Washington Township Municipal Building

Washington Township Municipal Building
185 Manors Road
Elizabethville PA 17023
October 7, 2014
The regular meeting of the Washington Township Board of Supervisors was held at the above place and
Chairman, James Watson called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Board Members Present:
Fred Shetterly
Benjamin Brown
Ron Strohecker
James Watson
Board Members Absent:
Rick Stence
Administrators and Others Present:
Donna Sitlinger - Board Secretary
Joseph Kerwin, Esq. – Board Solicitor
Robert Crabb – Roadmaster
Laverne Brown – Chairman, WT Planning Commission
Joshua Brown – WT Planning Commission
Citizens – 3
Chairman, James Watson called for public comments.
Laverne Brown questioned how the rate was determined for the fee charged to commercial and residential
applicants requesting a Zoning Hearing.
The minutes of the Board of Supervisors September 16, 2014 regular meeting were approved as presented
by motion of Supr. Shetterly, second by Supr. Brown. Motion carried.
General Fund:
Liquid Fuels Fund:
A motion was made by Supr. Brown to approve the payment of the invoices, second by Supr. Strohecker.
Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
There was no old business to discuss.
Floodplain Mgt. Workshop:
The Dauphin County Conservation District is presenting a Floodplain Management Workshop on
Wednesday, October 29th.
Volunteer Fire Relief Association Allocation:
The 2014 Commonwealth allocation supporting the Volunteer Fire Relief Association in the amount of
$15,278.39 was deposited to the Township bank account on September 26, 2014. A motion was made by
Supr. Brown to forward the allocation to the Volunteer Fire Relief Association, second by Supr. Shetterly.
Roll Call Vote: Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
Municipal Pension State Aid Allocation:
The 2014 Commonwealth allocation for the Municipal Pension System State Aid of $7,323.52 was
deposited to the Township bank account on September 26, 2014. The pension plan invoice for 2014 is
$7,424.00. The difference to be paid from the General Fund is $100.48. A motion was made by Supr.
Strohecker to approve payment of the pension plan invoice, second by Supr. Shetterly. Roll Call Vote:
Shetterly (yes) Strohecker (yes) Brown (yes) Watson (yes) Motion carried.
On-Lot Sewer Issue:
At the direction of the Board from the last meeting, Ron Stephens visited the Taylor property and provided
a written opinion to the Board. Mr. Stephens advised it is a private matter, although the Board could offer
to send a letter to Wal-Mart requesting they respond to Mr. Taylor’s repeated requests. After discussion on
this matter, a motion was made by Supr. Brown to forward a letter to Wal-Mart asking they please respond
to Mr. Taylor’s request, second by Supr. Shetterly. Motion carried.
Letter of Support:
At the September COG meeting, Upper Paxton Township asked the local municipalities to contact the
Director of Dauphin County Solid Waste Management & Recycling to ask for the County’s support in
funding a used forklift to be used at Upper Paxton’s monthly Electronics Recycling Event. After brief
discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to forward a letter of support to the County on behalf of Upper
Paxton Township.
2015 Budget:
Draft 1 of the 2015 proposed budget was presented to the Board for review.
Solicitor Kerwin reported the Township was able to purchase a small lot from Vicki’s Valley Inn.
A conditional use application was filed by Melvin Lapp proposing an Organic Poultry Layer House. Ron
Stephens visited the site today and recommended since the foundation is already there and the building was
not non-conforming, his ruling would be Mr. Lapp does not need to apply for a Conditional Use. After
consideration, a motion was made by Supr. Brown agreeing with Mr. Stephens ruling that Mr. Lapp does
not need to apply for a conditional use, second by Supr. Strohecker. Motion carried.
Solicitor Kerwin advised a copy of an application for transfer of liquor license was provided to the
Parks & Recreation:
Supr. Watson reported fall ball is still going on at the Loyalton Park.
Supr. Watson commented various officials attended the Dauphin County Annual Township Convention
held at the West Hanover Township Recreation Center last Thursday evening.
Road Crew Report:
Roadmaster Crabb reported the contractor completed the seal coat road project on Feidt and Botts Road.
Roadmaster Crabb updated the Board on the construction progress of the salt storage building currently
October 7, 2014
Roadmaster Crabb reported he recently received a PA One Call request for a lumber cut in the mountain
at the end of Bickle Crossing Road. Roadmaster Crabb expressed his concerns of the trucks damaging
the road with the hauling out of heavy logs and the possibility of creating additional water run-off issues
for the development. Roadmaster Crabb advised he is consulting with the Dauphin County Conservation
District on this matter. Roadmaster Crabb asked the Board if the Township should consider adopting an
ordinance for the bonding of roads to make trucking companies responsible to repair damages they incur.
In reference to a chicken house recently constructed on Locust Road, Roadmaster Crabb advised in
physically looking at the chicken house and after reviewing the plans, it looks totally different. Either his
measurements are wrong, but it appears the majority of the chicken house is in Washington Township.
Roadmaster Crabb reported he spoke with the engineer who drafted the plans to inquire how they
determine where the township boundary line is located. Roadmaster Crabb commented the Washington
Township side of Locust Road is taking the brunt of the heavy trucks delivering to the chicken house.
After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that it may be worth checking into.
A brief discussion was held on considering adopting an ordinance for bonding of roads as there are a lot
of timbering possibilities in Washington Township.
Roadmaster Crabb asked the Board if they would consider hiring Sam Gentile on a regular part time
basis, with no benefits. Sam currently is hired as a snow plow operator and was approved by the Board
earlier this year to help out with road projects on an as needed basis. After consideration of the
Roadmaster’s need for an additional employee, it was the consensus of the Board that they would be in
favor of hiring Sam on a regular part time basis at the prior wage approved, with no benefits offered.
Reliance Hose Company No. 1:
Supr. Watson noted the Fire Chief’s Report for September was received.
Washington Township Authority:
Supr. Shetterly reported the Authority Solicitor will be attending the Authorities next meeting to provide
legal advice on the possibility of entering into an agreement with the Loyalton Water Association.
No report.
Chairman, James Watson called for public comments.
Tom Billow, Supervisor from Mifflin Township stated he was on a fact finding mission to inquire who are
township utilizes for state code building inspector. A lengthy discussion and question period was held on
this matter.
Fall Cleanup: Saturday, Oct. 11, 2014 – 8AM – 3PM
Authority: Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014
Recreation Board: Wednesday, Sept. 17, 2014 (8 PM)
Supervisors: Tuesday, Oct. 7, 2014
Trick or Treat Night: Thursday, Oct. 30, 2014 (6-8PM)
Planning Commission: Monday, Nov. 3, 2014
All meetings, unless otherwise indicated, are held at the municipal building and begin at 7 PM.
October 7, 2014
There being no further business, Supr. Strohecker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Supr.
Shetterly. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:27PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Sitlinger
October 7, 2014