Constitution of the University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective

Constitution of the University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective
The University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective
Created: June 20, 2006
Revised: August 2011
Article 1
The University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective is an organization dedicated to
strengthening the position of campus museums within the university community. It seeks to
assist campus museums in efforts of outreach, while fostering a robust collective of individuals
committed to the advancement of this important institution.
Article II
a) In no aspect of its programs shall there be any difference in the treatment of persons on
the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status,
sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference, or any other classification,
which would deprive the person of consideration as an individual. The organization will
guarantee the equal opportunity and equal access to membership, programming, facilities,
and benefits shall be open to all persons.
b) Under no condition will membership be limited or restricted; any University of Iowa
student, faculty, or staff, as well as any community member is encouraged to participate
and be an active member in the University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective.
c) The University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective is a group spirited in cooperation
and consensus. All official student organization decisions will be made by a consensus of
all active members who are present at the time of official business. There exists three
“classes” of membership; however, all members have an equal opportunity to participate.
Simply, class distinction provides a means of grouping individuals into their respective
academic and activity interests. They include the following:
1. University of Iowa Museums and Special Collections Members- This group of
individuals is comprised of students, faculty, staff, and community members
who actively engage in the betterment of the University of Iowa museums,
and special collections through volunteer or paid labors.
2. Student Directors: Three University of Iowa students who facilitate meetings,
execute official group business, and coordinate with the faculty advisor.
3. General Members: Any individual wishing to participate in any capacity that
suits their academic or social desires.
d) Admission into the University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective is granted once the
interested individual signs a form stating intent to join, joins OrgSync via, and joins the Campus Museum Collective email list-serv.
Members may be removed from the group if their presence is deemed no longer valuable
and/or they frequently do not participate in group events without an acceptable excuse.
This revocation of membership may only occur at an official meeting where the
consensus of all members, except for the individual in question, is in favor of revocation.
Article III
Officers and Duties:
a) Campus Museum Collective has three Student Directors. These individuals must be
University of Iowa students (undergraduate, graduate, or non-degree seeking) who are
enrolled in a minimum of eight (8) semester hours (zero (0) in the summer and winter
terms) during their respective periods of service.
b) If there are not enough University of Iowa students available or willing to take up the
three Campus Museum Collective Student Director positions, then community members
or part-time students with below eight (8) semester hours (zero (0) in the summer and
winter terms) may fulfill the positions.
c) These individuals are elected by the consensus of every group member during the second
to last meeting of an academic semester. The election will take place the academic
semester prior to the semester in which they will hold the Student Director position. For
example, a student wishing to become a Student Director in a fall semester will be voted
on at the end of a spring semester. Notice of Student Director vacancies will be
announced at the first meeting of the academic semester, allowing prospective individuals
ample time to consider running.
d) Student Directors are responsible for executing all official group business and act as
representatives of the group, including, but not limited to the following: communication
and coordination with faculty advisor, communication with University of Iowa Student
Government, and communication with any organization or individual. Student Directors
may divvy specific tasks of official business among current members as they see fit.
e) Student Directors may be removed from office by a consensus of all individuals at any
official meeting.
f) A Student Director position may be held for a total of four years, ceasing upon
resignation or graduation.
Article IV
a) The faculty advisor is responsible for facilitating communication between Campus
Museum Collective and any non-associated individual or organization where the faculty
advisor’s communication is deemed especially valuable. The faculty advisor may provide
the group with direction and insight when deemed appropriate. The faculty advisor is
encouraged to attend all group meetings.
Article V
a) Official group meetings are held weekly, biweekly or as deemed appropriate by the
faculty advisor and Student Directors. The time and date of the meetings are to be
selected by a consensus of all group members, thus ensuring all members may
participate. Subcommittee meetings will occur periodically, with date and time selected
by a consensus of all subcommittee group members.
b) Any non-subcommittee meeting deemed “special”, or any regular group meeting which
does not conform to the established meeting time or place will be announced at least one
week in advance at the regular group meeting, as well as through list-serv and OrgSync.
c) Quorum to conduct official group business is defined as having at least one (1) Student
Director present, as well as two (2) other group members present, whether Student
Director or general member. The quorum requirement does not apply to subcommittee
d) Any member wishing to call a “special meeting” has the authority to do so, as long as a
one-week notice is given at the established meeting time and place or through list-serv
and OrgSync. Proposed agenda must accompany such a request.
Article VI
a) When a Student Director position is vacant, elections for the position are held the
academic semester prior to the semester in which the position will be held.
b) Group members are to be notified of position openings at the first meeting of the
semester. Time and place of the election, which take place at the end of the semester, will
be announced at least two meetings prior to the election. In addition, notification of
upcoming Student Director position openings and elections are to be made via group’s
list-serv and OrgSync page two weeks prior to the election.
Article VII
a) There are no annual dues for membership in the University of Iowa Campus Museum
Collective. However, dues for specific group-sponsored events may be established by a
consensus of all group members present at the regularly scheduled group meetings.
b) Student Directors are responsible for the collection of group-specified dues. Further, all
financial business of the group is executed by the Student Directors. Student Directors
may divvy financial business amongst group members as they see fit. Any Student
Director may authorize the expenditure of one item up to twenty-five (25) dollars without
a consensus o the group. All group members present at the regularly scheduled meeting
must authorize expenditures totaling twenty-five (25) dollars or more.
c) Upon dissolution, state money and mandatory student fees revert back to the granting
Group fees should be divided as stated in the Constitution and carried out by the
dissolving group’s members and offices.
If the group has dissolved and group fees have not been divided as stated in the
Constitution by five years from last account activity, monies in the group’s 00
account will revert to an account specified for this purpose within UISG. These funds
will then be available for distribution through SABAC guidelines in compliance with
University of Iowa policy.
Statement of where group fees should be divided upon dissolution. (FYI: The
University of Iowa or UISG is not responsible for the division of student fees that
have been outlined above. It is the responsibility of the group to submit a copy of
minutes which has recorded the agreement of what is to be done with the money,
along with filling out the appropriate approval forms, vouchers, and tax information
in the Student Organization Business Office).
Article VIII
a) Group members are informed of proposed Constitutional amendments at minimum two
(2) weeks in advance of ratification or alteration. Announcement of amendment proposals
are to be made at any regularly scheduled group meeting, as well as through the list-serv
and OrgSync.
b) Proposed amendments must be read and approved by the consensus of all group members
at least one (1) regularly scheduled meeting prior to the meeting in which final
ratification or alteration will be considered. Final ratification or alteration occurs at the
following meeting, and must be approved by a consensus of all group members.
Article IX
a) Once the University of Iowa Campus Museum Collective is deemed an official student
group this constitution must be ratified by a consensus of all group members.