Watford Grammar School for Boys Philosophy, Religion and Ethics Scheme of Work Title: Ethics and values Year group: 7 Term: summer Weeks: 14 Key skill areas (related to levels for assessment): meaning and purpose Resources: Themes to inspire 1 Learning objectives How do we know right from wrong? Lesson content What is our conscience? How do we know if something is good or bad? Religious views of the conscience Possible activities What makes What do we something good mean by good? Homework ICT Find out n/a what 3 other people in your family or friends think about what the conscience is What does good mean Produce a n/a to you? What does dictionary Look at picture on pg 59 – what does conscience mean? Match the Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim and Christian view of conscience. What does conscience mean to you? 1 SMRC Our views Right wrong Honesty Good Literacy Resources Matching Page 58 - 61 and Key words – conscience, right, wrong, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu Fact file Pg 62/3 Key words: Jewish, What do religions think we mean by good? Religious views What do Sikhs, on issues Muslims, Christians and Buddhists teach about key ethical issues? What is a moral What is a moral dilemma? dilemma? What factors need to be taken into account good mean to your neighbour? Show different images from different ways of life – a city trader, an Aborigine, a school girl, a beggar. Discuss what good means to them. Read page 62/3 and produce fact file on Jewish, Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist views of good Using page 64 and 65 as a basis students research either Sikh views of how we treat others, Muslims views of fighting, Buddhist views of alcohol and drugs, and Christian views of how we treat others. Students prepare a class presentation on one of these issues listed above. Read moral dilemma on pg. 70. In groups – what would you do? Present ideas. Brainstorm what of key words to do with good Key words – ahimsa, greed, wisdom, respect, 10 command ments, honesty Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, good Research presentatio Ethical issues one other ns religious view of the use of alcohol and drugs Presentations Pg 64/5 Key words: Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh, fighting, alcohol, drugs, others, ethical issues Write 1 – 2 n/a paragraphs about a moral dilemma Key words: moral, Pg 70/1, 74/5 dilemma, factors 2 Moral dilemmas when solving a moral dilemma? The Golden Rule What is the Golden Rule? How do different religions interpret the Golden Rule? Revision lesson Prepare for the end of year exam Exam week The 10 What are the 10 Commandments Commandments? How can they solve moral dilemmas? affects you solving a moral dilemma T/F – what is a moral dilemma? you have had and how you solved it and why you solved it that way. n/a Define in general ‘the Start revising for golden rule’ In pairs take two of the exams interpretations on page 66/67 and decide what it means and then explain to the class. Use the case study on 70 and discuss how the golden rule would be applied to it. n/a Presentations from Revision different groups on one of the topics done this year. Brainstorm everything they remember Quiz Jeopardy Give one boy one each of the commandments and they write down what it means to them. Do you n/a agree with the 10 command ments? 3 How we treat Interpretation Pg. 66/7 others Definitions Key words: Golden Rule, interpretations, others Revision n/a Use revision guide on Mood Moral dilemmas Key words: moral, http://www.topmarks.co.uk dilemma, 10 http://www.the-ten-comma commandments What do we What does love mean by love, justice and justice and forgiveness forgiven? mean? Religious views What do the of love Western faiths teach about love? Using the dilemmas on pg 74, 5 which 10 commandment would you use for each one. Brainstorm how the 10 commandments affect people’s decisions? Brainstorm what love, justice and forgiveness means Come up with class definitions for each word. What are the problems with each word? Produce a short play where love, justice and forgiveness are present Using page 80 and 79 prepare posters on either Christian, Jewish or Muslim views of love Produce informative leaflets on western views of love Out of the three views of love, which do you agree with most and least? Some, all or none of them? Why? Research Homework Hindu research views of love Love, justice, Definitions Pg 78 – 87 forgiveness Key words: love, justice, forgiveness In groups, Homework Love they are to presentatio prepare ns presentatio ns either Elizabeth Fry, Gandhi or Bhimrao Ambedkar They should be researchin g their lives and how 4 Leaflets Pg 80/1 Key words: Western, love Justice – How did Elizabeth Fry, Elizabeth Fry, Gandhi and Gandhi and Bhimrao Bhimrao Ambedkar Ambedkar fight for justice? Forgiveness – Should people the story of forgive? Stephen Look at the Lawrence, 9/11 stories of Stephen Lawrence and 9/11. What happened with each and peoples responses. they fought for justice. Homework presentations Write a Presentatio Justice summary ns of one of the people you did not research Articles Forgiveness Read through Should http://www.stephenla 9/11 have been wrence.org.uk/aboutforgiven? us/stephens-story/ outlining Stephen’s Why? story. Read through http://www.bbc.co.uk /newsround/14854813 about 9/11 and what happened In groups, discuss this article and whether Stephen’s mum should or shouldn’t forgive http://www.theguardi an.com/uk/2012/jan/0 5/doreen-lawrencestephen Watch http://www.voanews. com/content/article911-victims-motherexpresses-forgiveness5 Presentations Key words; justice, Elizabeth Fry, Gandhi and Bhimrao Ambedkar Articles Key words: forgiveness, Stephen Lawrence, Doreen Lawrence, 9/11 Pg 82 - 85 http://www.theguardian.co http://www.voanews.com/ years-after-129804118/1748 http://www.bbc.co.uk/new http://www.stephenlawren Debate Based on all the work that they have done prepare and do a debate: This house believes that we should always forgive 10-years-after129804118/174865.ht ml - should they have forgiven 9/11? Based on all the work that n/a they have done prepare and do a debate: This house believes that we should always forgive 6 Behaviour policy Behaviour Key words: school, conduct, rules, forgive