Washington Township Municipal Building

Washington Township Municipal Building
185 Manors Road
Elizabethville PA 17023
June 16, 2015
The regular meeting of the Washington Township Board of Supervisors was held at the above place and
Chairman, Rick Stence called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a
moment of silence.
Board Members Present:
Fred Shetterly
Benjamin Brown
James Watson
Rick Stence
Ron Strohecker
Administrators and Others Present:
Donna Sitlinger - Board Secretary
Robert Crabb - Roadmaster
Citizens – 2
Chairman, Rick Stence called for public comments.
Fern Smith commented she is so pleased with the recycling bins, but last week she was shocked to see an
enormous box full of hard covered books that someone left on the outside of the bins.
The minutes of the Board of Supervisors June 2, 2015 regular meeting were approved as presented by
motion of Supr. Watson, second by Supr. Strohecker. Motion carried.
General Fund:
Street Light Fund:
Liquid Fuels Fund:
A motion was made by Supr. Shetterly to approve the payment of the invoices, second by Supr. Watson.
Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
Review Proposed Amendments to Zoning Ordinance:
The Board of Supervisors continued review of the Planning Commission’s proposed amendments to
Chapter 27 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Village District (V)
§27-1001 Motion by Supr. Brown to delete maintain the Township’s rural character surrounding the
village areas; ensure that new land uses within villages are compatible and in character with existing uses
and preserve and enhance historical and natural features within the villages, second by Supr. Stence. Roll
Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (no) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (no) Motion carried.
§27-1002 (B) Consensus of Board of Supervisors not to amend. (E) Motion by Supr. Brown to delete,
second by Supr. Stence. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson
(yes) Motion carried. J through Q Motion by Supr. Brown to add the permitted uses as proposed with the
exception of Agricultural, horticultural and forestry uses, including the raising, breeding and grazing of
animals provided that any lot intended to raise livestock be a minimum of two acres, second by Supr.
Shetterly. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion
§27-1005 Motion by Supr. Brown to delete entire section, second by Supr. Shetterly. Roll Call Vote:
Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried
§27-1006 Consensus of Board of Supervisors not to amend.
Definitions: Yard, Front A motion by Supr. Stence to delete covered porches whether enclosed or
unenclosed, shall be considered as part of the main building and shall not project into a required front
yard, second by Supr. Brown. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (no) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes)
Watson (no) Motion carried. Yard Rear and Yard Side A motion was made by Supr. Stence to approve
deleting A building shall not extend into the required rear yard and a building shall not extend into the
required side yards, second by Supr. Brown. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes)
Brown (yes) Watson (no) Motion carried.
It was noted the Board will begin review of Part 12 through 13 during the next board meeting.
Cash Advance Authority:
A discussion was held on what method could be utilized for the successful collection of delinquent sewer
authority accounts. It was also noted the Authority needs to replace a second pump. After discussion, it
was the consensus of the Board of Supervisors to ask a representative from the authority board to attend the
next board meeting to discuss options for collection. Secretary Sitlinger was asked to contact PSATS in
regards to methods of delinquent collections. A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve the
Washington Township Authority request of a $4800 cash advance and ask an authority representative to
attend the next board meeting, second by Supr. Stence. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes)
Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
Establish meeting dates July-Dec:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve Board meetings the first and third Tuesday of the month
July-Dec, with the exception of the first Tuesday in November, the meeting will be held on Thursday,
November 5, 2015, second by Supr. Shetterly. Motion carried.
2014 OLDS Maintenance Program:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve to mail a certified letter notifying the property owner of
parcel number 66-9-5-1 of their final notice to comply with the 2014 on lot disposal sewage pump out
requirement, second by Supr. Watson. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown
(yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
Advertise Paving Project:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve advertising to accept bids for the paving project budgeted
for this year, second by Supr. Strohecker. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes)
Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
A motion was made by Supr. Stence to approve mailing a certified letter to the property owner of parcel
66-16-28 with the amendment to the letter as suggested, second by Supr. Strohecker. Motion carried.
Secretary Sitlinger reported PennDOT has completed their evaluation of the costs of the last winter season
services and has notified the Township that they can expect to be reimbursed an additional $2005.18.
Supr. Stence and Strohecker plan to attend the Dauphin County Police Regionalization Committee meeting
that will be held on June 23rd at the Middle Paxton Township Building.
June 16, 2015
Supr. Brown reported today was the final day to bid on the generator on the municibid website. The
reserve was not met and the generator was not sold. Supr. Brown will contact the municipality and
inquire if the generator is still available and if they would accept an offer from us.
Supr. Watson announced the next COG meeting is a dinner meeting at the Carsonville Firehouse.
Road Crew Report:
Roadmaster Crabb advised he recently contacted a representative at Wal-Mart to ask them to repair the
collapsed road on top of a sewer line on State Drive.
Upper Dauphin Area School District:
Supr. Stence announced the Upper Dauphin School Board will hold a public hearing on June 25th
beginning 6PM in reference to the tax swap proposal.
No report.
Chairman, Rick Stence called for public comments.
In reference to the discussion held earlier this evening on the proposed zoning amendment review, Robert
Straub commented he feels two acres is too much for a lot size.
Supervisors: Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Planning Commission: Monday, July 13, 2015
Authority: Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Recreation Board: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 (8 PM)
All meetings, unless otherwise indicated, are held at the municipal building and begin at 7 PM.
There being no further business, Supr. Strohecker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Supr.
Shetterly. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Sitlinger
June 16, 2015