Monthly Report September, 2013 Project: Low Power

Monthly Report September, 2013
Project: Low Power Heterogeneous Sensor-System-on-Chip (S2oC) in M2M Networks
1. Team members (highlight team member modification, e.g., new members join, or some students graduate)
Ph.D. student: Chang-Hung Lee, Wen-Yu Chuang
Graduate: Tsung-Ju Wu, Chia-Cheng Chen, Wei Wang (New member)
Undergraduate: Wei-Ting Shih
2.Discussion with champions
a.How many times? (please inform if it is face-face,by phone, or e-mail)
2 phone meetings (8/22 and 9/5)
6 e-mail discussions (8/13, 8/17, 8/21, 8/29, 9/5, and 9/6).
b.What are the major comments/conclusion from the discussion
The major discussions are concentrated at the research plan for Phase II. After valued
inputs from Melissa, both of us agreed to put emphasis at (1) new sensing material
developments and (2) cross-sensitivity algorithm for multi-sensor-multi-target development.
3.Progress between last month and this month
a.Summary of key findings and innovation, and/or
1)Soaking methanol could improve the lifetime of polypyrrole CO2 Sensor.
2) Experimental design for formaldehyde sensor measurements (not finished yet).
3) Initial test for polyaniline thin film as formaldehyde sensor.
b.Negative results and their consequences, and/or
Because the refurbishment project delayed about 3 weeks, many experiments have been
c.Cross-project synergy
Smart-office synergy project :
Discuss with Prof. Fu’s team, commercialize CO2 Sensor will be integrated with Taroko
sensor node
Brief plan for the next month :Updated view of planned milestones, deliverables, and
success criteria
1) Experimental design of formaldehyde sensor measurements.
2) Integrate commercialize CO2 Sensor with Taroko sensor node
3) ITO nanoparticle test for contact buffer layer
5.Research byproducts
a. Paper (submissions, or acceptance)
1.International conference- ICFPE 2013 papers to be presented on 9/11~9/13: (1)
“Implementation of N-type All Organic Thin Film Transistor by Ink-Jet Printing Technology,” (2)
“An Integrated Humidity Sensor System-on-Chip with Inkjet Printed PEDOT:PSS/AZO Organic
Sensing Material,”
2. International journal-Thin Solid Films accepted: “Adjustable threshold-voltage in
all-inkjet-printing organic thin film transistor by double-layer dielectric structures,”
b.Talks (invitation received and given), and others