Schemes of Work GCE English Language B Teacher Resource Bank / GCE English Language B/ Schemes of Work / Version 1.0 AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. SCHEMES OF WORK – EXAMPLE ONE SUMMER ENTRY FOR ENGB1 & ENGB2 Teacher One Teacher Two AUTUMN TERM ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS p. 5-6 in the specification for Unit Content Please see Resources List for helpful texts, websites & related activities Please find sample papers and Mark Schemes on the AQA website Introduction to written text analysis – teaching should focus around the use of a variety of written texts Issues of purpose / audience / context Key features of a variety of written genres Key concepts: register / mode / idiolect / dialect / sociolect Use of linguistic methods for textual analysis: lexis / grammar / phonetics / pragmatics / discourse / graphology Introduction to spoken data analysis – teaching should focus around the use of a variety of spoken texts: ‘real’ and represented Key differences between spoken and written modes Key concepts: register / mode / idiolect / dialect / sociolect Use of linguistic methods for analysis of spoken data: lexis / grammar / phonetics / discourse Transcription activities Analysis of represented speech ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) p. 7-10 in the specification for the Unit Content Introduction to categorising data (see p. 5 of spec for possible ‘groupings’) Teacher-led delivery of 3 – 4 different style See Resources List for helpful texts and models (see Teacher Support Materials for exemplar style models) webpages for grouping activities Style models might include: Use sample papers to scaffold activities a) Reviews See Teacher Support Materials for lesson ideas b) Short stories relating to working with data e.g. ‘How planned?’ c) Opinion journalism activity and ‘Snack Categorising’ activity Content should cover deconstructing of style Create sample papers and peer mark models (building on introductory data analysis skills); use of style models as a springboard into students’ own writing; commentary writing Students might produce an example of each style of writing and then choose one to develop into the first piece for the coursework folder with the accompanying style model, evidence of planning and commentary AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 2 of 7 SUMMER TERM SPRING TERM ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS (CONTINUED) LANGUAGE & GENDER Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of data) Introduction to Language & Gender including: PC and sexist language / marked and unmarked forms / generic ‘male’ terms / context etc Focus on data dealing with attitudes towards gender Representation of gender in novels / advertising / plays and other texts Conversation analysis of single-sex and mixed-sex conversations Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning Teacher-led delivery of 3 – 4 different style models (see Teacher Support Materials for exemplar style models) Style models might include: a) Scripts b) Speeches c) Persuasive ‘junk mail’ / leaflets / articles Content might should cover deconstructing of style models (building on introductory data analysis skills); use of style models as a springboard into students’ own writing; commentary writing Students might produce an example of each style of writing and then choose one to develop into a final piece for the coursework folder with the accompanying style model, evidence of planning and commentary ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) LANGUAGE & TECHNOLOGY Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of data) Introduction to Language & Technology including mode / mixed mode / interactivity / context etc How language is shaped by technology in: telephone / radio / TV / computer The social practices surrounding these forms of communication and attitudes towards new and developing technologies Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning LANGUAGE & POWER Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of data) Introduction to Language & Power including address forms / context / social groups and inequalities etc Focus on data dealing with attitudes towards power Representation of power in official documents, media texts, advice leaflets and other texts Conversation analysis of interviews, debates, consultations and other spoken data Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 3 of 7 ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS Completion of coursework folders See p.7 of the specification for Unit details Check: 2 pieces of writing with evidence of planning; accompanying annotated style models; 2 commentaries Internal assessment. See p. 9-10 for Assessment Criteria. Use moderation materials to scaffold assessment REVISION ACTIVITIES – ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS See Teacher Support Materials for a variety of helpful activities relating to revision for the final examination Also see the Resources List for helpful texts and web-based activities Use of sample papers and questions for examination preparation Use of previous ENB1 & relevant ENB2 papers for practice questions Paper making activities and peer marking AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 4 of 7 SCHEMES OF WORK – EXAMPLE TWO JANUARY ENTRY ENGB2; SUMMER