ABO Blood Types
Another example of the geneprotein connection
Blood Typeswhat’s the difference?
How is it determined?
Blood sample is taken from a person and a small amount is placed in a well tray or on absorbent paper.
Technician looks for
“agglutination” (aka: clumping or precipitate).
Clumps with Anti-A antibodies?
Must have A proteins
Could be Type A or Type AB http://waynesword.palomar.edu/aniblood.htm
What causes clumping?
The anti-A antibodies have a shape that matches the A protein.
The antibodies latch onto the Type A RBC and cause the cells to clump together.
Phenotype = Type A
Genotype = I A I A or I A i
Blood Donation & Transfusions
Has RBC with
B proteins
Has Anti-A antibodies in the plasma
Anti-A antibody
Type A
AntiA antibodies in the plasma “attack” the Type A cells that are transfused into the bloodstream. Causes clumping. Not
Blood Donation & Transfusions
• So the person with Type B blood can receive blood of a type that doesn’t have
A proteins on the RBC.
• Type B RBC and Type O RBC won’t have
A proteins, so the Type B person can receive either Type B or Type O blood.
Blood Donation Chart
Type O can’t receive any other blood type.
Type AB can receive all other blood types.