Practice Benchmark Exam You look at a object through a

Practice Benchmark Exam
1. You look at a object through a microscope which has an eyepiece that magnifies 10X and an
objective that magnifies 4X. What is the total magnification of the object?
A. 4X
B. 10X
C. 14X
D. 40X
2. The diagram below shows a microscope.
Which part of the microscope is the coarse adjustment knob?
A. 3
B. 5
C. 11
D. 12
3. The diagram below is a microscope.
What is the function of part number 5?
A. controls the amount of light available
B. supports the microscope
C. contains a 10X magnifing lens
D. focuses the image under low power
4. The diagram below is a microscope.
What is part number 7?
A. objective lens
B. arm
C. light source
D. eyepiece
5. The diagram below is a microscope.
Which part would you use to adjust the amount of light that passes through the specimen?
A. 5
B. 7
C. 11
D. 12
6. What is the appropriate way to carry a microscope?
A. stage and base
C. arm and eyepiece
B. arm and base
D. eyepiece and stage
7. When looking through a microscope, what is the name of the lighted area?
A. point of view
C. field of view
B. circle of light
D. amount of light
8. Lesia is looking at an object under the microscope. What is the first step in focusing the
A. Use the fine adjustment on the lowest power.
B. Use the fine adjustment on the highest power.
C. Use the coarse adjustment on the lowest power.
D. Use the coarse adjustment on the highest power.
9. While looking under the microscope, you move the slide to the left. Which direction does the
image move?
A. left
C. up
B. right
D. down
10. Which of the following is not the proper way to use the microscope?
A. use low power objective lens first
B. use fine adjustment under high power
C. use direct sunlight when mirror is the light source
D. use stage clips hold the slide in place
11. What is the smallest unit of life that conducts all life functions?
A. cell
B. organelle
C. tissue
D. organ
12. Which of the following are only found in plant cells?
A. cell wall and chloroplast
B. cell wall and vacuoles
C. cell membrane and chloroplast
D. cell membrane and nucleus
13. Which of the following is the thin, flexible, outer covering of a cell that controls what enters and leaves
a cell?
A. cell membrane
C. vacuole
B. cytoplasm
D. nucleus
14. Which organelle acts as the temporary storage center, containing water, waste, and other products?
A. cell membrane
C. vacuole
B. cytoplasm
D. nucleus
15. Sam can see an organelle in a plant cell under the microscope that is green. Which organelle is this?
A. vacuole
C. cytoplasm
B. nucleus
D. chloroplast
16. Which of the following is the gel-like fluid found inside of cells that other organelles are embedded in
(holds them in place)?
A. vacuole
C. cytoplasm
B. nucleus
D. chloroplast
17. Which of the following organelles is called the "powerhouse" of the cell and is also where cellular
respiration takes place?
A. mitochondria
C. vacuole
B. cell wall
D. chloroplast
18. Which of the following organelles is made mostly of cellulose and provides shape and support for the
A. mitochondria
C. vacuole
B. cell wall
D. chloroplast
19. Which of the following describes the process of osmosis?
A. movement of water from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
B. movement of water from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
C. movement of salt from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration
D. movement of salt from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration
20. Which of the following structures are common to both plants and animals?
A. cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and vacuoles
B. cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and cell wall
C. cell membrane, nucleus, vacuole and chloroplast
D. cell membrane, nucleus, cell wall and chloroplast
21. Which cellular process produces simple sugars?
A. mitosis
B. photosynthesis
C. respiration
D. waste elimination
22. Which of the following describes the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration?
A. They make the same substances.
B. They use the same substances.
C. Photosynthesis makes simple sugars and respiration uses simple sugars.
D. Photosynthesis uses simple sugars and respiration makes simple sugars.
23. Which cellular process breaks down simple sugars to create energy?
A. mitosis
C. respiration
B. photosynthesis
D. waste elimination
24. Which cellular process allows a cell to make an exact copy of itself?
A. mitosis
C. respiration
B. photosynthesis
D. waste elimination
25. Which cellular process allows the cell to rid itself of products that can be harmful to the cell?
A. mitosis
C. respiration
B. photosynthesis
D. waste elimination
26. Which type of cells carry out respiration?
A. only plant cells
B. only animal cells
C. both plant and animal cells
D. neither plant nor animal cells
27. What substances are combined with sunlight in the process of photosynthesis?
A. carbon dioxide and water
B. water and simple sugar
C. carbon dioxide and oxygen
D. oxygen and simple sugar
28. Below is a diagram of a cellular process.
Which process is shown?