ENTRY ENGB1 Teacher One Teacher Two AUTUMN TERM ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS p. 5-6 in the specification for Unit Content Please see Resources List for helpful texts, websites & related activities Please find sample papers and Mark Schemes on the AQA website Introduction to written text analysis – Introduction to spoken data analysis – teaching should focus around the use of a teaching should focus around the use of a variety of spoken texts: ‘real’ and variety of written texts represented Issues of purpose / audience / context Key differences between spoken and written Key features of different written genres modes Key concepts: register / mode / idiolect / Key concepts: register / mode / idiolect / dialect / sociolect dialect / sociolect Use of linguistic methods for textual Use of linguistic methods for analysis of analysis: lexis / grammar / phonetics / spoken data: lexis / grammar / phonetics / pragmatics / discourse / graphology discourse Transcription activities Analysis of represented speech ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS p. 7-10 in the specification for the Unit Teacher-led delivery of 3 – 4 different style models (see Teacher Support Materials for Content exemplar style models) Teacher-led delivery of 3 – 4 different style Style models might include: models (see Teacher Support Materials for a) Scripts exemplar style models) b) Speeches Style models might include: c) Persuasive ‘junk mail’ / leaflets / articles a) Reviews Content should cover deconstructing style b) Short stories models (building on introductory data c) Opinion journalism analysis skills); use of style models as a Content should cover deconstructing style springboard into students’ own writing; models (building on introductory data commentary writing analysis skills); use of style models as a Students should produce an example of springboard into students’ own writing; each style of writing and then choose one commentary writing to develop into a final piece for the Students should produce an example of coursework folder with the accompanying each style of writing and then choose one to style model, evidence of planning and develop into the first piece for the commentary coursework folder with the accompanying style model, evidence of planning and commentary ENGB2 – CREATING TEXTS – COURSEWORK ASSESSMENT Completion of coursework folders; see p.7 of the specification for Unit details Check: 2 pieces of writing with evidence of planning; accompanying annotated style models; 2 commentaries Internal assessment. See p. 9-10 for Assessment Criteria. Use moderation materials to scaffold assessment. AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 5 of 7 ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) SPRING TERM ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS (CONTINUED) Introduction to categorising data (see p. 5 of the specification for possible ‘groupings’) See Resources List for helpful texts and webpages for grouping activities Use sample papers to scaffold activities See Teacher Support Materials for lesson ideas relating to working with data e.g. ‘How planned?’ activity and ‘Snack Categorising’ activity Create sample papers and peer mark ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS CONTINUED LANGUAGE & TECHNOLOGY Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of texts) Introduction to Language & Technology including mode / mixed mode / interactivity / context etc How language is shaped by technology in: telephone / radio / TV / computer The social practices surrounding these forms of communication and attitudes towards new and developing technologies Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning LANGUAGE & GENDER Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of texts) Introduction to Language & Gender including: PC and sexist language / marked and unmarked forms / generic ‘male’ terms / context etc Focus on data dealing with attitudes towards gender Representation of gender in novels / advertising / plays and other texts Conversation analysis of single-sex and mixed-sex conversations Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS CONTINUED LANGUAGE & POWER Please see Resources List for helpful texts and p.6 of the specification for topic content (nb. teaching should focus around the use of a wide variety of texts) Introduction to Language & Power including address forms / context / social groups and inequalities etc Focus on data dealing with attitudes towards power Representation of power in official documents, media texts, advice leaflets and other texts Conversation analysis of interviews, debates, consultations and other spoken data Use of relevant ideas from language study to inform data analysis Use of sample questions to scaffold teaching and learning AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 6 of 7 SUMMER TERM REVISION ACTIVITIES – ENGB1 – CATEGORISING TEXTS See Teacher Support Materials for a variety of helpful activities relating to revision for the final examination Also see the Resources List for helpful texts and web-based activities Use of sample papers and questions for examination preparation Use of previous ENB1 & relevant ENB2 papers for practice questions Paper making activities and peer marking AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX. 7 of 7