ULEXITE [NaCaB5O6.8H2O]: An Extreme


.File: ulexite2014.doc. Monday, April-13-20

Copyright 1997-present – R.'m.R. AKA: " Recherche 'magineering Research" [to 2001). From 2001 on, by: Donald Aimé

Cléridan Bouffard, B.Sc.; F.G.A.C.; P.Geo. 839 Elder Rd. Kamloops, B.C., Canada. V2B-6K9


An Extreme Environmental Mineral.

A naturally occurring marvel.



Nature's Fiber-Optics.; aka.:

`TV Rock ’


Salt of the Earth - In a very pretty package.

35 %


13% BORON, (B.) a rare element.

It’s the 5 th Element actually…


Corridors of brilliant beams... Directed flashes of energy...

Mother Nature's fibre-optic mineral:

The crystal transports light in streams of silk; from one side to the other.

Made of 1000's of ULTRA-THIN fibres which transmit light. When placed on a printed page, words can be read on the top surface without distortion, giving the appearance of a television screen.

SEE-Thru? YES. NO.

Image is being sent from one side to the other, one-side only...

A phenomenal optical property that stuns anyone who has not seen it before.

Lightweight soft `fibre-optic channels', each thinner than a hair, neatly lined up in a `silver' row. Very pleasing to the eye...

Its "Crystal-Clear" History: HOW was it created ? ---

It all started with water... Lots of it, dropped off very quickly way up in the hills.

Flash floods thundering down into very hot, dry valleys in this case it was in

Death Valley California ... forming 'soda lakes' called Playas.

Rich in a rare element, Boron. Playas eventually dry up...

From the evaporating hot salty water, Mother Nature grew these silkysmooth strands of delicate fibreoptic mineral.

Historical: 20-

Mule Team…

Wheels are adult height !

Undisturbed, they took decades to crystallize. Low-tech, natural crystal growth in a very calm place (by definition if the crystals are to form at all).

Talk about Real-Time peace & quiet.-No 'Shake, Rattle &

Roll’ around here!

The lightweight crystal weighs in @ 35 % WATER... H



Clear as ice, although nowhere near as Cold! Yet it has the look and feel of ice … smooth and soft.

Ulexite, a crystalline mineral is actually a salt, made up of 13 % the 5 element. Yes, THE real 5 TH ELEMENT, like in legends, it actually exists. th

The name also starts wi th a `B’ as in `Mister B’., that’s me…

This light-weight 5 Th element in the Periodic Table is called


Do not DROP or SCRATCH. It is soft! Enjoy the delicate beauty that lies within.

Dropping will cause the crystal to crack or break apart into 1000's of shiny silver needles.

By now, the crystal should have warmed up... just being held by you. It’s the 35

% water (actual part of the crystal structure) that does it…

Check out the crystal's sides. Careful, No Nails ! Rub gently with clean fingertips.

Silky-smooth silver sheen...

Look thru the ends!

Cool view.

Commercial Fibre-Optics.

Fiber-optic cable employs photons for the transmission of digital signals across a strand of ultrapure silica (or plastic in some cases). Optical systems generally operate in the infrared light range. Photons pass through the cable with negligible resistance. The silica is so pure that, according to Michael Coden of Codenoll Technologies Corporation, a 3-mile-thick

window made of the purified silica would give you the same view as a 1/8-inch-thick glass window.

Figures illustrate the structure of fiber-optic cable. The core is the transparent silica (or plastic) through which the light travels. The cladding is a glass sheath that surrounds the core. The cladding acts like a mirror, reflecting light back into the core. The cladding itself is covered with a plastic coating and strength material when appropriate.

Enjoy! - Don Bouffard, just another scientist. A.K.A. Mister Bee / monsieur Bay.
