Desktop Energy Audit Report Business name Month Year Insert picture here Click on the white border, click on the ‘fill color’ icon, >‘fill effect’ >picture TAB, > selecti picture. Choose picture from the directory and click OK. Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Desktop Study Energy Audit Report On [Business Name] [Month Year] ii Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project This report has been produced as part of [Business Name] Energy Management Plan. iii Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Table of Contents [Do not work with the table of content now. Complete the entire report and then return here. Select the whole table to content, right click on it, click ‘update field’, select ‘update entire table’ and click OK. It will update the section automatically] Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................... v 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6 2. Site Description ...................................................................................................................... 6 2.1. Major Energy Use Areas ..................................................................................................... 7 3. Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 7 3.1. Data Collection ................................................................................................................... 7 3.2. Staff Interviews..................................................................................................................... 7 3.3. Site Visits ................................................................................................................................ 7 3.4. Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 7 3.5. Energy Efficiency Opportunities ....................................................................................... 7 4. Results and Discussion .......................................................................................................... 8 4.1. Energy Consumption .......................................................................................................... 8 4.2. Electricity Consumption ................................................................................................... 10 4.2.1. Seasonal Variations in Electricity Consumption .................................................. 10 4.2.2. Peak / Off-peak Consumption .............................................................................. 11 4.3. Natural Gas Consumption .............................................................................................. 12 4.3.1. Seasonal Variations in Natural Gas Consumption ............................................. 12 4.4. Energy Costs ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.5. Energy Use vs Production ................................................................................................ 14 4.6. Greenhouse Footprint ...................................................................................................... 15 4.7. Baseline Establishment ..................................................................................................... 16 5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 16 6. Recommendations .............................................................................................................. 17 iv Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Executive Summary [Write a summary of the report with the key points. E.g: What is this report and why it has been prepared? What are the major activities that are being reported on? What method was used? What are the major findings? Summary of recommendations. The executive report should be concise] v Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project 1. Introduction [Write an introduction for the report with a description of the business and main activities, photos, geographical situation, and any other issues important to consider for energy management.] Add a picture of the site plan here (if available) or a front photo of the business Figure 1: Front view of [Business Name] 2. Site Description [Briefly description of the site focusing on the site plan, its surroundings, etc.] Add a photo of the site plan here. Figure 2: Floor plan of {Business Name] 6 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project 2.1. Major Energy Use Areas [Describe the major energy usage areas, e.g. the processes/equipment that use electricity and gas. This may include manufacturing process, refrigeration, Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), hot water system, air compressing, etc. This could be obtained by an energy audit or by monitoring by a suitably qualified and experienced electrician] 3. Methodology [Describe the method used for the energy audit/review including an analysis of historical data, baseline establishment, observation of seasonal variation of data and comparing them with the temperature variations, identifying the energy efficiency opportunities, staff interview and training to understand the energy usage pattern and behavioral impact on energy consumption.] 3.1. Data Collection [Describe the sources of data collection and how the data were collected] 3.2. Staff Interviews [Describe how and who were interviewed as part of the staff interview] 3.3. Site Visits [Describe any issues/observations from the audits/review walk though.] 3.4. Data Analysis [This section describes how the data were analysed. It is expected that data over 24 months for both electricity and gas are collected. It should also include how greenhouse gas emission were calculated from energy data, cost estimation for different energy types, analysis of production data and comparison of production data with energy usage data.] 3.5. Energy Efficiency Opportunities [Describe how the energy efficiency opportunities were identified.] 7 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project 4. Results and Discussion 4.1. Energy Consumption [Write about the different sources of energy and their suppliers] Natural Gas 23% Electricity 77% Figure 3: Distribution of Different Energy Sources [Briefly describe any observation to justify the different share of the energy types. Note: Electricity is usually the highest source of energy mainly because most of the equipment is run by electricity.] Table 1: Annual Energy Consumption Period Year 1 Year 2 Total Electricity Total kWh Total use (GJ) Total kWh 1,140,902 4,107 384,434 1,175,212 4,231 339,713 2,316,114 8,338 724,146 Gas Total use (GJ) 1,379 1,103 2,482 All Energy Sources Total use (GJ) 5,486 5,334 10,820 8 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Figure 4: Monthly Energy Consumption 600 Energy Consumption in GJ 500 400 Gas 300 200 Electricity 100 [Briefly describe any observation to justify the variation of energy use over the different months.] 