Blood Typing LAb

Name: Kathryn Ross
Group: 306-02
Assignment: Blood Typing Assignment
Blood Typing Lab Write-up
Blood Type Lab
To test for blood types using antibodies.
To determine whose blood, had a type of
A,B,O, + or -.
I will be able to successfully determine
blood types using the antibodies. And
when the antibodies come in contact
with the red blood sample, I will be able
to see whether it is A, B, O, + or -. So I
predict that when the antibody does
come in contact with the blood sample, it
will become cloudy and heterogeneous
as a result to being positive.
-2 Plates
-Plastic Toothpick
-Simulated Anti-B Serum
-Simulated Anti-A Serum
-Blood Samples
1. I squeezed one or two drops of
the blood sample into the plastic
2. Then I tested if it was A or B. By
starting with Anti-A, I placed one
drop of simulated Anti-A serum
with the blood sample.
3. After testing for A. I placed
another drop of the blood sample
into the separate part of the
plastic dish.
4. Then I mixed the two samples
together with the plastic
toothpick, and let the mixture sit
for a minute.
5. Then I added a drop of Simulated
Anti-B serum to test if the sample
was B.
6. After adding Anti-B to a blood
sample, I mixed the substances
with the toothpick, letting it sit
for about a minute.
7. Lastly observed both mixtures.
Observations for each sample:
When I tested David’s blood sample I
started by testing for A. When both
substances were mixed, the sample of A
started becoming cloudy, therefore
resulting to A. But when I tested for B, B
also turned cloudy. Thus resulting to
David having A+B blood type.
When I tested Wiley to see if he was A,
the mixture stayed clear and nothing
happened. So I tested B, when mixed, it
became cloudy. Which means Wiley’s
blood type is B.
I mixed a blood sample of Jane’s blood,
and Anti-A serum. After mixing, the
substance turned cloudy. Then for
testing B, the mixture stayed the same.
Resulting to Jane having an A blood type.
When I tested if John was an A blood
type, the mixture stayed the same and
did not clump or become cloudy. And the
same thing happened when testing for
blood type B. There were no clumps, or
cloudiness. This means that John had
type O.
Discussion Questions:
Question 1:Explain the difference
between a test where the blood clumps
and where it doesn’t.
When testing for blood, we test using an
Anti-A, or Anti-B serum. The difference
of when it clumps or not is quiet simple.
The blood clumps when the antibodies of
the blood white cells, release to attack
the antigens of the Anti-A, or B serum.
Although when the blood does not have
the antigens, it stays the same and does
not clump or become cloudy.
Question 2: Wiley is bleeding horribly.
He and his buddies (Jane, John and
David) happen to have blood transfusion
equipment and are stranded on the
moon (no hospital nearby) his buddies
need to give as much blood as possible.
But each can only give 1 L of blood. How
much blood can they give him and why?
Question 3:Explain the process of
determining blood type, specifically
for each patient.
*use the terms antigens, antibodies
and clumping*
Wiley has a blood type of B+, therefore
he can only receive blood from O-, O+, B-,
B+. This means that Wiley can only
receive 1 L of blood between the three
friends. Because the only other blood
type he can match up with, is John being
O+ blood type. If Wiley were to take
blood for either David, or Jane. The blood
cells would realize antibodies, and only
make Wiley sick.
The first patient’s blood sample clumped
with both A and B, but remained
together for Rh. This means that the
patient can take blood from: A Rh-, B Rh, O Rh-, and AB Rh-. Because the cells of
her blood do not suspect antigens,
therefore no antibodies are realized and
the transfusion is not attacked.
The next patient’s blood sample did not
clump for either A, or B. There fore
meaning that when it clumped for Rh,
the only possible blood to give would be
O Rh-.
Lastly, the last patient’s blood clumped
for A and Rh. Therefore the blood
samples that can be given are A Rh+, O
Rh+. Because the antibodies would not
be realized, since the white blood cells
suspect no antigens.
Conclusion: Yes the hypothesis was correct. I was able to determine which blood sample, was
what blood type. By determining whether it would clump or not. Most of the samples did
contain a clumping one. Therefore the hypothesis was correct.