PETITION TO TAKE COURSES AT ANOTHER INSTITUTION FOR WATSON SCHOOL UNDERGRADUATES at BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY, Binghamton, NY LAST NAME ______________________ FIRST NAME _____________________ MI ______ STUDENT B-NUMBER _____________________________ DATE OF BIRTH_______________________ MAJOR____________ Local/Campus Address__________________________________________ and E-mail ___________________________________________ Home/Permanent Address________________________________________________ Local Phone_________________________________________ Home Phone_____________________________________ ________________________________________________ NOTES: 1. 2. 3. Watson School students must petition all courses they intend to complete at other institutions. Fill out all information requested. Provide a catalog description for each course. ◄◄◄ Take the completed petition to: a) Your department chairperson or faculty adviser for his/her signature. Department signature is NOT needed for N, P, H, A, G or Body/Wellness – only needed for Math, Science, CS, & Engineering. b) The Watson School Advising Office, EB Area H for signature and distribution. After you complete the course, have an official transcript sent to the Admissions Office, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6001. 4. Institution Course Number Title Sem. Hrs. Requirement to be Satisfied (course equivalency) Expected Dates of Attendance semester/year Signature of approval By Dept. Chairperson or Faculty Adviser Watson Advising Approval:_____________________________________________ Date Processed:________________________ Comments:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ White Copy: Dept. Student’s File 12/09 Pink Copy: Watson Advising Office Yellow & Gold Copies: To student (one may be used as proof of permission at other institution)