HOW DO HOLIDAYS IMPACT TREATMENT OF SURGICAL EMERGENCIES? ANSWERS FROM A STATEWIDE PATEINT DATABASE JF Bradley 3rd MD, KB Williams MD, AL Walters MS, BA Wormer MD, KT Dacey MHA, RF Sing DO, VA Augenstein MD, BT Heniford MD – Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC Background: The purpose of this study is to examine if the presence of a major holiday impacts outcomes of common General Surgery pathology and associated operations. Methods: The North Carolina Patient Data System was queried for patients with acute appendicitis (APPY), cholecystitis (CHOLE), and small bowel obstruction (SBO) from 20062010 based on ICD-9 coding. Holidays (Christmas, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, July 4th, Easter, and New Year’s, Memorial, and Labor day) and weekday outcomes were evaluated by disease process (APPY, CHOLE, SBO). Outcomes included length of stay (LOS), ICU stay, time to operative intervention, complications and mortality. Results: A total of 81,473 patients met inclusion criteria. There were 79,634 weekday patients and 1839 holiday patients. In the APPY group there were no differences in patient age or gender (see table). LOS, percent ICU stay, complications and mortality was also similar (p>0.05). For CHOLE, the weekday patients were slightly older than holiday (p=0.03) and time to operation was shorter for the weekday group (1.5 vs 1.8 days; p<0.0001). However, LOS, ICU stay, and mortality were similar (p>0.05) with fewer overall complications in the holiday group (p=0.005). In the SBO group, patients had similar age, gender, days to operation, and ICU stay (p>0.05). However, the weekday group had a longer LOS (8.4 vs 6.7; p<0.0001) and higher complication rate (16% vs 12.3%; p=0.006), but similar mortality. Conclusion: Outcomes of patients admitted with acute General Surgical pathology, including appendicitis, cholecystitis and SBO, are not adversely affected when presenting on holidays compared to those presenting on weekdays. Table: Weekday vs Holiday Appendicitis Weekday Number Age (yrs) Male % Days to Op LOS (days) ICU Stay (%) Complications (%) Mortality 21,958 34.3±20.2 56.6 0.2±0.8 2.9±3.2 5.6 8.4 0.2 Holiday Cholecystitis Weekday Holiday 575 23,844 507 334.5±20.7 55.5±19.6 53.6±20.1* 53.8 37.30 40.6 0.2±0.6 1.5±4.0 1.8±1.9* 2.7±2.7 5.0±6.7 4.4±3.8 5.6 19.0 16.0 6.8 9.3 5.7* 0.2 1.3 0.4 *Significant when compared to weekday (p<0.05) SBO Weekday Holiday 33,832 757 61.0±19.7 61.4±19.4 42.7 46.0 2.6±6.6 2.4±3.5 8.4±14.7 6.7±9.4* 23.6 20.7 16.0 12.3* 4.9 4.8