Lesson Proposal Template


English: Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices Lesson Plan Template

NBE3E, Grade 11 Workplace Preparation

English: First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices

NBE3U, Grade 11 College Preparation

NBE3U, Grade 11 University Preparation

Unit #: Day #:

Connections to Seven Essential Understandings


In this lesson students will develop a deeper understanding of:

Community – Connection to Family: The concept of family includes close kinship ties with others and creation (the animals, plant life, sky, earth spirit beings) which include extended family members, marriage, adoptions, clans, nations, and spirit ties (through naming for example).

Ancestral Knowledge – Connection to Spirit: Spirit is a life force, of the Creator, from which all things come, ties us and all things together, past, present, and future in a forever cyclical link to the centre of creation or spirit realm. Thus, the original teachings the ancestors hold for us is forever within reach of their successive generations. It also means many things, not just human, imbue spirit.

Traditional Knowledge – Practices and Protocols: Practices and protocols for knowledge transfer differ from Western ideology. The sacredness attached to traditional knowledge require strict protocol and practices for knowledge movement from one person to another depending on the context and the knowledge being shared.

Land – Connection to the Natural World: The Creator gives us laws that govern oru relationships to live in harmony with creation.

Cultural Unity and Diversity: The many nations that make up the Aboriginal peoples of people have distinct ways of life, beliefs, values, languages and traditions different from one another.

Aboriginal Title & Treaty Rights – Connection to Rights and Freedoms: Aboriginal peoples hold

Aboriginal and treaty rights protected by Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. Each nation, while diverse, share common historical experiences in their nation-to-nation dealings with the Crown over time.

Interconnectedness of all Things: All creation is connected. To live a prosperous life one lives in balance with all life, including people, land, sky, animals, plants, and waters.

Connections to Components of Adolescent Literacy

In this lesson, all students, individually and with others, will have an opportunity to develop the interconnected abilities to think, express and reflect through a comprehensive approach to literacy which emphasizes these components (as outlined in Adolescent Literacy Guide: A Professional

Learning Resource for Literacy, Grades 7-12) :

CRITICAL LITERACY refers to students critically analyzing and evaluating the meaning of text as it relates to issues of equity, power, and social justice to inform a critical stance, response and/ or action.

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English: Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices Lesson Plan Template

METACOGNITION refers to students taking active control over their thinking processes so that they understand themselves as learners, they understand a given task, and they understand a variety of strategies and how to use them in a variety of situations.

QUESTIONING re fers to students’ curiosity, exploration, and inquiry to evoke, expose, and extend their thinking for the purpose of deeper understanding.

STRATEGY refers to students purposefully selecting and using techniques and processes in order to construct and communicate meaning.

VOICE AND IDENTITY refers to students’ decisions, choices, and actions that advocate for their learning and make connections to their experience, values, culture and interests.

Text(s) students will Read, View, or Hear: Text Forms Explored in the Lesson

Text Forms Created in lesson

Search terms:

Curriculum Expectations

English Curriculum

Note: For the proposal, identify only strands and overall expectations that will likely be addressed in the lesson. Specific expectations for each lesson will be included with the finished lesson.

Strand: Oral Communication

Overall Expectations

Listening to Understand

Speaking to Communicate

Reflecting on Skills and Strategies

Strand: Reading and Literature Studies

Overall Expectations

Reading for Meaning

Understanding Form and Style

Reading With Fluency

Reflecting on Skills and Strategies

Strand: Writing

Overall Expectations

Developing and Organizing Content

Using Knowledge of Form and Style

Applying Knowledge of Conventions

Reflecting on Skills and Strategies

Strand: Media Studies

Overall Expectations

Understanding Media Texts

Understanding Media Forms, Conventions, and Techniques

Creating Media Texts

Reflecting on Skills and Strategies

Contemporary F irst Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices Curriculum

Note: this curriculum is in pre-publication; overall and specific expectations for each lesson will be identified at a later date – proposals need only identify strands which will likely be addressed in the lesson.

Strands addressed in this lesson:

 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Perspectives and Canadian Text Forms

Oral Communications

Reading and Literature Studies


Media Studies

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English: Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices Lesson Plan Template

Learning Goals

By the end of this lesson, students need to know, understand, honour, and/or be able to do the following:

Note: Teachers will need to use their professional judgment to determine how long it will take to cover the content in this lesson. A guideline is:

Instructional Components and Context

Readiness & Instructional Strategies Terminology Materials

Instructional Strategies

Outline any key instructional strategies and/ or professional resources that may have been used in the development of this lesson

Minds On

Establishing a positive learning environment

Connecting to prior learning and/ or experiences

Setting the for learning

Lesson Description Notes to teacher

Where possible, identify areas in lesson that connect to:

Assessment of Learning

Assessment for Learning

Assessment as Learning

 eduGAINS Components of Adolescent Literacy

 eduGAINS Literacy Alerts

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English: Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices Lesson Plan Template


Introducing new learning or extending/ reinforcing prior learning

 Providing opportunities for practice and application of learning (guided → independent)

Lesson Description Notes to teacher


Providing opportunities for consolidation and reflection

Helping students demonstrate what they have learned

Components of consolidation: o Discussion of student work o Teaching emphasis o Highlights and summary o

Independent or further guided practice

Lesson Description Notes to teacher

Disclaimer: Images and many text resources included in these lessons are available in the public domain; ELAN and FNMIEAO do not guarantee continued access to external links provided on this site; nor shall it be liable for damages resulting directly or indirectly from the use of any external links provided.

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