Industrial Transformation Training Centres Selection Report For Funding Commencing in 2015 Industrial Transformation Training Centres Selection Report for Funding Commencing in 2015 Overview The Industrial Transformation Training Centres scheme fosters close partnerships between university-based researchers and other research end-users to provide innovative Higher Degree by Research (HDR) and postdoctoral training for the end-user focused research industries vital to Australia's future. The objectives of the Industrial Transformation Training Centres scheme are to: a. foster opportunities for Higher Degree by Research candidates and postdoctoral fellows to pursue industrial training and to enhance competitive research in collaboration between universities and organisations outside the Australian higher education sector; and b. strengthen Australia's Industrial Transformation Priorities to supplement the capabilities of industries and other research end-users. Selection process Proposals for projects commencing in 2015 opened on 17 September 2014 and closed on 10 December 2014. This report outlines recommendations from the selection process for that round. ARC Executive Directors, assisted by relevant ARC staff, prepared funding recommendations for submission to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The recommendations were based on advice from the Industry Advisory Panel which: assessed proposals and reviewed assessments made by independent assessors; reviewed applicants’ comments on assessors’ reports; ranked each proposal relative to the others on the basis of the proposal, the assessors’ reports and applicants’ responses to those assessments; assessed and recommended budgets; and recommended proposal feedback. and, on advice from the ARC Eligibility Committee which: considered eligibility issues identified by ARC staff; where required sought advice from institutions with respect to issues raised; and made recommendations to the CEO in respect of ineligible proposals. This report reflects the recommendations of the ARC CEO to the Minister for Education and Training, and the ministerially approved funding outcomes. . Selection criteria Selection criteria and corresponding weights for Industrial Transformation Training Centres proposals are: Proposed Project Feasibility and Benefit Collaborative Research Environment Training Centre Director and Supervisors (30%) (30%) (20%) (20%) Page 2 of 9 The ARC assessment and subsequent reporting process for Industrial Transformation Training Centres 2015 was managed in the Research Management System (RMS), and used a total of 10 Industry Advisory Panel members. A total of 57 independent assessor reports were submitted to the ARC for Industrial Transformation Training Centres 2015. Summary of Outcomes The ARC received a total of 17 proposals for Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015. There were no withdrawn proposals. The overall success rate was 29.4 per cent, lower than the success rate for the previous round of 53.8 per cent. Please note that within this selection report approved funding may include indicative funding amounts. Table 1. Funding year Comparison of proposal numbers, success rates, requested and allocated funds for successful proposals from Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2014 and 2015 Proposals considered Proposals approved Success Requested funds rate over project life (all proposals) Requested funds Funds Allocation as a over project life allocated over percentage of (approved project life request proposals) 2014 13 7 53.8% $31,411,165 $16,141,217 $15,667,347 97.1% 2015 17 5 29.4% $67,420,481 $21,222,107 $20,895,677 98.5% Approved Training Centres for funding Table 2. Details of approved Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 ARC Training Centre for Mining Restoration Administering Organisation Curtin University of Technology Training Centre Director Prof Kingsley Dixon ARC Training Centre for Liquefied Natural Gas Futures The University of Western Australia Prof Eric May $4,571,797 ARC Training Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing The University of Melbourne Prof Priyan Mendis $4,000,000 ARC Training Centre for Forest Value University of Tasmania Prof James Reid $3,630,239 ARC Training Centre for Fruit Fly Biosecurity Innovation Macquarie University A/Prof Phillip Taylor $3,732,019 Training Centre Title Approved funds over project life $4,961,622 Page 3 of 9 Selection outcomes by Administering Organisation Table 3. Numbers of proposals, success rates and ARC approved funding for approved Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 proposals by Administering Organisation Administering Organisation Proposals considered Proposals approved Success rate ARC approved funding over project life (approved proposals) New South Wales 7 1 14.3% $3,732,019 Macquarie University 2 1 50.0% $3,732,019 The University of New South Wales 1 0 0% - The University of Newcastle 3 0 0% - University of Western Sydney 1 0 0% - Queensland 4 0 0% - Queensland University of Technology 2 0 0% - The University of Queensland 2 0 0% - Tasmania 1 1 100.0% $3,630,239 University of Tasmania 1 1 100.0% $3,630,239 Victoria 2 1 50.0% $4,000,000 Deakin University 1 0 0% The University of Melbourne 1 1 100.0% $4,000,000 Western Australia 3 2 66.7% $9,533,419 Curtin