emotional aspect of personality

Emotions – refer to how one feels. Emotions are stronger than feelings
 Emotions are strong feelings of some kind accompanied by highly complex changes in
the body itself ; like knees trembling
 Emotions are reactions to frustrations or satisfactions
 Example: when you are hungry and cannot find food, you get angry. When satissfied, however,
you are happy.
Kinds of Emotions
Pleasant Emotions such as love, feelings of accomplishment & affection; there are also
unpleasant emotions, as fear, anxiety & anger.
Positive Expression of Love
Love expressed in a positive way form the basis for man’s greatest achievements
 Builds tolerance
 Self- sacrifice
 Friendliness
 Many other pleasant experiences
Negative Expression of Love
 Selfishness
 Hate
 Jealousy
 Disappointment in love causes hurt feelings
How to handle your hurt
Everyone is vulnerable at one time or another ; no one can avoid all hurt. If you live life
to its fullest, you are bound to encounter disappointment and rejection. On the other hand, getting
burned can help you grow into a more sensitive , caring person.
Most people associate vulnerability – the capacity to be hurt by others- with
weakness or inadequacy. But there’s nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable, and there is no
reason to fight the pain. In fact, realizing that everyone experiences hurt is likely to help you
learn to deal with it better.
It is difficult for everyone to handle hurt, but teen agers are especially susceptible.
During adolescence, “there are great stresses because teens’ personalities and bodies are just in
the process of forming, since teens haven’t formed an identity they feel comfortable with, they
are open to hurt.”
Teen often experience this kind of vulnerability for the first time around the ages
of fourteen and fifteen, when peers begin to abandon their long friendships with same sex to
explore relationships with the opposite sex. This may cause trememdous pain for the loyal
confidant who is left behind. Or a girl may feel devastated when a boy suddenly dismisses her
shortly after he has professed his love. This tends to establish tentative relationships. This often
means rejection for the person seeking a more permanent attachment.
What can help is being forced to confront your emotions, analyze expectations
and probe into reasons for being rejected. Reviewing the relationship may help avoid repeating
the same mistakes, especially if you felt responsible for the split. The worst part of getting hurt is
the realization that both you and your friend are fallible. Sometimes we dream that everything is
perfect and getting hurt shakes us back to reality.
Physical Reactions
1. Tightness in chest
2. Insomnia
3. Cramps
4. Nausea
5. Diarrhea
6. Gastrointestinal, urinary, respiratory or muscular disorders
Psychological Reactions
1. Feeling anxious, apprehensive or frightened after rejection
2. Self doubt
3. Self hatred
4. Feeling of undesirability
5. Feeling of inferiority
6. False belief that there is something wrong with himself/ herself
What is more likely to happen is that a feeling of vulnerability may make you avoid
becoming involved in new relationships. The thought of starting all over again after being
rejected is terrifying because there is always the fear of being hurt again. Your pride may be
so shattered that you vow never to get involved with anyone again.
If you deny your hurt and bury your feelings, you may be in for a big trouble. Ulcers,
colitis, headaches and allergies sometimes may occur when you fail to deal with emotional
conflicts. Not liking yourself is a bad feeling and over long period, it can manifest itself in
physical symptoms.
Even if you experience physical symptoms, it will probably take you longer to overcome
your pain if you stifle your dismay and disappointment. Also you are more likely to explode
at the wrong time and for the wrong reasons when you have failed to come to terms with
your feelings.
Some react to rejection by trying to make everyone else seem responsible for their hurteveryone except the,selves. But if you are at fault, they are likely to repeat their faulty
behavior in subsequent relationships. Others use rejection as an excuse to indulge in selfpity- especially when it brings them attention. Some end up suspicious of others.