observing animal and plant cell under light

Today I am going to examine cell examples that are taken from the cheek and plant cell
under a light microscope. By this way I will be able to see the differences between animal
cell structure and plant cell structure.
I don’t expect to see any cell wall, chloroplast and large vacuole in animal cell, but I expect to
see only a cell membrane and centriole. For the plant cell I think I am going to see a cell wall,
vacuole and chloroplast.
 Plant
 Cheek cell sample
 Light microscope
 Slide
 Slip cover
 Methylene blue
 Iodine solution
 Pipette
Firstly, I took a light microscope by holding it from its arm and base. Then I took a sample
from my cheek and put it on to the slide. I dropped water on to the sample by using pipette.
As I wanted to see the sample clearly, I dropped out some methylene on to the slide and I
covered the slide with a slip cover. Finally, I placed the sample on the stage to examine the
cells. By using an ocular lens that has a magnification with 6 X and objective lenses with
10 X and 40 X. After I found the cell under the microscope I used objective lenses to get a
more clear and detailed seen. Lastly, I drew what I saw under the light microscope.
For the second time I observed a plant cell. I took a sample from a plant leaf. I dropped some
water on to the slide then I put the sample on it. After that I added iodine solution on to the
plant sample. Lastly, I covered slide with a slip cover and started to examine the cells by
using ocular lens that has a magnification with 6 X and objective lenses with 10 X and 40 X.
As I did in animal cell examination, I used ocular and objective lenses to get more clear and
detailed seen. Finally, I again drew what I saw under the light microscope.
As I stated in introduction part, I expected to see organelles inside the cells, but I could not
be able to see the organelles, because I used a light microscope in my experiment. For
animal cell, I was only being able to see the cells’ nucleus, membrane and cytoplasm. For the
plant cell, I only saw membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm and nucleus.
As a conclusion, I understood that I examined two eukaryotic cells.