Valor Academy Charter High School Non Native Spanish I, Non Native Spanish II, and Native Spanish II Instructor: Mr. Jesus Ramirez Email: Room: C401 Office Hours: Tuesdays / Wednesdays 3:35 – 4:25 p.m. Tutoring: Mondays 3:35 – 4:25 p.m. ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español! Valor Motto: Valor Academy prepares all scholars to become leaders who pursue excellence through integrity, justice and community. Through this preparation, VACHS ensures that all scholars have the opportunity to be accepted and succeed in the college of their choice. Course Descriptions: Non Native Spanish I: The emphasis of this course is on providing the student with basic first level communicative skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Emphasis is placed on acquisition of vocabulary, communication and grammar structures at the beginning level. Non Native Spanish II: The emphasis of this course is on providing the student with second level communicative skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Emphasis is placed on development of vocabulary, communication and grammar structures at the beginning/intermediate level. Native Spanish II (Pre-AP Spanish Language): The emphasis of this course is on providing the scholar with the fundamental knowledge needed to succeed in a pre-AP Spanish Language course or AP Spanish Language course next year. We will be focusing on level III and IV communicative skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing. Emphasis is placed on development of academic vocabulary, communication and grammar structures at the intermediate levels. Be ready to practice fluency, read for comprehension (in Spanish) and write narrative & expository paragraphs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Required Materials: For every class, students will be required to have at least two pencils, one eraser, one black pen, blue pen, and red pen, at least three highlighters, ONE BINDER, a Spanish-English dictionary (NonNative) or Spanish dictionary (Native) and loose-leaf lined paper (college-ruled). Valor Binder: In your Spanish Valor Binder you need to have 5 dividers. The Binder is to be organized in the following way: 1. Syllabus & Repaso (DO NOW) -- Scholars are expected to come in quietly, pick up Binder, and begin working on the DO NOW assignment. The assignment will be discussed five minutes into the class period. During this discussion, students are free to share or add to their writing and make necessary changes as they see fit. Warm- ups should be labeled appropriately by date (most recent on top). 2. Apuntes (NOTES) -- Scholars are expected to take notes during lectures and during class discussions. Note taking is an essential part of every class meeting. Class notes should be organized by date (most recent on top), labeled appropriately, and kept in the student binder as a reference. 3. Trabajo en clase (CLASSWORK) -- Scholars are expected to complete all class work assignments in class. Some assignments will be directly from the student textbook or handouts distributed by the teacher. Class work should be organized by date (most recent on top), labeled appropriately, and kept in the student notebook as a reference. 4. Pruebas / Examenes (QUIZZES & EXAMS) -- Scholars are expected to keep all quizzes, and exams in their notebooks. These will serve as an important study tool and will help the student keep track of his/her individual progress. 5. Fluidez y Reflexion (Fluency & Reflection) – Scholars are expected to improve reading fluency in Spanish class. Fluency tracker & passages will be in this section. Additionally, scholars will be asked from time to time to reflect on their student learning, including whether or not they met the objective for the day. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Expectations/Consequences: The Character Matrix will be used. The Spanish department loves to make positive phone calls home, so do your BEST! This is an honor. Entering/Exiting the Classroom: Enter the room quietly and professionally. Don’t be late. Remember, the DISMISSAL monitor and/or The Instructor dismisses you…not the bell, the clock or your watch. Exit with all of your materials quietly and professionally. Food: No food, drink, gum, or candy is allowed in class. If you wish to bring a treat to share with the class for a special occasion you must okay it with The Instructor at least one day in advance. Proper Heading: Anything turned in for grading must have a proper VACHS heading. This heading includes in the TOP - RIGHT hand corner in this order your name, the date, the class name and YOUR SEAT NUMBER. The title should be centered at the top. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jobs: Every two to four weeks, new jobs will be assigned to new seat numbers. Usually two scholars per period will be assigned one job in case one scholar is unable to perform his/her job. As a scholar and part of the VACHS Spanish Community, you may be assigned any of the following jobs: 1. Time Managers: Announce that 5 minutes are left in the period. Respectfully reminds teacher so that Fluency & Reflection can begin. 2. Character Monitors: Using the IPAD MINI, scholars will take direction from The Instructor to record PRAISES & CHECKS. Accuracy and attention to detail is absolutely essential to perform this job. Take this job VERY seriously. 3. Dismissal Monitors: When 1 minute is left in the period, dismissal monitors will dismiss sections to put BINDERS back. Criteria: Groups must be straight, area must be clean, and students must be prepared to be dismissed (no talking). 4. Homework Monitors: Stamp, collect and distribute homework. You may also be asked to return other student work as well as pass out or collect other types of papers during class time. 5. Board Monitors: Erase Board after class (ask if you do not know what to erase and what to leave up). 6. Book Monitors: Distributes and collects textbooks. 7. Absence Monitor: Ensures that all handouts for missing scholar are collected and placed on the absence board for the scholar to collect. Name of absent scholar is to be written on top of stapled packet. Emails: Please email your instructor with any homework questions. Be sure to put your name in the subject line and period. Please be sure that all emails are sent before 8 p.m. each night. You are not guaranteed a response if sent after that time. Please be professional when writing emails. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grading Points & Policy: Letter Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CNP Percentage 98-100% 93-97% 90-92% 88-89% 83-87% 80-82% 78-79% 73-77% 70-72% Below 70% Meaning A student earning an A in a course is consistently demonstrating advanced levels of mastery with the content standards. A student earning a B in a course is consistently demonstrating proficiency with the content standards. A student earning a C in a course is consistently demonstrating basic competency with the content standards. A student earning less than 70% in a course is not yet demonstrating a basic level of mastery with the content standards and needs to demonstrate mastery of the standards before credit will be earned. Grade Breakdown: 45% Summative Assessments (Quizzes & Unit Tests) 15% Midterm Exam 20% Final Exam 10% Classwork 10% Homework Textbooks: Non Native Spanish I: Realidades I (Prentice Hall) Non Native Spanish II: Realidades II (Prentice Hall) Native Spanish II: Encuentros Maravillosos (Prentice Hall) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rules and Procedures: a. Retaking Assessments: At VACHS, we value excellence, and in this pursuit of excellence, students are allowed to retake assessments for higher scores if they so choose. 10th graders are allowed to retake 2 assessments (quizzes, tests, or projects) per semester. However, the student must attend 2 sessions of the teacher’s office hours, and the student must schedule these sessions. During Session A, the student must study according to the teacher’s directions. During Session B, the student will retake the assessment. b. Late Work: In order to succeed as leaders in high school, college, and life, students must learn the importance of meeting deadlines and being responsible for their actions. Thus, if the student was present on the day the assignment was given, no late work will be accepted except in the case of a family emergency. The student will receive a 0% on the missing assignment. c. Absent Policy: If a student misses class for any reason, all work must be completed and turned in to the teacher within 7 days of the missing assignment. For example, if the student was absent on a Tuesday, the student must turn in all make-up work by the following Tuesday. Academic Dishonesty: VACHS holds students to the highest standards of academic integrity. We accept no excuses when it comes to cheating. Any students caught cheating will receive a 0 on the assignment and a parent conference will be scheduled. Cheating will not be tolerated as it violates our HONOR CODE. Any student(s) caught helping others cheat by sharing work or answers will also suffer the same consequences. Bathroom: VACHS bathroom policy will be followed in this course. Be sure to use breaks & lunch for the restroom. You are in High School! Scholar Signature: __________________________________ Date: _________________________ Scholar’s Printed Name: ____________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________________ Parent / Guardian’s Printed Name: _____________________________________________________