roosevelt 19th

Politics & Society Series:
Progressive Era, Part 1
Segment descriptions
Sampler – Politics & Society in 20th
Century America Series
Progressive Era, Part 1:
4’-5” (59’ lecture)
Teddy Roosevelt as the ”Trust Buster” – the image
and the reality.
play sampler
Prelude to the Progressive Era
Early U.S. Industrialization. In the latter Part
of 19th Century: the railroad builders, the
domination of the industrial giants. Amoral
free open competition, always striving for
monopoly. Not inventors but they understand
the market and its future direction. Time of
great corruption but also heroes.
The Labor Force. Immigration from eastern
Europe, generally despised but
needed. Development of the labor movement
due to poor working conditions. The legacy of
the Farmer's Movement and the Populist Party
The Progressive Era (1901 to 1917).
The assassination of McKinley in 1901 and
Theodore Roosevelt becomes
president is the beginning of the era. The U.S.
entry into the First World War in 1917 marks
the end.
A strong federal government is seen as
remedy against corrupt city political machines
and against the evils of laissez faire
Roosevelt reputation as "Trust Buster" is in
question. The difference between the rhetoric
and the reality.
His Anthracite Coal Strike intervention
credits him as champion of labor. In a larger
sense, the issue favored the big business
community. Really seen as paternalism.
Politics & Society Series:
Progressive Era, Part 1
Segment descriptions
Pure Food and Drug Act regulating food
production is response to Upton
Sinclair's, "The Jungle." The legislation is
watered down, actually squeezes out the
smaller competing companies.
The Age of Conservatism. The era is really a
partnership between business and
government, although big business is wary of
President Roosevelt. Roosevelt Promotes
Conservation, especially in the west. Yet
giants can benefit because of lack of
enforcement and decreased competition from
squeezing out of smaller companies
President William H. Taft (19031913). Lacks charisma compared to
Theodore Roosevelt, but is underappreciated.
Woodrow Wilson becomes president in
1912 because of split in Republican
ticket. Roosevelt, running as an independent,
comes in 2nd,and Taft, the incumbent, comes
in 3rd. Eugene Debbs gets 1,000,000 votes.
The mood of the electorate is reformist.
Wilson’s legislation. Lowers protective tariff,
enacts Federal Reserve Act for national
banking standards, the Clayton Act to toughen
the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. But these are
enforced by the Federal Trade Commission
whose members are appointed by the