Emotional Intelligence (EI) Lecture Slides

Emotional Intelligence Lecture Slides
A series of lecture slides with notes are provided below in Office PowerPoint 2007
format. The slides provide a general introduction to Emotional Intelligence
suitable for use within any subject area. The slides can stand alone as a lecture
or can be set within a wider context of EI within PDP provision using
additional materials from elsewhere in the website (workshops, assessment
Basic slides are provided which can be adapted to suit the needs of the individual
facilitator, department and/or institution.
Notes are provided with each slide to provide additional information for teaching
purposes. More detailed information on the concepts of EI with relevant
literature and assessment information are provided elsewhere within the
It is intended that the full set of slides provide sufficient material for a one hour
teaching session. Notes indicate where slides can be removed to provide a
shorter (half an hour) session. Further slides can be removed as necessary to
customize for individual needs.
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Insert Facilitator Name and Institution
“Anyone can become angry … that is
…But to be angry with the right
person, to the right degree, at the
right time, for the right purpose, and
in the right way … that is not easy.”
 What is emotional intelligence (EI)?
 Why is EI important?
 Why bother to develop EI skills?
 How can I develop EI skills?
What is Emotional Intelligence?
“The capacity for recognising our own
feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in our
(Goleman, 1995)
What is Emotional Intelligence?
the ability to perceive emotions
the ability to access and generate emotions so
as it assist thought
the ability to understand complex emotions
and emotional knowledge
the ability to reflectively regulate emotions so
as to promote emotional and intellectual
Emotional Understanding 1
Which of the following faces is expressing
happiness, surprise, anger, sadness?
Emotional Understanding 2
Divide into groups of 5.
Choose one person to express the facial
emotion provided on the list
You must sit very still and silent and not
move anything except your facial
How many emotions can you correctly
identify (out of 20) in 5 minutes?
Emotion Regulation 1
You and your partner have got into an argument that has
escalated into a shouting match; you’re both upset and, in
the heat of the anger, making personal attacks you don’t
really mean. What’s the best thing to do?
Take a 20 minute break and then continue the
Just stop the argument – go silent, no matter what your
partner says
Say you’re sorry and ask your partner to apologise too
Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, then state
your case as precisely as you can
Emotion Regulation 2
How do you regulate your emotional reactions?
Four Basic Components of EI
Self awareness
Social awareness
Self management
What Does High or Low EI Look Like?
 'I feel...'
 Open expression of emotions
 Not preoccupied with
negative emotions
Can identity the feelings of
Emotionally resilient
Decisions based on feelings
and logic
Accepts self and others
Good listener
Talks about problems
'You always make me feel....'
Cannot share feelings verbally
Negative feelings dominate
Not perceptive to others'
Carries grudges, unforgiving
Acts without reasoning or logic
Not accepting of self or others
Poor listener
'Hits out' when there is a
EI and Other Psychological Constructs
 Is EI just a repackaging of other concepts?
 Emotion
 Social cognition
 Personality
 An umbrella term that encompasses lots of
areas of emotional knowledge and control
that we have lots of empirical data to
So Why is EI Important?
High EI individuals compared to those low on EI are:
Less aggressive
More empathic
Have fewer unauthorised absences and exclusions from school
Less depressed
Less stressed
Higher self-esteem
Less lonely
Better quality friendships and sexual relationships
Education and High EI
 Cope better at transition periods
 Lower drop out from school and
 Higher academic qualifications
 Better career prospects
But Can We Change EI?
 Yes, as the construct encompasses constructs
such as emotion regulation and social
cognition which we know from the literature
are changeable.
 EI interventions are successful with high school
students and those in HE.
In the 21st century the most significant challenge for
graduates will be to manage their relationship with work
and with learning. This requires skills such as negotiation,
action-planning and networking, added to qualities like
self-awareness and confidence. These are the skills
required to be self-reliant in career and personal
development, skills to manage processes rather than
functional skills.”
(Association of Graduate Recruiters, 1995)
Our graduates are being judged by a new yardstick
(Dudiak & Anderson, 2006)
EI training at university can give our graduates the edge!
(Dacre-Poole & Sewell, 2007)