Gastroenteritis Case Name – Kyle Tucker 12/03/89 Kyle Tucker a 25 year old student had episodic diarrohea for the past 2 days and has colicky abdominal pain before the diahorrea comes on. He also has nausea but hasn’t vomited. DIarrohoea 5-6 times Lost his appetite as well. Her friend also has similar symptoms and they both ate from the same restaurant 3 days ago. Current Medical History Not on medication PMH Had appendix removed about 5 years ago. Family History No significant Family history Social History Lives on campus in hall of residence, Has about 2-3 standard drinks per week, Non smoker, no stress ICE Most probably caused by the restaurant food. Worries about seriously long term complications and diffuclut in leaving the house due to the need to use the toilet all the time. Wants to get the problem fixed as soon as possible. QUESTIONS Introduction 1. Name, Role, Permission, confirm confidentiality. How would you like me to address you? Date of birth? 2. What has brought you here? Examples of Presenting complaints . Take HPC for each symptom. Do you have nausea & vomiting? In Gastroenteritis Children (vomiting usually 1 day, diarrhoea 5 to 7 days) Do you have diarrohea? In Gastroenteritis (Loose, watery stools are usually passed three or more times within 24 hours,the stools may contain traces of blood and mucus). Associated symptoms for this case Do you Stomach pain? SOCRATES (Site, Onset, Character, Radiation, Associated symptoms, Timing, Exacerbating/Relieving Factor, Severity) Do you fever? Do you feel tired/energy? Ask about Dehydration Symptoms: Malaise, apathy (a lack of emotion or enthusiasm), dizziness, nausea, headaches, muscle, cramps, dry mouth, sunken eyes, Decrease urine, rapid heartbeat, Refill, in children fewer tears when crying. Other questions specific for this case? Have travelled anywhere recently Have you eaten anywhere else Does anyone else you know been feeling the same way If female, check for pregnancy signs. Current Medical History Do you have any diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes or disease? Are you on any medication? If yes.. Drug Dose Frequency Indication Do you have any allergies? Are herbal medicines? Past Medical History ( PMH ) Do ever been severely ill before? Have you ever been hospitalized (surgeries - major operations and ask for any anaesthetic problems)? Family History Is there any illness running through your family? Social History Current living situation&Support Diet&Exercise Smoking. How much& for how long Alcohol. How much & for how long Occupation Recreational Drugs Do you have any ideas about your condition Do you have any concerns Do you have any expectations ICE