.