Washington Township Municipal Building

Washington Township Municipal Building
185 Manors Road
Elizabethville PA 17023
September 2, 2014
The regular meeting of the Washington Township Board of Supervisors was held at the above place and
Chairman, James Watson called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Board Members Present:
Ron Strohecker
James Watson
Benjamin Brown
Fred Shetterly
Rick Stence
Administrators and Others Present:
Donna Sitlinger - Board Secretary
Joseph Kerwin, Esq. – Board Solicitor
Citizens – 2
Chairman, James Watson called for public comments, with no response.
The minutes of the Board of Supervisors August 19, 2014 regular meeting were approved as presented by
motion of Supr. Strohecker, second by Supr. Brown. Motion carried.
General Fund:
$ 6,808.41
Liquid Fuels Fund:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve the payment of the invoices, second by Supr. Shetterly.
Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
There was no old business to discuss.
Comcast Electronic Funds Transfer Agreement:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve executing the Comcast agreement to receive electronic
submission of statement and funds of franchise fee payments, second by Supr. Stence. Motion carried.
Public Record Destruction:
A motion was made by Supr. Stence to authorize the disposition of Township records as set forth in the
Municipal Records Manual approved December 16, 2008, second by Supr. Strohecker. The specific
Township records approved to be destroyed are attached to Resolution 2014-30. Motion carried. It was
noted the records will be taken to the Dauphin County Recycling Center to be shredded.
2015 Budget:
The Board will begin review of the 2015 budget at their October 7th meeting.
Fall Cleanup/Newsletter:
A motion was made by Supr. Strohecker, second by Supr. Shetterly, to approve to hold Fall Cleanup Day
on Saturday, October 11th from 8am to 3 pm; obtain quotes for 3-30 cu yd roll off containers; advertise fall
cleanup one week in the Upper Dauphin Sentinel; and grant approval to employee, Cole Long, to receive
any items that he can recycle. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Stence (yes) Brown (yes)
Watson (yes) Motion carried.
2015 Pension Plan Minimum Municipal Obligation:
To satisfy the legal requirements of Act 205, Secretary Sitlinger informed the Board of the Township’s
expected financial obligation for the 2015 municipal pension plan cost.
Energy Savings Programs:
The Board reviewed correspondence pertaining to energy saving improvements from Lenape Solar. After
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to accept the invitation from Lenape Solar to conduct an audit
on the lighting in the township building at no cost. The Board also reviewed a news article advising
Dauphin County is pursuing a county-wide energy savings plan and will be approaching every municipality
in the county.
Annual Township Convention:
Reservations must be received by September 25th for anyone interested in attending the Annual Township
Convention to be held at the West Hanover Township Recreation Center.
At 7:31pm, Supr. Watson made a motion to retire to Executive Session to discuss a personal matter, second
by Supr. Strohecker. Motion carried.
Chairman Watson called the meeting back to order at 7:43pm.
No report.
No report.
Supr. Brown will work on a spec sheet for the purchase of a generator.
Supr. Watson announced COG meets in two weeks at the Ned Smith Center.
Road Crew Report:
Supr. Watson reported the new John Deere Compact Utility Tractor was delivered and advised
Roadmaster Crabb would like to hold on to the John Deere 1070 tractor for the present time, and list on
the municibid website for public bid in the future.
Supr. Watson advised back in 2009, the Board of Supervisors prohibited Township employees and
elected officials from participating in the public bidding regarding the sale of Township equipment. Supr.
Watson asked the Board members for their thoughts to change the policy and allow employees and
elected officials to participate.
September 2, 2014
After consideration, a motion was made by Supr. Stence that there be no restriction on who may bid in an
open bid forum, second by Supr. Brown. Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (no) Stence (yes)
Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried. Resolution 2014-31
No report.
Chairman, James Watson called for public comments, with no response.
Planning Commission: Monday, September 8, 2014
Authority: Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Supervisors: Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Recreation Board: Wednesday, September 17, 2014 (8 PM)
All meetings, unless otherwise indicated, are held at the municipal building and begin at 7 PM.
There being no further business, Supr. Strohecker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Supr.
Shetterly. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Sitlinger
September 2, 2014