Classical Civilizations

Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical Greece
1. Describe the major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Greece;
Explain the role early civilizations played in the development of this classical society and how later civilizations
grew out of the classical civilizations.
Religious/philosophical: refers to polytheism and the philosophical ideas of
o Socrates:
Greek city-state of ___________________ develops the first direct democracy.
2. Identify the characteristics of monarchy as a form of government in Greece.
3. Identify the characteristics of the following political systems: aristocracy, oligarchy, tyranny, & democracy.
(Note: Pure political systems are rare today. Today a country can be a socialist democracy or a democratic republic.
We will continue to make this connection in future units.)
Aristocracy: Rule by ______________________
Oligarchy : Rule by _______________________
Tyranny: Rule by _________________________
o How did the above three lead to the development of democracy?
What is the difference between indirect & direct democracy?
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
4. Explain the development of democratic-republican government from its beginnings in the Judeo-Christian legal
tradition and classical Greece:
________________________ harsh measure led to the need for a more democratic rule of law.
The polis (city-state) of Athens was the first to create a democracy.
5. How did people participate in supporting or changing their governments in Classical Greece? What were the rights
and responsibilities of citizens and noncitizens in civic participation?
Varied from city-states
Citizens were free-born _____________ who owned property while non-citizens included
Citizens rights included:
Responsibilities included:
6. How did Pericles and the Athenian assemblies lead to the development of a trial by a jury of your peers?
7. How did the roles of women, children, and families differ between the Greek city-states of Athens & Sparta?
8. Identify the contributions of these significant scientists:
9. Analyze examples of how art, architecture, literature, music, and drama reflect the history of the cultures in which
they are produced.
Greece: creation of __________________.
_________________________completed the first known tragedies.
Writing of History – ____________________(Father of History) and __________________(non-bias
historical writing)
o What is bias and why is it important to identify it in historical writing? (Recall primary vs. secondary
10. Summarize the fundamental ideas and institutions of Western civilizations that originated in Greece:
Greece: Olympic games, Greek philosophy, influence of architecture on Romans and the west, and rise of
What is the Parthenon?
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical Persia
11. Describe the development and major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Persia:
Explain the role early civilizations played in the development of these classical Persia and how later civilizations
grew out of the classical civilizations:
The Persian Empire was founded by _________________________________ (known for his religious tolerance).
______________________created provinces (_____________________) ruled by governors
(__________________) to govern the various people within the vast empire.
The Royal Road and _____________________ helped connect the empire with a system of communication and
was used to promote trade.
_____________________________ (roadside inns/hostels) network built to offer shelter and protection to
merchants traveling throughout the empire.
Use of _____________________________as well as a common system of weights and measures, also
encouraged trade throughout the region.
__________________________: A monotheistic religion in which people’s own choices determined their fate;
religion contained early concepts of a heaven and hell.
Alexander & Hellenistic Civilization
12. Who was Alexander the Great (and why was he important)?
13. Hellenistic culture (Hellenism) fused Greek culture with the cultures of ___________________,
__________________, & __________________.
14. Hellenistic Empire: ___________________________________ became the center of science and scientists,
including the fields of _________________________, _________________________, & _________________________.
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical Rome
15. Describe the major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Classical Rome:
Explain the role early civilizations played in the development of these classical societies and how later
civilizations grew out of the classical civilizations:
Development of a _______________________ with representatives, system of laws (________________Tables),
and separation of powers (_____________________, __________________, and ________________), which
became a basis for later laws in _________________________ and eventually ___________________________.
_________________________ was founded and spread throughout the Roman Empire
16. Political System- Identify the characteristics of a republic:
17. What role did the Roman emperor play in the government of Classical Rome?
18. Explain the development of democratic-republican government from its beginnings in the Judeo-Christian legal
tradition and classical Rome:
The establishment of the _____________________(Twelve Tables) led to the creation of legal traditions
o Civil law applying to ___________________ only and law of nations applying to all people under
What happened when the Roman government shifted from republic to empire?
IMPACT: The Roman legal system provided the foundation of ___________________ society and the
development of a democratic-republican government (democracy).
19. What six fundamental ideas and institutions of Western civilizations originated in Rome?
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical Rome (continued)
20. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens and noncitizens in civic participation in Rome.
21. What Roman legal traditions led to the basic principles of law in Western Europe and the United States?
22. What was the role of women, children, and families in Classical Rome?
Women gained greater _________________ and _____________ in Roman society. In early Christian communities,
women served as ___________________ and administrators (later barred from any official role as the men dominated
the Church).
Children (boys & girls) were taught to _______________ and write. Wealthy families hired private tutors.
23. Identify significant examples of art, architecture, and technology from Classical Rome:
a.) The arch-
d.) Pantheon-
b.) Aqueducts-
e.) Use of concrete-
c.) Colosseum-
f.) Roads/highways-
24. How does the origin story of Romulus & Remus reflect the history of the Classical Rome?
25. Describe the major effects of the rise and spread of Christianity in Classical Rome.
26. What factors contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire? Be specific.
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical China
27. Describe the origins and major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Classical China (Zhou,
Qin, & Han Dynasties). (Be sure to know the meanings of the highlighted terms.)
Zhou Dynasty introduced the __________________________________ (Dynastic Cycle) and nobles ruled
through a fragmented government of _____________________.
Establishment of _____________________ and ____________________.
Qin Dynasty ruled by Shi Huangdi who used __________________ to unify China through an autocracy
Building of the Great Wall:
Han Dynasty: centralized government based on ________________________ principles, complex bureaucracy
with scholar-bureaucrats, civil service exams, invention of paper.
28. Describe the following Chinese philosophies:
Confucianism: Developed in China as a response to social problems and helped restore order based on the five
___________________________. It was later adopted by the Han Dynasty and it became the basis of Chinese
government, including the _________________________ exams.
29. Compare the factors that led to the collapse of Rome and Han China.
30. Identify significant examples of art and architecture from Classical China:
Terra Cotta Warriors:
Great Wall of China:
Unit 1 Review: Classical Civilizations (500 B.C.-A.D. 600)
Classical India
31. Describe the origins and major political, religious/philosophical, and cultural influences of Classical India
(Maurya & Gupta):
32. Summarize the impact of the Caste system in India (impact, not specific castes).
33. Did Hinduism and Buddhism support the caste system in India? Be specific.
34. Identify the origin and diffusion of major ideas in mathematics, science, and technology that occurred in classical
India’s golden age featured advances in ___________________________ (earth is round), ____________________
(modern numbers – later called Arabic numerals, zero, decimals), and medical guides and complex
_________________. These major ideas spread to other civilizations through________________________________.