University of Technology 1 1 100.0% $4,961,622 The University of Western Australia 2 1 50.0% $4,571,797 Total 17 5 29.4% $20,895,677 - Page 4 of 9 Participating organisation contributions by organisation type Table 4. Participating organisation contributions by organisation type for approved Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 proposals Organisation type Organisation contributions (cash & in-kind) over project life (approved proposals) Administering Organisation $10,052,208 Other Eligible Organisation $4,172,753 Partner Organisation Other Organisation Total $29,117,437 $1,093,000 $44,435,398 Partner Organisation contributions by sector Partner Organisations were identified by the applicants as either international or Australiabased, government, non-profit, private companies or overseas higher education organisations. The Partner Organisation contributions in these categories for proposals approved for funding in 2015 are shown below in Table 5. Page 5 of 9 Table 5. Partner Organisation contributions by sector for approved Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 proposals Type Cash $ In-kind Total % $ % $ % 0 489,005 2.3 489,005 1.7 Government Australian Federal Government Australian state, territory & local governments 0 Subtotal 500,000 6.3 1,984,930 9.4 2,484,930 8.5 500,000 6.3 2,473,935 11.7 2,973,935 10.2 6,311,181 78.9 13,917,126 65.9 20,228,307 69.5 750,000 9.4 2,940,195 13.9 3,690,195 12.7 7,061,181 88.3 16,857,321 79.8 23,918,502 82.1 250,000 3.1 700,000 3.3 950,000 3.3 Industry Body Australian International Subtotal Non-profit Australian International 0 Subtotal 250,000 0 3.1 0 700,000 0 3.3 0 950,000 0 3.3 Education Australian 0 International 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 1.9 450,000 2.1 600,000 2.1 150,000 1.9 450,000 2.1 600,000 2.1 40,000 0.5 635,000 3.0 675,000 2.3 Subtotal 40,000 0.5 635,000 3.0 675,000 2.3 Total 8,001,181 Subtotal Other Other 100.0 21,116,256 100.0 29,117,437 100.0 Note: All totals and percentages are shown using rounded figures, and as such may not sum. Page 6 of 9 Leverage of ARC funding Of the 17 proposals considered, five were approved with a total approved funding, over the life of these projects, of $20.9 million. There are 36 Partner Organisations involved with these proposals, committing a total of $29.1 million in cash and in-kind funding. This represents $1.39 from Partner Organisations for every dollar of funding from the ARC. Industrial Transformation Priorities Table 6. Instances of identified Industrial Transformation Priorities in Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding commencing in 2015 Instances in proposals considered* 5 Instances in proposals approved* 2 Manufacturing 4 2 Medical devices and biotechnology 5 0 Mining and mining services 5 1 Oil and gas, including petroleum 2 1 Total 21 6 Industrial Transformation Priorities Food and agriculture * A single proposal may select multiple Industrial Transformation Priorities Strategic Research Priorities Table 7. Approved funding for Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 by Strategic Research Priority Priority area Proposals considered Proposals approved Success rate Lifting productivity and economic growth 12 4 33.3% Living in a changing environment 1 0 - Managing our food and water assets 1 1 100.0% Promoting population health and wellbeing Total 3 0 - 17 5 29.4% $20,895,677 17 5 29.4% $20,895,677 100% 100% Total within Strategic Research Priorities Percentage within Strategic Research Priorities (%) Approved funds over project life $17,163,658 $3,732,019 - 100% Page 7 of 9 Table 8. Proposal data by Field of Research category for Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 Field of Research category Proposals considered Proposals approved 1 1 0 1 $4,961,622 4 2 $7,362,258 1 0 - 8 1 2 0 $8,571,797 1 0 - 17 5 $20,895,677 Earth Sciences Environmental Sciences Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences Information and Computing Sciences Engineering Technology Psychology and Cognitive Sciences Total ARC approved funding over project life (approved proposals) - Components The components that can be funded in the Industrial Transformation Training Centres are Higher Degree by Research candidates (ICHDR) and Postdoctoral Fellows (ICPD). The component types, number requested and success rates are shown below in Table 9. Table 9. Numbers and success rates for Industrial Transformation Training Centres components Component ICHDR ICPD Total Number Requested Number Approved Success rate 174 62 236 50 20 70 28.7% 32.3% 29.7% Gender A total of 301 participants were named as Training Centre Director, Chief Investigator or Partner Investigator on all proposals considered in this round. Of these, 260 are male and 41 are female. The success rates for male and female participants in this round are 31.9 per cent and 22.0 per cent respectively. The five Training Centre Directors are male. Page 8 of 9 International collaboration Figure 1. Instances of international collaboration on approved Industrial Transformation Training Centres for funding in 2015 proposals Vietnam, 1 Brazil, 1 Canada, 2 United States of America, 3 China, 2 Switzerland, 1 Sweden, 1 Denmark, 1 England, 1 South Africa, 1 France, 1 Portugal, 1 Germany, 1 Japan, 1 New Zealand, 3 Netherlands, 1 Republic of (South) Korea, 1 Page 9 of 9