Resolution: CFMS representation of local medical student Aboriginal health organizations WHEREAS First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health is an important issue for all Canadians; WHEREAS the Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) is the representative voice of Canadian medical students the federal government, the public, and national medical organizations; WHEREAS histories of colonialism and the right to self-determination inspire a special responsibility to good process when making decisions pertaining to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health; WHEREAS many Canadian medical schools have local medical student organizations focused on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health, but there is an organizational gap in the representation of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health at CFMS; WHEREAS the creation of the Aboriginal Health Liaison (AHL) will continue to improve national conversations surrounding First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health; WHEREAS no formal connection exists between local medical student Aboriginal health organizations and CFMS, and there are no “Local Officers” for Aboriginal Health as there are for other national roles; WHEREAS no formal strategy exists to develop better understanding of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit health matters; WHEREAS there is a need to negotiate and affirm a relationship between the CFMS and local medical student Aboriginal health organizations; WHEREAS CFMS general meetings provide a unique forum for dialogue and decision-making; BIRT CFMS establish a formal relationship with local medical student Aboriginal health organizations. BIFRT CFMS invite representation from Aboriginal health student organizations from each CFMS member school at the 2014 SGM. BIFRT we provide funding to support the attendance of one Aboriginal health representative from each CFMS member school at the 2014 SGM. BIFRT the application process to access these funds be managed by the AHL. Level of Effort/Time: N/A Cost: $10,000 Moved by: Stephanie Brown, University of Calgary Seconded by: Andrew Bresnahan, McMaster University