Benson AP U.S. History Review Period 7: 1890

AP U.S. History Review
Period 7: 1890-1945
Main idea: An increasingly pluralistic United States faced profound domestic and global challenges, debated
the proper degree of government activism, and sought to define its international role.
Evidence of themes:
Civil rights philosophies of B. T. Washington vs. Du Bois
Increased lynching, racial segregation
NAACP, Back-to-Africa (Garvey 1920s)
Harlem Renaissance (Hughes, Armstrong, Ellington, B. Smith)
Rise of the KKK in 20s; race riots
“Double V” campaign in WWII contributes to Civil Rights
FDR’s executive order prohibiting discrimination in war jobs
Alice Paul and militant suffrage; 19th Amendment passed in 1920
Margaret Sanger advocated birth control (1920s)
“Rosie the Riveter” in WWII
Open door policy in China (1890s McKinley)
Panama Canal built (T. Roosevelt)
Taft and Dollar Diplomacy
Triangle Shirtwaist fire impacts safety reform
Wartime jobs for women (WWI and WWII)
Strikes of 1919 in response to Post-War recession leads to anti-union era
in the 1920s
Henry Ford/assembly line
Stock market crash 1929
Rise of Unions during 1930s
Great Migration of blacks north in WWI & 1920s
Xenophobia grows with Red Scare; leads to Palmer Raids on suspected
Quota Laws of 1921 and 1924
Growth of Hoovervilles
Okies and Dust Bowl migrations
Indian-Reorganization Act (reservations reestablished)
Mexican bracero program instituted in ‘40s
Japanese internment, Korematsu vs. U.S.
Demands for more voter participation: secret ballot, initiative,
referendum, recall in the progressive era (1900-1920)
17th Am. – direct election of Senators
Municipal reform establishes city managers, police, fire depts.
Consumer protection/Meat Inspection Act/FDA (The Jungle)
Growth of the socialist party; Eugene V. Debs (1900-WWI)
Bull Moose Party/T. Roosevelt 1912
16th Am – income tax
Tariffs (Payne-Aldrich, Underwood)
Federal Reserve Act, Federal Reserve Board (regulated banking)
Clayton Anti-Trust Act
1920s laissez-faire politics
Prohibition (18th Am., Volstead Act)
New Deal programs (CCA, TVA, NRA, SEC, FDIC, WPA, SSA)
Fireside chats & Brain Trust for FDR
NRA denied by Supreme Court, Wagner Act passed
Court-packing plan
New Deal critics: Huey Long (share-our wealth), Coughlin (antibanker), Townsend (precursor to SSA)
- WWII mobilization – War Production Board, Office of Price Admin
- Govt spending, bonds, increased taxes
- Manhattan Project sponsored by U.S. Govt
-Monroe Doctrine invoked in Mexico
-Growth of naval power/Great White Fleet
- Spanish-American War leads the U.S. into increased global presence
- Cuba – Teller/Platt Amendments
- Insular cases – rights don’t follow the flag
-Roosevelt Corollary
- Wilson’s Moral Diplomacy – Jones Act, PR citizenship, tolls on Panama C.
- Military intervention to promote democracy in Mexico
- Annexation of Hawaii
- US involvement in WWI: Zimm. Telegram and unrestricted sub warfare
- Neutrality debate – Jeannette Rankin and Robert LaFollette
- War industry boards promote mobilization (Food Admin, Nat. War Labor
Board, Selective Service Act, bonds)
- Creel Committee on Public Information control propaganda
- Limitation of civil liberties (Espionage/Sedition Acts  Schenck case)
- Fourteen Points – to promote self-determination, freedom of seas, League of
- Treaty of Versailles rejected by U.S. Congress/isolationism
-Washington Conference limits naval armaments/isolationism
-Kellogg-Briand Pact ineffective (no enforcement)/isolationism
- Dawes Plan after WWI: cycle of payments
- Good Neighbor Policy with Latin America (FDR)
- Neutrality Acts and isolationist sentiments (FDR 1930s)
- War strategy: island-hopping, D-Day invasion
- Atomic bomb, Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- Rise of Fascism and FDR’s response (cash & carry, dest. for bases, LendLease)
-Atlantic Charter – US and UK agree to promote self-determination
-United Nations established in 1945
- Conservation of public lands (1900s)
- John Muir/Sierra Club
- Newlands Reclamation Acts provides for irrigation project (1900s)
- Gifford Pinchot – National Forest Service (1910s)
- Dust Bowl (1930s)
- TVA, CCC (1930s)
- International Darwinism and jingoism
- Missionary efforts
- Yellow journalism
- Philippine annexation sparks controversy from imperialists
- Pragmatism
Scientific management
Growth of an urban middle class
Muckrakers (Riis, Tarbell, Sinclair)
Jazz age
Movie stars/movie palaces
Impact of automobile on culture, mobility
Lost Gen (Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Lewis)
Modernism vs. fundamentalism
Radio preachers (Billy Sunday, Aimee Semple McPherson)
Scopes Trial
Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck