A one day course covering the following;
Global Weather Patterns: why we have weather and seasons, the Jet Streams and their importance, the Coriolis Effect and the general surface distribution of the major pressure systems.
Weather Charts and Forecasts: synoptic and surface forecast charts, geopotential height charts, GRIB data, ensemble forecasts and weather sources in general in the GMDSS system and beyond.
Mid-Latitude Weather: depressions, mid-level troughs and ridges, frontal systems, heat lows, rain/sleet/snow/hail, high pressure systems and the ominously named “storm track”.
Boundary Layer Weather: this is the bit we go sailing in, and covered in this section are sea and land breezes, gusts and fog.
Topographic Effects: wind coming on to and off land, surface convergence and divergence, acceleration zones, katabatic winds and Chinook winds.
Tropical Weather: a definition, the Hadley Cell, trade winds, the ITCZ, diurnal variation, tropical waves, tropical revolving storms, monsoons and squalls
For more information please contact tim.ellis@ryascotland.org.uk
To book on please return the form below
Closing date for bookings Friday 19 th December
There are limited places please book ASAP to avoid disappointment
Simon Rowell Weather Presentation
Application Form
Name (Capitals please)
Address and postcode
Email address
Contact tel. number
Dietary Requirements
Emergency contact name
Emergency contact number
I enclose a cheque made payable to RYA Scotland for: £…………….
BACS payment to RBS 83-19-04 Account Number 00248637 £……………..
(Quoting your name and “Weather Talk” please)
Please ensure that you return this form with payment to RYA Scotland, Caledonia House, 1
Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ or tim.ellis@ryascotland.org.uk
by Friday
19 th December 2014.