A. photosynthesis
B. mitosis
C. respiration
D. waste elimination
29. Which of following would occur if a cell could not eliminate its waste?
A. The cell will produce energy from stored substances.
B. The cell will reproduce rapidly.
C. The cell will release oxygen gas.
D. The cell will die from the build up of harmful substances.
30. Below is a diagram of a cellular process.
Which substance is being released at point A?
A. carbon dioxide
B. energy
C. oxygen
D. simple sugar
31. The picture below is a colony of bacteria.
How would you classify the picture?
A. spiral
B. bacillus
C. coccus
D. amoeba
32. The picture below is a colony of bacteria.
Which of the following types of bacteria is shown?
A. spiral
B. bacillus
C. coccus
D. amoeba
33. Which of the following protists move using a whip-like tail?
A. amoeba
B. paramecium
C. euglena
D. bacillus
34. Which bacterial shape is round?
A. coccus
B. bacillus
C. spiral
D. euglena
35. Which protist moves by beating tiny hair-like structures?
A. amoeba
B. euglena
C. paramecium
D. coccus
36. Which protist moves by extending its body forward using finger-like structures?
A. amoeba
C. paramecium
B. euglena
D. spiral
37. Which of the following is an example of rod-shaped bacteria?
A. spiral
C. coccus
B. bacillus
D. euglena
38. Which of the following is a "false foot" that is used to trap food and move?
A. cilia
C. paramecium
B. flagella
D. pseudopod
39. Which of the following are tiny beating hair-like structures that beat like tiny oars and allow a protist to
move or capture food?
A. cilia
C. pseudopod
B. flagella
D. paramecium
40. Which protist is unique because it contains chloroplasts that allow it to photosynthesize and also can
consume other organisms?
A. euglena
C. amoeba
B. paramecium
D. bacillus
41. Which of the following is the passing of traits from one generation to another?
A. heredity
C. genes
B. chromosomes
42. Which of the following is a structure, found in the nucleus, that contains genetic information (DNA)?
A. chromosome
C. genotype
B. trait
D. phenotype
43. Which is the physical expression of a gene?
A. phenotype
B. genotype
D. chromosome
44. Which of the following is a segment or section of a chromosome that determines one particular trait?
A. a gene
C. a phenotype
B. a genotype
D. a recessive trait
45. Which of the following is one gene that the offspring gets from each parent?
A. allele
C. recessive trait
B. chromosome
D. dominant trait
46. Which trait will be represented by capital letters and always expressed in the phenotype?
A. dominant
C. chromosome
B. recessive
D. allele
47. Which of the following is not a trait that can be passed from parent to offspring by inheritance?
A. hair type
C. eye color
B. face shape
D. speaking English
48. Which of the following is a recessive genotype?
A. Rr
B. rr
C. round seeds
D. oval seeds
49. Which is an example of a phenotype that can be inherited?
A. eye color
B. a broken bone
C. a scar
D. pink hair
50. Which of the following is a dominant genotype?
A. short
C. tall
B. tt
51. (T) is the dominant trait for tallness and (t) is the recessive trait for shortness. Which of the following
offspring will be short?
B. tT
C. tt
D. Tt
52. Below is a Punnett square:
What percentage will be purebred?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
53. If the two alleles for a trait are the same (TT or tt) the genotype is considered which of the following
A. purebred
B. hybrid
C. phenotype
D. gene
54. Below is a Punnett square:
What is the probability the offspring will be hybrid?
A. 0%
B. 25%
C. 50%
D. 75%
55. Below is a Punnett square:
What is the dominant phenotype?
A. brown eyes
B. blue eyes
C. Bb
D. bb
56. Below is a Punnett square:
What are the parents' genotypes
A. aa
C. Aa
D. aA
57. Which of the following would not be an example of an inherited trait in plants?
A. leaf shape
C. wilted leaves
B. flower color
D. shape of fruit
58. Which is not an environmental factor that could alter or change the phenotype of an organism?
A. temperature
C. nutrients
B. injuries
D. heredity
59. Which of the following is an acquired trait?
A. skin color
B. blood type
C. baldness
D. broken arm
60. Which of the following could not be acquired from the environment?
A. a tattoo
B. purple hair
C. a chipped tooth
D. green eyes