Changes to the Funding Rules for Industrial Transformation Training

Changes to the Funding Rules for Industrial Transformation
Training Centres for funding commencing in 2016 (IC16)
Note: this list contains the major changes to rules and is not to be taken as exhaustive.
Please consult the IC16 rules (Funding Rules for schemes under the Linkage Programme
(2015 edition)) or contact your research office for further clarification.
Linkage Programme changes
Addition of definitions for ‘Bench fees,’ ‘Emeritus Appointment,’ and ‘ORCID identifier’ (A3).
The term ‘Research Environment’ has been replaced with ‘Project Research Environment’
(A3 and throughout document).
‘Strategic Research Priorities’ references have been replaced with ‘Science and Research
Priorities’ (A3 and throughout document).
Clarification of Partner Organisation conditions (A9.2.2). For each Partner Organisation,
three conditions must be met. There must be:
evidence of new or on-going collaboration between the Partner Organisation either
directly with the Administering Organisation, and /or with an Other Eligible
Organisation on the Proposal;
no duplication of Commonwealth funding for the research and/or activities funded
for the Project; and
a contribution of cash and/or in-kind or other material resources from each Partner
Organisation, having regard to the total cost of the Project and specific scheme
Simplification of eligibility criteria for participants (A10.2.1). A researcher nominated on a
Proposal as a CI must meet at least one of the following criteria at the scheme-specific
Commencement Date and for the duration of the Project:
be an employee for at least 0.2 FTE (20 per cent of Full Time Equivalent) at an
Eligible Organisation; or
be a holder of an Emeritus Appointment (as defined at section A3) at an Eligible
This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process and was supported
by the feedback.
Clarification of sections regarding Requests Not to Assess (A13.3.1), Appeals (A14.1.2),
Intellectual Property (A16.4.2) and ARC Project IDs (A16.5.1).
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Requirement for all proposals to comply with the Australia Council for the Arts Indigenous
Cultural Protocols for Producing Indigenous Music; Writing; Visual Arts; Media Arts; and
Performing Arts (2007) (A16.1.1).
Addition of references to the new ARC Research Integrity and Research Misconduct Policy
(A16.3.1 and A16.6).
Addition of clause regarding ORCID identifier (A16.5.3).
Addition of Torrens University Australia as an Eligible Organisation (A17.1).
Industrial Transformation Training Centres scheme changes
Addition of a clause relating to Medical Research. Notwithstanding A5.1.3, if the Industrial
Transformation Priorities include a medical research-related priority, Industrial
Transformation Research Hubs and Industrial Transformation Training Centres proposals
addressing the priority may be submitted, having regard to the objectives of the relevant
scheme (A5.1.4).
Relocation costs are not supported for any Linkage Programme scheme (Section A8.1.1.c).
Addition of definitions for ‘ARC Higher Degree by Research (ICHDR)’, ‘ARC Postdoctoral
fellow (ICPD)’ and ‘Industry Growth Centre’ (C2).
The objectives of the Industrial Transformation Training Centres scheme have been updated
The selection criteria have been updated to reflect the Government’s Boosting the
Commercial Returns from Research agenda (C5).
Clarification that participating organisation contributions can be used to top-up the salaries
of the ARC-funded roles - ICHDRs and ICPDs (C6.1.3).
Addition of a clause to provide clarification about non-ARC funded roles. A Project may
include additional HDR and postdoctoral roles fully funded by participating organisation
contributions, however these roles are not considered to be ICHDRs and ICPDs, are not
covered by the employment conditions in the Funding Agreement and are therefore not
eligible to access the entitlements set out in the Funding Agreement (C6.1.4).
On-costs amounts to be requested in respect to salaries have been raised from 28% to 30%
(C7.1.a.iii). This change was proposed in the Funding Rules consultation process and was
supported by the feedback.
Addition of National ICT Australia as an Eligible Organisation (C8.1.2).
Requirement for Training Centre Directors to have a minimum time commitment of 0.5 FTE
(50 per cent of Full Time Equivalent) on the activities of the Centre (C9.2.2).
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