UNIT 6 TEST REVIEW “Why this type of government?” In what way

UNIT 6 TEST REVIEW “Why this type of government?”
1. In what way did the Magna Carta influence American Government?
2. In what specific way did the Petition of Rights influence American Government?
3. In what specific way did the English Bill of Rights influence American Government?
4. What was Thomas Hobbes specific philosophical belief?
5. In what way did Thomas Hobbes influence American Government?
6. What was John Locke specific philosophical belief?
7. In what way did John Locke influence American Government?
8. What was Charles Montesquieu specific philosophical belief?
9. In what way did Charles Montesquieu influence American Government?
10. What day and year was the Declaration of Independence officially approved?
11. What part of John Locke’s natural rights did Jefferson change in the Declaration of
12. How is Social Contract theory used in the Declaration of Independence?
13-16. Name and Define the Four parts of the Declaration of Independence?
17. What country were we declaring independence from?
18. What did the Federalists Want?
19. What did the Federalists write to convince the Anti-Federalists the constitution should be
20-21. The Bill Of Rights was a key concession to get the constitution ratified, name the three
reasons why a Bill Of Rights satisfied those needs?
22. What was Federalist essay number 10 about?
23. What was Federalist essay number 51 about?
24-29. Name the 6 purposes of the Constitution as outlined in the pre-amble.
Principles of the Constitution (DEFINE THE FOLLOWING)
30. Republicanism
31. Federalism
32. Separation of Powers
33. Checks and Balances
34. Rule of Law
Separation of Powers (DEFINE THE FOLLOWING)
35. Legislative
36. Executive
37. Judicial
38-40. Name three national powers
41-43. Name three state powers
44-47. Name four shared powers
48. What did Marbury vs. Madison establish?
49. Unitary System
50. Confederal System
51. Federal System
52. Oligarchic
53. Democratic
54. Presidential
55. Parliamentary