9 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 Sep-11 Aug-11 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 Jul-10 0 4.2. Electricity Consumption [Briefly describe the trends of electricity use over the months.] Figure 5: Monthly Electricity Consumption 120,000 Electricity Consumption in kWh 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 4.2.1. Seasonal Variations in Electricity Consumption [Describe any observations between the variation of electricity use compared to temperature.] 10 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 Sep-11 Aug-11 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 0 Jul-10 20,000 Figure 6: Energy use vs Temperature variation 120,000 35 30 25 80,000 20 60,000 15 40,000 10 20,000 5 0 Aveage Daily Electricity Use 4.2.2. Mean Maximum Temperature Peak / Off-peak Consumption [Briefly describe your observations in relation to the variation of peak and off-peak electricity consumption (if applicable). Try to relate to any cause that may have impacted to increase or decrease the consumption of either peak or off-peak over a certain period of time.] 11 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 Sep-11 Aug-11 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 Jul-10 0 Temperature(0C) Electricity Consumption in kWh 100,000 Figure 7: Peak and Off-Peak Electricity Consumption 120,000 110,000 100,000 80,000 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 Total Peak Off-peak 4.3. Natural Gas Consumption [Briefly describe your observation about gas consumption. Discuss the gas consumption as a share of the total energy consumption and try to give reasons as to why this share is reasonable.] 4.3.1. Seasonal Variations in Natural Gas Consumption [Discuss here the seasonal variation that you can see from the graph below. Try to identify the reasons for variation (if any), for example, need for more hot water in winter season. A sudden change in the consumption could be due to introduction of a new process line, etc.] 12 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Feb-12 Jan-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 Sep-11 Aug-11 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Feb-11 Jan-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 30,000 Jul-10 Electricityu Consumption in kWh 90,000 Figure 8: Natural Gas Consumption vs Temperature 1,300 25 1,200 1,100 800 15 700 600 10 500 400 300 5 200 100 0 Average Daily Gas Usage Jun-12 May-12 Apr-12 Mar-12 Jan-12 Feb-12 Dec-11 Nov-11 Oct-11 Sep-11 Aug-11 Jul-11 Jun-11 May-11 Apr-11 Mar-11 Jan-11 Feb-11 Dec-10 Nov-10 Oct-10 Sep-10 Aug-10 0 Jul-10 Natural Gas Consumption in kWh 900 Mean Minimum Temperature 4.4. Energy Costs [Refer to the table and the graph below and discuss your observation on the energy cost here. Mention how the costs of different energy sources have varied from one year to the other. If possible, identify the causes of variations. Note if any changes in the energy tariff during the observation period.] Table 2: Annual Energy Use and Cost Electricity Period Total use (GJ) Total Cost ($) Year 1 Year 2 Total 4,107 4,231 8,338 130,787 160,578 291,366 Gas Average Unit Cost ($/GJ) 32 38 Total use (GJ) Total Cost ($) 1,379 1,103 2,482 21352 20297 41649 Average Unit Cost ($/GJ) 15 18 Total Energy Cost ($) 152,139 180,875 333,015 13 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Temperature (0C) 20 1,000 Figure 9: Cost of Energy by Sources Natural Gas 13% Electricity 87% 4.5. Energy Use vs Production [Describe the variation in production over the year and their impact on energy use. Note that production may have direct impact on either the electricity or gas or both. Observe how the energy use (electricity or gas) is varying with rate of production and identify any reason for such a variation. Mention any issue you feel important e.g. product X is mainly produced during October to February, which uses mostly gas and therefore, gas consumption, has been doubled during that period.] 14 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Figure 10: Monthly Energy Usage (GJ) vs Monthly Production 450 2,500 400 Energy Consumption (GJ) 300 1,500 250 200 1,000 150 100 500 50 Electricity consumption Gas consumption May-09 Apr-09 Mar-09 Feb-09 Jan-09 Dec-08 Nov-08 Oct-08 Sep-08 Aug-08 Jul-08 Jun-08 May-08 Apr-08 Mar-08 Feb-08 Jan-08 Dec-07 Nov-07 Oct-07 Sep-07 Aug-07 Jul-07 0 Jun-07 0 Raw Chicken production 4.6. Greenhouse Footprint [Discuss the greenhouse footprint details from the table below. Note the highest and lowest sources of greenhouse gas emission and explain reasons. Variations of emissions over the years are also important issues for discussion] Table 3: Annual greenhouse gas emissions Electricity Period 2007-08 2008-09 Total Total GHG Total kWh emissions (tCO2e) 1,142,432 1,074 1,173,182 1,103 2,315,613 2,177 Gas Total GJ 1,379 1,103 2,482 Total GHG emissions (tCO2e) 81 71 152 All Energy Sources Total GHG emissions (tCO2e) 1,155 1,174 2,329 15 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project Tonnes of Production 2,000 350 [Write brief notes about the different shares of the sources of greenhouse gas emission as seen in the graph below.] Figure 11: GHG emission by sources Natural Gas 7% Electricity 93% 4.7. Baseline Establishment [This section requires careful assessment of the business’s energy environment and relevant equipment/appliance inventory and use. Basically, a baseline year is one which is representative of the normal activities being carried out in the business. Energy use over a year can be affected by modification of equipment, changes in the production line, energy efficiency improvement, etc. Apply your judgment and choose a year which gives a good baseline in terms of energy consumption. A good tip is that if a major equipment modification has been done (either upgrade or downgrade) choose the year in which it has been done. If no modification of equipment has been done, choose the year you think is best representative of common practice.] 5. Conclusion [Sum up all the observations from the previous sections (mostly section 4: Results and Discussions). Following items can help write a good conclusion: What are the sources of energy use and who are the suppliers? 16 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project 6. Which is the highest source of energy use and which is the lowest? What are the reasons? How are the variations of different sources of energy? How the variations can be best explained? Describe the link between production and the energy use? Which energy source dominates the production? Which year has been chosen as the baseline and why? Constraints encountered to perform the audit and lessons learnt. ] Recommendations [In dot points, write recommendations (if any). For example, this can be messages to the management e.g. o Further resources need o Need for detailed audit o Recommendation for awareness program o Need for development of policy/documentation] o Engagement of thermal architect for HVAC overview o Engagement of Refrigeration efficiency consultant 17 Desktop Study Report on [Business Name], as part of PRNRM’s Sustainable Production Demonstration Project