Best Practices for OrgSync Profiles

Custom Organization Profile / Organization Registration Best Practices:
*Keep in mind that information collected in the custom organization profile is only accessible to administrators in your
campus umbrella portal, and the administrators of your organizations. OrgSync already asks for basic organization
information including Organization Profile Picture, Full Organization Name, Abbreviated Organization Name, Category,
Description, Keywords, and Website address. This basic information is by default published in the organization profile in
your directory. The additional information added in the custom organization profile may or may not be included in the
public profiles (this is up to you).
Before starting Organization Registration or Renewals:
1. Review/Revise Registration Options under “Manage Organizations” (detailed suggestions below)
2. Review/Revise Organization Categories (the fewer the better)
3. Prepare instructions for new and existing organizations and share with student leaders and advisors.
Suggestions for custom organization profile include:
Use your existing Organization Registration form (if you have one) as a guide to get started; then get creative… consider
anything you may need to collect from or know about an organization and take advantage of the registration process to
capture that data!
When you can give users an option (using drop down menus, radio buttons, or checkboxes), you should. This
standardizes their responses which is helpful for reporting purposes.
Keep in mind that the organization profile is universal for all organizations within your campus community, meaning
traditional organizations, Greek organizations, Residence Halls, and any other departmental groups will all be
completing the same profile. So any questions you ask that may only apply to certain types of organizations, should be
separated into their own page or at the least provide options and instructions to accommodate all organizations/groups
with portals within your community. For example, if only your fraternities and sororities need to complete information
about risk management, create a special page for risk management, and in the page description, include clear
instructions that only Greek organizations should complete that page. Also, *do not require elements unless they apply
to all groups.
Elements to include:
Organization Information:
o Organization Status (New, Continuing, Renewing from Inactive)
o Name Change Request
o Academic Affiliation
o Selection Process/Membership Requirements
o Regular Meeting Date/Time/Location
o On Campus Mailbox/Address/Phone Number if applicable
o Organization Goals
o Service Requirement
o Constitution (file upload)
o General Membership Agreement
Officer Information:
o Name, Position, Phone Number, Email Address of at least two primary contacts, especially President and
Recruitment Chair (if applicable)
o Officer Agreement (file upload)
Advisor Information:
o Name
o Title/Position
o On Campus or Off Campus
o Phone Number
o Email Address
o Advisor Agreement (file upload)
Admin Only Fields:
These are profile elements entered by users that have administrative privileges in the campus umbrella portal and that
the individual/organization members never see. Allows you to store additional organization information for reporting
purposes and easy access:
Accounting Information
o On Campus Account Number
o Signature Card (file upload)
o Names of approved signers/requestors
o Annual Budget Allocation
Annual Audit Checklist:
o Minimum number of members on OrgSync
o Officers Updated in OrgSync
o Trainings Completed
o Forms on File (Advisor agreement, etc.)
If organizations are tiered based on risk factor, service points, etc., include an element for “tier” or “status”.